Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 278 Enigma's Breakthrough

And how did he do so? He nurtured a broken son, who became the strongest among the third batch. Strong enough to fight toe to toe with those from the second batch.

And with his son's attainments, he did manage to become stronger, but people doubted whether a realm beyond that realm really existed. And he, himself, never admitted it.

He just claimed to have seen a Breakthrough, but vanished years later. And following his departure, Enigma's father took over the family, becoming one of the strongest beings within their Verse.

It was also the reason why he didn't bare any grudges at all with them. With how fast he was getting strong, he knew his parents were getting even stronger.

Plus, his sister should be stronger than him now, meaning that they were already unstoppable even before he began this journey. His parents should be beyond Ancient Gods by now... or even the Prince of Desolation.

But even then, they also departed, leaving the family to his sister. Who grew strong by leaps and bounds and left the family to him.... yeah, he believed he was next, but he didn't want to leave Mystica and Misty alone.

"Well... this was bound to happen at one point. And, isn't it happening now?" He sighed, and suddenly realized that he could see. His eyesight was back, and his silver hair was now silver-gray, mostly gray though.

"Papaaaaaa!!! Jade was worriiiieeed. Waaaa!!" The little girl finally stopped using her Mystery-enhanced Laws, which came as natural as flowing water, and jumped into his embrace.

"Hm... papa is sorry, okay? Papa won't leave you ever again... I promise, so don't cry." Enigma hugged her and gently rubbed her head with a warm smile.

"Waaaaaa!!!" The little girl unfortunately broke down into tears even more, and held into him even tighter, as if afraid that he might leave once again.

'Hey, if I'm not wrong, you were definitely excited a moment ago. But we both should know that this little ordeal shouldn't really make me turn back on my words.' He thought, as he doubted why the system was so happy earlier.

Something must have happened!!

"Of course, because I know that... you'll definitely regret this"

'Hm?' He suddenly had a bad premonition of what was to come due to the system's smugness. And his premonition was spot on, well not really, but close.

"You have experienced the wondrous state of "Oneiric Reality" and manifested your soul onto the material plane"

"Due to your excessive use of your soul's Innate powers, the fusion of your body and soul has hastened"

"Your feelings have been augmentated. Your emotions have been augmentated. Your existence within this Reality has loosened"

"Due to your wondrous state, you have mastered the Divine Skills, "Nigh-Omnificence Genesis", "Infinite Mind", "Mass Processing", "Nigh-Omnipresence", "Domain Expansion", "Domain Sanction" and "Inter-Dimensional Travel""

"Due to your wondrous state, you have mastered the ???? Skills, "Realm Creation", "Realm: Dreamscape" and "Absolute Force Sovereign""

"Due to your wondrous state and Interdimensional Physiology, you have obtained the "Dimensional" Law"

"You have recieved the following skills, "Parallel Awareness", "Personal Dimension" and "Dimensional Lord""

"You have become one of the Dimensional Gods of the infinite realms"


Enigma was shocked to silence. He was so shocked that he forgot to respond for quite a long time. And that was not the end, as if the system was just giving him time to rest, or playing with his emotional state, the bombardment continued.

"Due to your high attainment in Dimensions, your "Inter-Dimensional Physiology" and your wondrous state, you have comprehended the "Time" True Law, and gained a couple of Divine Skills"

"Your "Dimensional Space" and "Reality Time" have become in-tune and transcended their limitations. You can now comprehend two Laws to Master Level"

"Your currently attained skills have combined with your in-tune Laws. You have attained the Divine+ Skills "Spatial-Temporal Lock", "Space-Time Distortion" and "Boundary Sovereign""

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"Your multi-Subconsciousness has comprehended the newly recieved Laws. You have gained the following Divine Skills "Reincarnation",..."

"Your Subconsciousness has broken down all recieved Extra and Unique Skills. You have obtained forty-five "Skill Evolution: Divine" chances"

"Due to your wondrous state, and loosened restrictions of Reality, you have increased the Skill Qoutation of all your Skills"

"...Domino effect?" Was the only question he could ask. He also waited a bit more, to verify if the system was still playing more tricks on him or not.

After waiting for a long while, and putting Jade, who had fallen asleep in his embrace down on the bed, he still didn't recieve anything else and sighed in relief.

