Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 280 Dui's Little Heart Tribulation

But soon later, he calmed down as people began telling him about the strict requirements that Enigma put her through, such as fighting Gods by herself, as well as the Transcendental God-level doll she always carries.

He also remembered that Neonate always told him that the "Lord of Neutrality" was unfathomable and could do the impossible. She just didn't mention the part of his daughter being no different herself.


With a sigh, Dui left to interact more with nature and try to comprehend an Absolute Law as well. His fighting spirit was roiled up due to finding out that Jade was better than him.

Time went by once again. With the fusion of two Realms, the time here was further enhanced, causing one day here to be two weeks within the mortal world, and they seemed to be targeting the Spiritus next.

Two months, which was two years for mortals below, went by just as fast, and today, something particularly special happened again, waking up Dui from his deep concentration.

A portal had appeared in the city and a relatively young 'elven' Deity, with god-level presence around her, appeared with hints of curiosity and wonder in her eyes.

And once her eyes landed on him, they sparkled in interest as she sent out her voice back into the portal, as if talking to someone else. Dui didn't know what to do, nor say.

He was caught off guard.

But luckily for him, she went back soon after, and the portal vanished. The God was once again surprised and didn't know what to say or do... This place, was a bit too peculiar and noisy for his small heart.


But a moment later, the portal was opened up and this time around, vast numbers of young beauties and handsome lads walked in, surprising the citizens by quite a bit.

A lot of Deities had come over in any case there was an invasion or something of sorts. But that was unneeded as these people seemed to be harmless... for now.

But then suddenly, the sorounding space of the city was twisted, revealing cracks that exposed the infinite void to the people who were in the city, shocking them straight to the core.

A lot of things were happening at once that, Dui's little heart couldn't take it anymore. Why wasn't there any peace in this place? Why was something happening at every moment?!

Following the shattered space with no danger whatsoever, time began slowing down and sometimes speeding up.

Though the law of space was very weak compared to Neonate's, so weak that Dui believed that a person had just recently comprehended it, he was surprised by the Time Law instead.

Not because it was special or anything, but because they followed up right after each other, as if comprehended by one person at the very same time.

But then, a moment later, pure essence of space-time erupted out, covering not only this small city, but the whole God Realm as a whole, freezing time for everyone... even Lesser Divinities.

Even Dui had to rile up his energy to fight back, but he didnt, because the pressure came from the main temple, where Jade was constantly healing the young Lord of Neutrality 24/7.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He wondered which God had suddenly broken through a Mastery Law... no, what he truly wondered was whether it was easy to gain Mastery Laws within this place, because, he really needed one.

Following the Space-Time disruption, auspicious aura of Fortune descended, followed by Darkness. But Dui believed that they were weak laws, around 1% even.

But still, the fact that someone had comprehended a Mastery Law was still there. In fact, he believed that by now, the other Transcendental Gods should be hurrying over to check out the situation.

And the Lord still hasn't woken up. He didn't believe that he was strong enough to fight against more than Ten Transcendentals by himself.

Right after that, everything returned to calm, and the people that appeared out of the portal began moving around as if this was their home, exploring around with curiosity.

Even now, Dui didn't know what he should do with them. As a Transcendental, he could tell that these people were related to Enigma due to his aura around them. But at the same time, he felt like they were to foreign.



Meanwhile, At Enigma's Side

"The template of a perfect true god is quite something... or maybe, I'm the one whose faulted?" He wondered out loud as he saw that he had a large number of almost a hundred Divine Skills.

It had to be known, a divine skill could affect an entire Reality at base. Well in Great Terra's terms, it could affect Realms. Yet he had a whole arsenal of them.

Most importantly, he was just a Deity King equivalent True god, yet he had the attributal stats of Cosmic beings if not higher, and the Reiki of a Supreme God or so.

Including his reserves of Divine power, he probably surpassed the Reiki of a Supreme being. But then again, to other Cosmic beings, he was no different than an initial Transcendental due to Realm Suppression.

His bonus discount was also increasing, now he only needed 20% of the original price to get anything he wanted when using faith points. He could give out 1st grade blessings for only one unit of faith!!

The Fragments, were getting out of hand now. He now recieves twelve thousand Fragments per annum. And that new tab surprised him, for apparently, he could store essence of Beings that he kills and absorbs by ||TRUE ABSORPTION||.

He also gained a new Providence, which seemed to separate his being into three individual-yet-single entity, who shared every characteristics by 100% except Personalities.

His body.

His soul.

His consciousness.

Each of them could function perfectly even without the need of the other. His consciousness could survive even within the physical realm despite being non-real.

His body could function without his soul nor consciousness, yet would function accordingly to the way he would, with no side effect being mindless or empty at all.

