Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 351 The Dragon Empire II

"Impressive, no doubt. For your mind to be able to contain all this knowledge pertaining to Outer creatures in just a year is indeed amazing. I'll give you praise for that." Teach praised, looking at the content Mirai before him.

It genuinely was impressive. For even the minds of Outer Demigods couldn't so easily compute matters related to genuine Outer beings or anything related to them. To them, it was like giving a five year old child a calcus exam paper to solve.

Where would they even begin? Yet here she was, doing so in just a single year. 'In comparison, this is like a five year old learning knowledge of all twelve grades, including kindergarten, in just a single year.' He thought to himself.

"So, would you like to spend the remaing eight months resting, or... would you dedicate them to growing even stronger?" He added, and Mirai also took on a stern countenance. "Teacher, let us continue. I need to be as strong as possible. And soon!!" And she responded as such.

Ten years was not a lot, and evebe single moment had to he cherished. Teach subtly smiled at her determination, "In that case, prepare yourself, for the real training, has only just begun." He added, the smile spurting into a devilish smirk.


Time then flew by for Teach and Mirai.

Five years fleeced by just like that, like the autumn breeze, or the gentle ocean waves, it was went by in just a jiffy. And Mirai, had grown considerably under that much time.

Be it in strength, or maturity, she had grown considerably well. Her maturity had also increased, and the way she saw the world... was different from before.

And under Teach's ruthless guidanship, she managed to turn the remaining Extra Skills she had, into Unique Skills. She also managed to learn terrifying combat arts, at the level beyond being a godly grand master.

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Her hand to hand combat techniques were descent, if not above par. And most importantly, she felt the time required to reach the next realm, decrease exponentially within these five years with Teach.

If the pace is kept as such, she might be able to to breakthrough soon enough. "And this, is all because of teacher. This man has become my saving grace, and I still can't believe it happened out of the blue." She thought to herself.

Perhaps it was because she was transmigrator? She had entertained that thought too. After all, he mentioned the topic the moment they met. "But it matters not. As long as I get stronger, and repay this favor, I will be content." She added.

"Alright alright, it's time we continue. Start cultivating and stop chit chatting by yourself." Teach appeared, startling Mirai, who immediately sat cross legged and began cultivating her Divine power.

From time to time, Teach would disappear to meet Neonate, converse a bit then return. It was more of monthly thing by now. Unfortunately, Mirai was unaware of that.

And if not that, he would visit Fifth towards Nia's Domain, where the time flow there was slower than here. Five years here, was only a month to them. He required a few things from there, that would help him greatly as he had no Faith System. Like the barbells of faith for example.

Meanwhile, Mirai never bothered to ask. She just believed that her teacher had secretive ties with other beings outside her influential. And it wasn't her place to ask, or mind at all, hence she did just that - not give a damn.

Time thus continued by once more, and four years went by. Mirai finished her ten years long training session under Teach, and to her surprise, had a massive breakthrough into the next Realm by the end of it all.


She felt her Divine Foundation explode out with waves of power, as above it, the number of Nebulous Universes representing her reserves of Divine power, finally exploded over a thousand in number!!


The Nebulous Universes released potent amounts of Divine power, increasing her stats, and transforming her being to a new level of power. Giving her authority of a Greater Deity Emperor. Authority to affect a Cosmos as they deem fit.

"Whoa~" Mirai opened her eyes and exclaimed in awe. The breakthrough that would take her slightly over fifty years, only took ten years under Teach? Well, nine years to be precise, but wasn't that amazing regardless?!

"Congratulations. You didn't disappoint me. You've truly broken through to the next Realm." Teach abruptly appeared behind her once more, yet she was already used to his ghostly entrance and disappearance.

"Yes, thank you. It was all thanks to teacher and the help he provided." Mirai responded, allowing Teach to casually brush her hair. "Regardlees, you succeeded. From now on, I will stay with you until you've achieved prosperity." Teach responded as such.