"I'd check the template first if I were you"

The system said. He flinched back instinctively, afraid that it was more notifications about Skills and Mysteries. Luckily for him, it wasn't anything that great yet.

So, he summoned his Template.


"Told ya"

Enigma was never prepared for what his Template looked like after what just occurred. Not even in a million years.


True God Template

Name: Enigma Mystique

Age: 186 (18)

Status: Healthy

Reincarnation: ~~~

Cultivation: Rank 4 Genuine True God [75/75]

Faith Points: 01 023,42

Faith Power: 010 867

Faith Essence: 043 472



Reiki: 80 Trillion units (÷1×10²²)

Mundane Divinity(11): Rabbit God, God of Thunder, God Maker, Personification of Divinity, Ancient Battle God, Colossal Slayer, Pale God, Lesser Ragnarok, God of Dimensions, Dream God, Nightmare Abomination

Unique Divinity(10): False Reality, Universal Behemoth, Unfathomable, God of Charm, God of Abominations, Dragon God of Fortune, Elemental God, Binary Child, Boundary Master, Spatial-Temporal Lord

Ultimate Divinity(1): Anti-God

Main Divinity(3): Judge of Living Being's Fate, The Lord, Father of Primordial Life and Jade Reincarnation

Law Fragments(1): R9-Pure Nature

True Law(40): [Fate: 45%]*  [Tribulation: 25%]  [Chaos: 25%]**  [Wind: 25%]*  [Illusion: 25%]  [Aura: 25%]  [Water: 25%]*  [Boundary: 25%]**  [Gravity: 25%]  [Fire: 25%]*  [Void: 25%]**  [Darkness: 25%]*  [Light: 25%]*  [Stars: 25%]  [Grandiose: 25%]  [Thunder: 25%]  [Creation: 25%]**  [Divinity: 25%]**  [Falsity: 25%]  [Battle: 25%]  [Collosal: 25%]  [Reiki: 25%]**  [Unfathomable: 25%]**  [Charm: 25%]  [Abomination: 25%]  [Fortune: 25%]**  [Anti: 25%]**  [Judgement: 25%]  [Law: 25%]**  [Binary: 25%]**  [Destiny: 45%]**  [Knowledge: 0%]  [Soul: 0%]**  [Dreams: 1%]**  [Nightmares: 1%]**  [Reality: 1%]  [Health: 0%]  [Reincarnation: 0%]**  [Dimensions: 1%]  [Time: 1%]*



Bloodline: Progenitor of Divinity (???)

Constitution: None

Physique: Innate Adaptation (???)

Providence(6): Fantasy Verse (Zenith), Primordial Elemental(Fantasy), The Miracle (???), Haki Manifestation(Unique), Spiritual Manifestation(Unique), Prognitor of Existence(Fantasy)

Artifacts(4): Fate - Series(???), Serenity(Lost), ????(Ruin), Khaos(Lost)

Resources(10): Orb of Divinity(×3), Skill Evolution: Divine(×100), Lesser God Fragment(×1), Shard of Flowing Blood(×1), Blood River(×1), Dreamweaver Fragment(×1), Empty Divine Vessel(×1), Eye of Sphinx(×1), Supreme Divine Blood(×1), Rainbow Phoenix Feather(×3), Bone of Traverse(×1)


Offspring(5): Jade(Godlin), Diey(Godlin), Noctis(Godlin), Michu(Godlin), Michelle(Godlin), ???(Godlin)

Overall Boost: +1,16 Billion%(Laws) +1 000 True%(Domain)

Pantheon Boost: 100% + 2 250% (Enigma)

Divine Power Reserves: 280 Octillion units

Faith Discount: 75%

Fragments: 31 311 (365/month)

Shards: 0



ADVANCED DIVINE ARTS: .Transcendental Physiology.... +25 more


EXTRA SKILLS: Karmic Seal.... +36 more

UNIQUE SKILLS[50]: Weightless.... +45 more

UNIQUE SKILL TREES[40]: Metaphysical Senses+.... +17 more

DIVINE SKILLS[30]: Casual Link.... +96 more

DIVINE SKILL TREES[25]: Omni-Combat Lord++.... +14 more

??? SKILLS[5]: Master of Primal Epics.... +5 more



MAIN MISSIONS(3): Conspiracy of The Gods(S), Journey of New Beginnings(SSS+), Child of Drakness(???)