As for his soul, he wasn't aware of how the Providence applied to it. But he knew that in a battle, he could fight as his body, soul and mind, as three different beings that had the exact same power, skills and Providence.


Now that he thought about it, he could multiple Infinitely. If each of his three origins had the same Providence, they could each use the "Spiritual Origin Trinity", while their origins also manifested their origins, so on and so forth.

"...I hope, with all my heart, that a future me never holds a grudge against me." He broke down into cold sweat just by thinking about it, and since his misfortune was piled up, the chances of it happening were high.

After all, let us not forget the Physique Refinement Technique they have. It was only 2% now, but it increased his Stats and Reserves by 104% annually.

If his future self, of maybe tens of thousands of years later, maxed out this Technique, and lived for millions of more years, wouldn't that mean millions of years of plus a decillion percentages of Stats and Reserves annually?

Wouldn't that be terrifying? Wouldn't he be Immeasurable through and through? Hopefully, it it is not true and just his thoughts. Yup, hopefully.... "...I jinxed it, didn't I?" He thought.


"Well... regardless of what, I hope—"

"Shut up... you might really Jinx it"

The system cut him off because that thought was really terrifying. Even itself, a being above an Administrator-system, that could shape CHAOS itself as if it was a game...

Didn't want to fight against an Enigma that was more broken than the current him. Plus, the current him was still naive, a bit pure, and simple. And most importantly, ignorant.

But the system could see that he was growing by the day. He was being less ignorant and being more aware of his soroundings and the people around him.

Now imagine a few years later, or a thousand years later. How would he become? Or who knows, maybe future Enigma had a complete 180° change in personalities and became evil.

"Instead of having suicidal thoughts like these, I have something to tell you"

The system suddenly took on a stern tone, and became formal, catching Enigma off gaurd since he was used to the casual, yet disrespectful tone of the system.

"What's with you?" And he didn't like this tone. He didn't like formal things much, just as how he easily accepted Su Han and Allen as sworn brothers. He was avoiding formality between them.

And the system knew about this, but had no other choice.

"Nothing, anyway... I've been meaning to ask, what will you do with your Conscious Realm? That large empty space, with only a single Universe..."

"I know what my consciousness looks like... and with this new Providence, won't it manage itself even without my help?" Enigma curiously wondered, as the Providence gave his consciousness independence.

"...Have you ever wondered what your personality is like?"

"...So, you mean...?" Now that he thought about it, he was ignorant, and his consciousness was still him. Indeed, his consciousness was not reliable at all.

"So, I've been meaning to ask—"

"You already said that, buddy, are you okay?"

"Sell me shares"

The system's bluntness was not something Enigma was ready for. Thus he inquired with a twisted expression of shock. "What?"

"Dont act stupid. We both know that your consciousness is a separate verse that isn't affected by the Laws of Reality or the Origin Laws... In that case, since you own it, sell me part of its shares and we will manage it together"

It elaborated, and it's not like he didn't understand what it was saying. Abby had been exploring his consciousness and told him that it looked like a newborn universe in its primary state.

Now that it had the attention of a newborn Reality, they were fusing and slowly mutating into something bigger. At some point in time, he wondered how grand it would be.

"...Why didn't you say so then?" He sighed, not understanding why it had to beat around the bush so much. It wasn't like it at all.

" will recieve around 26 laws in less than two minutes, which we both know is no different than gaining 78 more Divine Skills. You wouldn't want that now, would you?"

"And it's just the beginning because, every God under you that attains a law, you will also recieve one. This is a trait only you have even within your family, even your past and future didn't have it. Not something you'd appreciate, so, what do you think?"

Enigma thought about it and saw nothing wrong with what it just said. Plus if it was not lying, then he would more than be happy to agree to its terms, but, "How much are you willing to pay?"

"I'll upgrade, and bring new functions for you. And your consciousness will finally have a manager"

"Slick bastard, you're making it sound as if I'm the only benefiting here." He clicked his tongue at the system's sweet words of enticement.

"Not necessarily so. You will gain something, I just don't want to say it"

"Is it a powe-up?" He asked, feeling dread all of a sudden.


"It's not, is it?" He tried to confirm.

"...It's not"

"Be honest."

"It's good for you... plus, I'll let you on a little secret that might save you and your little family... As well as information of where your older sister is"

"If only you said that at first... sure, go ahead." As if he wasn't  about to refuse at first, Enigma happily agreed to the system's conditions. He was indeed more than curious where his sister was currently.


"You have recieved the True Laws of "Blood", "Dreams", "Dao", "Karma", "Fear", "Fire", "Sand", "Sloth", "Diligence", "Lust", "Humility", "Speed", "Strength", "Fortune", "Water", "Mist", "War", "Greed", "Temperance", "Death", "Sky", "Sea", "Charity", "Chastity", "Envy", "Patience""

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