
Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Sir San, could you tell us more about where you came from? Dongye asked San a question. 

His question quickly caught everyones attention.

Suddenly, all the conversations stopped. The guests turned towards the two. The Counts eyes sparkled.

Captain Dongye is speaking in honorifics? His rapidly changing attitude towards San and Biyeon was hard to understand for anyone except the Count.

Their behavior towards each other, just a moment ago, was exposed to everyone, and because they were so openly observed, the change in Dongyes attitude was seemingly incomprehensible.

The Count didnt understand what prompted Dongyes psychological and attitude change, but the changed approach seemed promising rather than contentious.

Its a beautiful place. The four seasons are distinct, and the people are friendly and lively, San grinned and answered simply. Since the other person was being polite, hed be polite too.

Huh- Is there such a country in the north? The name of the country is

I dont think youll know even if I told you. Actually, I dont even know where I am now. The two of us were suddenly swept away by a great wind and flung high into the air. Once we landed, we saw that we were isolated in the northern mountainous regions of the world. After suffering for several years in the wilderness, we finally got out. Fortunately, Count Essen values our skills, so were planning to stay here for a while under his employment.

Oh no youve been through so much misery and hardship. Are all the people there as strong as you? Dongye asked, stroking his chin. In his mind, a probable hypothesis was being formed.

They are strong. They are also very wise, San replied.

Were also a very prideful people, Biyeon added on.

You two must have been important people there, Dongye said as he nodded. 

It was a natural judgment and conclusion based on his view of the world. If the person who made him feel such fear and powerlessness a moment before was considered weak he would have a hard time living with that logic.

We were. We were the owners of the country Biyeon muttered in a low voice as if reading a monologue from a script. She looked at San. They suddenly felt that pangs and sense of longing for their home.

In the 21st century, individual citizens made up a democratic country, so it wasnt really a lie that they were owners of a country. A countrys owners were its citizens at least, thats whats taught in schools throughout Korea 

Wow- the King royalty

No wonder 

People began to murmur as they looked at each other. Dongyes face started relaxing into a content smile.

Episode 2. Book 1: Exploration Chapter 10

After the meal, they stayed in the banquet hall. The entertainment troupes that had been waiting outside began to come in.

The dining tables were removed. Light hors doeuvres and refreshments were being offered and enjoyed. On both sides of the hall, bands with various musical instruments took their places.

There were quite a few types of flute-like instruments, trumpet-like brasses, guitar-like instruments, small drums, tambourines, and other strange percussion instruments. There were no piano or string instruments like a violin or cello.

Like any country in any era, a clown/jester with face paint was preparing to lead the banquets entertainment festivities.

Excuse me for a moment, San respectfully said to the Count before walking outside. He felt the burning gazes of the other guests.

He wasnt yet ready to live in a world where he garnered so much attention. Honestly, it was very burdensome.

However, in order to properly obtain what they wanted to know, what they needed to know, and what they needed to prepare for, they had to go through this cumbersome period. Every second was an important information collecting moment.

The banquet entertainment was not to his taste. Even when he watched TV on Earth, he watched the news more than anything else.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He stood on a balcony and looked up at the night sky. The evening spring breeze was moderately cool. It had been a long time since he drank alcohol. He felt like he was going with the flow of the natural atmosphere.

He wanted to smoke, but he shook his head for fear of being treated as a real alien by the natives.

A man who emits fire and smoke. Would probably be seen as a monster

He smiled broadly at the thought. Then he remembered what he left behind on Earth. The things he put off to a corner of his mind while trying to survive in a combative environment started rushing into his mind.

The smell of human life, the evening wind, and the rising alcoholic spirit momentarily softened his firm determination, allowing a small gap to form in his well-guarded, self-imposed armor. His pent-up emotions started seeping through this small gap.

I really loved you, I love you still, and I will never stop longing for you in the future my wife Soo. And my loving daughter Young 


An image of Soo, and their shared memories, was still alive in his mind. As if it was yesterday, the tingling excitement of their shared experiences still didnt subside. Her scent, her smile, and her voice were still vivid.

However the more he tried to remember the details of those experiences, the fainter and hazier his memories became.

Instead, the silhouette of a person to who he was very accustomed started overlapping with Soos image. He shook his head. There were tears forming around his eyes.

Grabbing onto the balcony railing tightly, he felt a sense of tiredness in his hands. He suddenly became confused. He couldnt find an answer. There was no clue on how to solve the problem of living here and surviving for an uncertain future.

