Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 293 Family Issues, Ragnarok IX

Back in to the future, three weeks ahead of the God Realm, and almost three years ahead of the True Timeline.

Allen got out of his thoughts, about the night where he charmed the most beautiful Goddess of Terra below Supremes. A beauty at the level of Supremes themselves.

He then turned his gaze towards her figure, sprawled lazily atop the luxurious bed. A bed so soft it felt like cloud. A bed well suited for a God, one like herself even.

"Haaah~" Allen then let out such a profound sigh as if he was conflicted. His sigh caught the attention of the beauty, who was of course Goddess Ruby.

She frowned and inquired with a hint of dissatisfaction, "What's with that pious sigh out of nowhere? You can't be thinking that bedding me was a disappointment, could you?"

"Don't be so low on yourself. You're the representation of Beauty itself, why would you think like that?" Allen smiled in response to her dissatisfaction, and moved towards her.

"Then what's wrong?" Goddess Ruby inquired, still dissatisfied. Allen shrugged his shoulders as his thoughts ran at a terrifying pace, so much that even Transcendentals, who thought billions of times in a second could not keep up.

"It's nothing really. I was just sad that such a beauty could leave my side at any given time." He sat on the edge of the bed, his tone so profound it felt like a lullaby from a Sage.

"What does that mean?" Goddess Ruby's dissatisfaction only grew greater and greater the more she heard his word. She ended up sitting straight and fixing her posture, a frown on her delicate, and epitome facial features.

"Well... I was just wondering what would happen, if someone more charming than myself, managed to do the same thing I did." Allen ignored her and spoke.

He was not wearing a mask anymore, and his charm was Supreme. From what it used to be, it was augmentated. He was already quite handsome.

Maybe one of the most handsome if Enigma was not included, but now as an Initial Ascendency True God, his charm was at the level of Supremes.

Not nigh-Supreme like herself, but purely Supreme. Thus it ended up being something like, instead of him feeling content of bedding her, she was the one that felt flattered.

But that was not important right now.


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Goddess Ruby did not say anything, and just waited for him to continue his words by himself. And Allen did so.

"You easily told me everything, or rather, almost everything about the King of Evil. Even after I literally told you I was planning a coup, yet you still easily folded. I found that strange." He said, then added.

"I was just wondering... if you would do the same, if someone more charming and eloquent that myself, did the same endeavor. Thus why I'm feeling conflicted."

He concluded there with yet another profound sigh, before facing her with a gentle gaze. One that easily pulled her in, but her current emotions kept her sane.

In fact, she was more than sane. She was wrathful... calm, but wrathful. And it was quite obvious for anyone with good observation skills.

"Is, that, so? Then tell me, what gave you the confidence that I am that type of a woman? When you first saw me, did you see a b*tch in disguise?" She uttered out word for word, seemingly at breaking point.

"Ah, well, no. I just assumed that your husband, the King of Evil, mistreated you and oppressed you... with how his reputation out there is like?" Allen cleared his throat and shamelessly responded to her rage.

He still made sure to avert his eyes in case of seeming more disrespectful. After all, he knew women, and he definitely knew that right now, he fucked up.

"Husband..?" Goddess Ruby raised her voice in inquiry, but her wrath still overshadowed any of her other thoughts. But even then, even then, something still made her keep her calm.

A feeling she could not explain. "Then if that is the case, couldn't you just do the opposite then? If you think I entertained you just to be defiant and get back at the King of Evil for 'oppressing' and 'mistreating' me."

"Why not just, not 'oppress' me, and not 'mistreat' me, if you're so afraid of being betrayed. Unless, you truly see me as nothing but a common wh*re of a person..."


Her every word striked Allen so deeply, that he considered his next steps properly. Maybe he did misunderstand everything.

Especially her emphasis on a few words, made him sure of that. Of course, he was not truly afraid of being left alone, or betrayed by his women. It happens quite often.