"Thank you... teacher. Thank you." Mirai clenched her fist and fought out the emotions trying to erupt out of her. Finally. Finally, after so long, she had found a place she could belong to, and be herself, despite how short it was.

Oh, how much satisfying this felt. She couldn't explain the feeling, but she definitely didn't repulse it. She in fact, welcomed it with open arms instead. Unfortunately... wouldn't it have to end eventually?

"Rally up your people. From today onwards, until this same day twenty years from now, we will focus on getting every one of your subordinates towards the Lesser Deity Emperor Realm. It shouldn't be difficult." Teach said after a moment.

He ignored the matter of Mirai's emotional state, as he himself was still trying to understand his own. Instead, he chose to change to topic, and focus on something else entirely.

And that... was the almost a hundred subordinates under Mirai, whom were weak in their own league. None being above the Deity Lord realm in strength... or so she thought. Not everyone was her subordinates here, and she unaware of that.

'In fact, only a few truly risked everything to be banished alongside the previous Mirai. The rest... just rats sending information to her enemies. But, I can solve that.' He thought to himself, a light smile on his face.

"Huh? Teacher wants to teach my subordinates as well?" Mirai asked in shock, not expecting that her golden finger would extend over her people as well. What kind of golden finger was that?!

"Yes. With one of my Abilities, "Cosmic Influence", it's possibility for me to share your talents and pass them on to the others. This way, everyone can grow stronger faster." Teach responded, shocking her once more.

Such a thing was possible? She thought to herself. If so, wouldn't she be able to create a monster force in no time at all?

"Unfortunately, the more the people, the harder it will be to cultivate. For example, with almost a hundred people, it will be almost a hundred times slower than your usual speed." Teach added, dousing out the young dragoness' wild dreams of world conquest.

"A pity... Okay then, I will rally all of them in a moment. Please wait." She said, flying out of the central region, and towards the thousands of regions of this Continent.

Meanwhile, Teach remained behind. If it wasn't because of Mirai's special unique skill "Genius Bruiser", the increasing Providence of the mortal realm, and his "Cosmic Guidance" Skill Tree, his actions would be impossible.

After all, one added +5 to her potential, then the other increased her cultivation speed by seven times, and nine under his guidance, whilst the last added a +10 to her potential. She was high up the spectrum even amongst Protagonists.

And even if that was equally shared over her twenty subordinates, if we filter out the spies, it would still require less than twenty years for them to become Deity Emperors. An amazing feat, to be honest.

"Teach, I've brought my people. Here they are." Mirai finally returned, with almost a hundred beings behind her. All of varying ages and charm, but the silver scales over their bodies revealed their true race.

They all floated above her, and looked down curiously at the man their ex princess called teacher. Some were dubious considering her intellect, they believed she was being fooled once more.

While some were genuinely worried about, placing the small bit of hope in this man. Especially as their princess seemed a bit different from her usual self. Maybe she was a bit more cheerful?

"Alright, good child. Now, anyone who does not have any genuine obligation to serve Mirai, should remain outside. And those who do, please, make yourselves at home." He said to her, and then directed his authority towards the others behind her.

And bring a Demigod, representing the concept of Knowledge, his words were followed by these weaker ranked dragons perfectly. Those who were spies of Mirai's family or the silver lineage, immediately stayed rooted in the skies.

While only twenty amongst them, were able to land besides Mirai. All of them were left shocked, including Mirai herself. "Huh? What, what is going on? Teacher... Is this..?" She asked, her eyes widening in shock. 'It can't be.'

Her thoughts explored the possibility of betrayal, and that drained any color out of her face. So... all the people that she thought genuinely liked her, were fake? They were just doing their... jobs?

The seniors she cried her complaints to, the young girls she helped grow stronger, the young boys that gave her a shoulder to cry on when she needed it... Were they all just fakes? She thought.

"As you see, not everyone was on your side, Mirai. Some were even forced to act all lovely dovey with you, just because their lives depended on it... An order from above, if you will." Teach said, floating up towards Mirai and patting her lowered head.

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