SUB-MISSIONS(7): Lost King(), Pushing Back The Gods(), Purging Gods(), Disrupting A Conspiracy(), Becoming Gods(), A Healthy Protagonist(A+), Peace(S)


"...Just the "+90 more" alone, is giving me a headache." That was the first thing he complained about, and he had no choice but to mention it. Because it was just too much!!

But he still went through his Template with interest, and he realized that he really did get overly powerful. Enough to one shot Gods... oh, he could do that even before.

But now, he definitely wasn't afraid of fighting Transcendentals anymore. He also realized that the quotations had increased, but it was not enough even then.

His Missions and Submissions aside, the materials he had were also there, along with an increase in his Fragments and the number he could get per month.

He also realized that every 1% for a Master Law increased his reserves by a 1% as well. And the essence Teach absorbed from the dungeon were converted to reserves as well.

"...I remember back in the day, when Divine Skills were hard to get... Ah yeah, I remember no such day." He couldn't help but also mention this fact.

In fact, he believed that if there were Skills beyond the ????, no matter how important they were, he would have multiple of them in no time at all.

As for his divine skills, he felt embarrassed when he once complained about having 30 of them. Now there were 90+, and he felt like they'd be double sooner or later... if he did nothing about it.


Only the Extra and Unique Skills make him happy. Because these were Skills he grew up with, skills he put in effort to learn, and skills that he was more familiar with and could currently use at the moment.

"Hey been meaning to ask, if we were to convert Divine Arts to Skills, what Grade are Advanced Arts?" He suddenly asked in interest, curious how powerful each of his 26 Divine Arts were.

"Basic Arts are like Unique Skills, Advance Arts are Divine Skills and Superior Arts are ???? Skills... does that answer your question?"


Well, forget 90+, he might as well say that he had 100+ Divine Skills at this rate. But the most painful thing to watch here was the ???? Skill tab. Like, wasn't that something rare?

The moment he got one, he got five more!!!

Where's the balance here?!

"Hm? Hey, System, it says [75/75] there. How come, as it's only been six years since my last Breakthrough?" He genuinely thought in confusion. And he had not used his faith before.

"You're partly a being of the Infinite Realms... and about that, you had been receiving faith from the God Tree everyday. It was so much so that, the left overs were sent to your brothers and your baby mamas"

"Wait, pause, baby what?" He was fine with all the insults the system threw at him. That's how they acted around each othsr, and they ended getting used to one another.

But there, right there, that was a critical hit. It hit him right on the chest, as if reminding him that he was a douchebag, with two daughters he barely knew.

"Haha... today's my favorite day"

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Enigma felt ticked off. Maybe it was because his emotions and feelings were augmentated, but he felt affected by those words.

As if he was doing something wrong by neglecting everything and avoiding reality... it was as if, he was losing his ignorance by the day, and being aware of his own heart.

『ID: Enigma Mystique』

『Congratulations for breaking through to become a Perfect True God. You have gained a new Divinity, "Child of Atrocity". Your R9-Natural Law Fragment has become a "Nature: 1%" True Law』

『You have one chance to either upgrade one of your Providence or gain a new one. What would your choice be?』

『Providence(6): Fantasy Verse(Zenith), Primordial Elemental(Fantasy), The Miracle(???), Haki Manifestation(Unique), Spiritual Manifestation(Unique), Prognitor of Existence(Fantasy) 』

『Artifacts(3): Fate-Series(???), Serenity(Lost), Khaos(Lost), ???(Ruin)』

『Congratulations. Your weapon "Serenity(Lost)" has become a Ruinic Artifact』

『You have one chance to upgrade one of your Divine Arts (Basic). Please make your choice』

『Due to having mastered all basic Divine Arts, you can convert one Advance Divine Art to a Superior Art』

『Your "Talent Bestowal" has become "Power Bestowal". You can now give out Skills, Reiki, Divine Power, Force, Talent etc to your believers』

『Your population has been multiplied by ten. Your Pantheon can now have 550 000 000 believers. Enjoy your trials and do make sure to promote even faster』

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