Getting out of this damn world seemed like a pipedream. It was hard enough just adapting to this place.

The foreign people, culture, the barely understandable language, uncomfortable and cumbersome systems of hierarchy, and unfamiliar rituals His mind and body were exhausted, even though a day hadnt yet passed.

This shabby human body against an omnipotent enemy with divine powers Can we really go back? I guess its possible to live here in hiding for the rest of our lives. However, will they just let us go like that?

He closed his eyes and breathed slowly. It was his habit when trying to calm himself down.

He focused on positive thinking, positive goals, flexible countermeasures, fast execution speed, uncompromising immersion and the never die' spirit and ambition that made all of that possible. His mood improved, matching his pleasantly drunken state.

Whatever... Im going to go all the way. If I cant avoid it, then Ill enjoy it. It starts now. Its just the beginning Theyll find us eventually. Theres so much to prepare for the next war. Its guerilla warfare time. I have to prepare accordingly. I have to train and advance my body, too

Suddenly, San turned his head. The familiar light of her eyes intertwined with his. She had come outside at some point. She smiled brightly as if she were drunk.

Biyeon turned her gaze and looked at the landscape. She was also uncomfortable with the atmosphere here. She must have also thought of her home

San stepped back into the banquet hall. Seeing her made him feel good. There wasnt a specific reason, but he felt that he should leave her alone right now.

Sometimes, people needed to be alone.

Biyeon looked up at the night sky. Stars filled the sky. A gentle smile formed on Biyeons lips.

They knew each other well. They didnt just understand each others thoughts, they knew them. It wasnt simply knowing knowledge or information.

Their bodies were interlinked. An echo of emotion would easily pass from one to the other. They knew how each felt, understood each others will, and shared in the excitement and subtle emotions of each others feelings. The others heartbeat was their own.

San and Biyeon didnt expect this level of understanding and intimacy to be so shocking and beautiful. Their relationship was without pretense. They enjoyed the most honest state of communication and togetherness.

There was no reason not to accept their unfiltered relationship.


They didn't know what kind of fate this simple honest relationship would lead them to.

They were the first to reorganize themselves by overcoming the side effects of the mysterious nectar. 

However, they went beyond that. No one yet knew what would happen when Awakened beings fully trusted each other. What did the 100% purity level of trust, constantly exchanging Awakened concepts and skills, and always evolving abilities between two Awakeners mean?

No one truly knew. Not even the beings who brought them into this space, or the client, or even the Master 

What was certain was that they had begun to understand some of the mighty races that lived on faith as food. They achieved human awakening by overcoming the fake vitality symbolized by nectar and the false beliefs represented by salt. Their fate and destiny lay in dominating those lesser beings and moving forward

Someone once said that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. That was a true story Biyeon muttered.


The banquet was in full swing. San was watching how the banquet flowed with interest. It was awkward at first, but once he decided to enjoy it, he took a closer look. What kind of fun do humans in this era live for? It would be better to learn quickly what one needs to get used to.

The banquet MC was a clown/jester. It wasnt easy to understand at first, but it seemed the main source of entertainment, or play, revolved around simple games of mixing the opposite sexes together into couples or making the audience laugh by joking around.

Occasionally, the nobles would take penalty wine shots, which inspired greater excitement and laughs.

The band was sustaining and encouraging the mood with bright music.

The nobles and warriors alternately danced with the other sex and enjoyed themselves by playing group games.

Its fun Biyeon muttered.

Whats fun?

The thought that a nobles banquet is an official place where men and women can meet and enjoy time together.

All young people are like that. Isnt it the same in any era?

Can people here choose to marry if they like each other?

Well, wouldnt it be difficult? Even in the world we lived in, I heard that love and marriage are a recent thing Huh? San paused and flinched.

In this world, polygamy is common, whispered Biyeon close to his ear.

Why do I feel like it suddenly got cold?

Your heart rate increased by about 10%.

So...  what?

Well youll probably live like normal here, too. But if something should happen

If something should happen what?

Theres nothing complicated, right? Its like issuing multiple invoices.

Were you thinking of this the whole time on the balcony?

This is very important.

San clicked his tongue and looked at Biyeon. It seemed that she was a little drunk.

There was nothing to really worry about, as she lived with constant restraint on her mind, always keeping an eye on everything. She was also kind of acting cute in her own way.

Even one is overwhelming! San shouted while stepping away.


I mean No Stop!

He forcibly stopped himself from blabbering on.

Is there someone other than you who I can entrust myself to? he murmured, just loud enough for Biyeon to hear.

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