Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 46 Prelude To An Invasion I

"Xue'er, everyone, it's time for us to get stronger. Strong enough to avenge uncle Xavier and uncle Fredrick of the injustice delt to them." Su Han said to his fellow monkeys.


"Whu!! whu!! whu!!"

"Ah!! Ah!! Ah!!"

"Yes, Godfather~"

And they all responded in excitement and anger, as they could feel the pain in the voice of their chief. Su Han smiled, genuinely at that, as his devilish charm increased.

"Let's goooo!!!"

And with that, he led his entire clan back towards the Desolate forest, to first conquer it, before planning on challenging demons.

He was simple, yet not stupid after all.

• • • • •

Middle Realm

Green Continent, World Forest

Lulu stood above a tall tree and looked down on the newly made structure of the village. Though it was called a village, it already had almost 7 000 residents inside.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The structure was quite simple to be honest. The village was sandwiched by the cave up north and the Green River down south, but the space in between was still very large. Covering hundreds of kilometers.

​ And the said cave, stretched out for quite a large distance. As far as Lulu knew, even she was still a god, it was circular like a ring, or a donut at most.

With the space at the center, being where Lulu and the others stay. But do not look down on the space, for it was still as vast as a Continent at minumum.

On the east, a little bit over 500 000 household could be built, the remaining land was used to nurture crops, trees and other plants that were good for the elves or were edible.

On the west, that was the area that would house the most people. As much as six times that of the east, while the central area could house three times those of the east.

In total, this small village of theirs could take in as much as almost 5 000 000 households or more. That was 15 000 000 to 25 000 000 residents considering that each elven household had three to five elves within.

Then there was the cave, recently, known as the temple. It was being renovated by her own divine power into a large temple inside. More space was dug out and the inside was being carved into different pillars and structures.

Right now, the cave, which was originally a large mountain, could hold in as much as tens of thousands of elves inside. But not anyone could enter in there of course.

Either than that, this place still lacking in a lot of things. Space was there, water was there, food was there, but unfortunately, they lacked talented and skilled people.

A place that could carry at most thirty million people, now only had 7 000, which was not even 0.03% of the total population. What were the chances that an architecture, a builder, a sewer, a merchant, a priest, was among them?

If they were 1 000 000 elves, then the chances were naturally above 10%, but right now, there chances were quite low. Which was why they really needed more people to come.

Unfortunately, that was a problem they could not solve anytime soon. And either than that, the one sent to locate more people, has yet to return even now.

'Where is Noelle? She couldn't have died could she? But I can still sense her vitality in my blood, so she's still alive. What about the elves she went to fetch?

'That girl, a month has passed since the day she should've have returned. What is exactly keeping her busy? Haah~... Perhaps she met some trouble along the way, I'll just give her another month then.

'As for Lord Enigma's mission, I'm not sure it would work out. Bringing out beast demihumans and elves together, that might be too troublesome. Though demihumans and beastfolk aren't the same, they are still from the same lineage.

'Some of these little ones might not like the idea a lot. Haiy~ Lord, aren't you being a bit too greedy? This is forcing nature. Luckily, he said not to force it if it doesn't work out.' She couldn't help her thoughts as she looked back at her journey.

Actually, she succeeded in finding a lot of demihumans. A few docile beastfolk mixed in, in the name of Enigma, she brought them to the other side of the cave and started a small settlement there.

She was also planning on creating a passage connecting those from the other side of the cave, to those on this side. Even if relations Don work out...

They could still trade and all.

Things were going well and their numbers were naturally above 2 000. But, she was unaware if this is what Enigma wanted or he wanted to mix them up instead. That was why, she was actually quite unsure as off now.

But with her good heart, she naturally won't let the demihumans, bystanders in the this war, suffer while she could do something about it. And the majority of the elves hated beastfolk and not demihumans.

There was a slight difference between them. No, there was actually a major difference between them. Physically, and characteristically. But overally the same to the elves.

'Beastfolk were more beastly in appearance with few humane characteristics. While Demihumans have more humane characteristics than beast characteristics... Unfortunately, we cannot completely trust their human side either.'

She silently thought as she vanished from the tree, appearing at the other side of the cave. Despite starting late, they were catching up to the elves. And most importantly...

Demihumans were naturally multi-talented individuals. They had all that the elves lacked, and only lacked enough good food and water, as well as fertile land.

Since they were on the steeper side of the mountain, compared to the elves who were closer to the river. It was quite ironic how—

"...Thesetwo races need each other so much. I should talk to Lord Enigma about this problem, I hope he helps me solve it instead of saying I should do it as a trial or a test. Haiy~ gods." She quietly sighed, albeit with a smile on her face.

She was once a god, and knew the hypocrisy that these gods had. It was quite laughable at times, yet pitiful at other times. For the mortals, that is.

While happy, she couldn't help but think about Noelle, 'I hope you're safe little sister, big sister sends her blessings to you.' She quietly said as she vanished from her spot.

Unfortunately, while she thought that this was just the beginning, it was far from the true beginning. Something, something even bigger than the war between elves and beastfolk was happening behind the scenes.

An unprecedented Invasion.

• • • • •

Middle Realm

World Forest, Somewhere in the Forest


"...Before anything else, let me say this once, even gods can die."



The two young ladies couldn't help but look down at the spectacle before them. Calling it a beautiful abomination or a horrendous miracle wasn't wrong.

It looked like a pool at first, a pool of rainbow mist from one side, a pool of murky rainbow liquid from another, a rainbow mirror from above and nobody knew what it looked like from below.

"...Hey, you said this will help us escape right?" The young and valiant elven warrior looked back at the small pixie above her and asked. Her tone was threatful and harsh.

The small pixie, with a short white beard raised its head high and proudly declared, "Of course, for I am Gil—"

"Yes yes, Gill-whatever-I-don't-give-a-fuck what your name is, we believe you. Now shut up." Mimi impatiently cut him off with a frown on her face. Two weeks of constantly being chased around was no fun.

She was truthfully ticked off this time. The pride if a dragon, did not allow her take a beating from a wyvern so lightly. Especially if it was not just a beating, but constantly being chased around like a dog!!

It was disgraceful!!!

"...But that isn't—" After a small pause, the little pixie was about to correct her, but unfortunately it was cut off once again. This time around, the tone more threatful.

"Like I said, I don't give a damn or two what your long ass name is. You're coming with us down there though, that's something I at least care about." She scoffed at him and even revealed her sharp teeth at him, slightly frightening the little old pixie.

"Why?" But being the Fearless prick it was, the little old pixie looked at her and bravely questioned. It was just curious, that's all, it wasn't trying to get on her nerves, but Mimi thought otherwise.

"What if it is a trap?" Noelle, who was quiet throughout the conversation, minding her own business, finally interrogated the pixie. Her attention still onto the bizzare scene before her.

"What trap?" The little old pixie innocently asked once again. This time around, even Noelle had to look back at the pixie in wonder, as if she was looking at a exotic specie.

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