He was a languid fellow, who had five wives back at home. Those he genuinely spent time with, and knew inside-out. Especially Krishna.

Thus why would he worry over a single person, over Goddess Ruby? Was he still using her? Is everything a lie, a facade that he was putting on just to convince her that he truly cares?


"Why are you silent? Answer me." Goddess Ruby glared at him with her sky blue calm eyes, that resembled a clear sky, burning with rage and a dash of, sadness.

"You're right. All I have to do is just not to mistreat, nor oppress you." Allen nodded to himself in understanding. As for his feelings towards this woman?

They were genuine. Just that, she was not as important as the first five to him. They just met not too long ago... and he was just feeling pity for taking the woman of another man.

As a wielder of Karma, he knew how severe and strict it could be towards even Gods. Thus him doing this to someone, meant he would also suffer the same fate soon. If not his children or brothers. And he didn't want that.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"...You better not be thinking that I am b*tch, cause, I am not... I truly am not. You should know better than anyone, that, that... I was pure lady until a few hours ago." Goddess Ruby averted her eyes as she spoke.


Allen instantly understood the source of her boundless rage. Now that he thought about it, he made it sound as if he was about to leave her, right after taking away a her chastity.

The instant realization made him blank out. But Goddess Ruby did not stop. She was new to this feelings of care and love, of such deep affection that she experienced a few hours back.

p-A- n-d-A--n-0-v--e-1、(com And she was obsessed with them. She also did not know how to respond, nor did she want to lose such intense, soul stirring passion. Especially since Allen, was Allen.

He was a pro at handling women... making even a pro seducer at an almost absolute level, be obsessed with him. Yet maybe, she wasn't so professional at being a seductress.

"And... the King of Evil is not my husband." She added, dropping such a bombshell, and causing Allen's mouth to drop wide open in shock and stupor.

Not that it was not obvious, actually no, it definitely was not. How the hell did such a plot twist occur at such a juncture. How?

"He is, in fact, my older brother... who is very much obsessed with me." She continued her words, seemingly embarrassed as she avoided direct eye contact with him.


"...who chose to marry me, because he could not bare the idea of another man... having me for themselves..." She was now beyond embarrassed, and blatantly felt humiliated.


"Thus... he spread those rumors, and even now, nobody... nobody knows of our blood relation." She concluded, attempting to act poker, as she directly faced him.

"...Wow." Allen could only say so, as he was quite impressed how deranged the Deadman, the King of Evil was. He also could not help but subconsciously comment out loud, "How purely Evil of him."

"That's just him, being him." Goddess Ruby sighed as she spoke, curling to herself, as she hid her face in between her knees.

Allen moved closer and held her into his embrace, and gently rubbed her back. He then whispered gently, "Tell me about it, regardless of how, I will not judge neither of you."

"Nor will I allow you to live a life you do not appreciate. So don't worry, just lean on me... and I'll lean on you." He continously whispered into her ears.

"...says the man that called me a b*tch." But Goddess Ruby was not that easy to convince. At least, not now.

"I didn't call you a b*tch." Allen instantly responded in his own defense, not willing to accept something he did not do.

"You implied it."


"Just... moments ago."

Allen paused and realized that nothing was actually working to his favor right now. He let out a light sigh, not as profound or exhausted as before.

"Say, what if I started talking about myself. About my life, my brothers, my relatives, my adventures... just to make things, right?" He proposed, and she was more than interested.

"Really?" Now that she thought about it, she knew almost nothing about this young man she just met a few hours ago, who knew most about her by now.

"Totally." Allen agreed, then added after a moment of her silence, "Then we will talk about how I want to overthrow your brother, both physically, and emotionally."

"You have a death wish, or what?"

"I live by death, actually, she's my sister in law."

"Oh please, listen to yourself."

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah, right."



Both of them smiled as they stared into one another, before moving closer and colliding into a passionate kiss. One that led yet to another game of passion and deep affection.

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