
Chapter 62

Chapter 62

[The name Diana referred to a Greek-Roman mythological figure in our modern Earth history. Wasnt she also the Goddess of Hunting?]

[Yes, she was.]

[Whatre the chances that they have the same name and title? This world if this was all planned from the start its a bit interesting, no? We may have really entered the world of the gods. Anyways]

San looked forward at Dite once more.

[How strong do you think Dite is?]

[Her physical capabilities are definitely weaker than ours. The issue is that the god can use her body as a vessel and exert her godly abilities I dont know what that would look like.]

Biyeon blinked her eyes and looked at San. He was looking down at the ground and slowing his steps.

[Hmm I wonder what she can do with that body. In my eyes, her body doesnt compare to yours in strength or ability.]

[She mentioned that gods live off of the faith given to them by humans. If there are more believers providing faith, wouldnt her abilities also increase in strength?]

She kept her attention on San while conveying her words. She wondered what he was thinking about.

[Yeah everyone needs something in order to survive. Should we make an organization too?]

[For right now, I think itll be extra weight on us rather than any help]

[I agree. Why would anyone follow us the problem now is those Sages. What are your thoughts on them? Theyre probably pursuing us too, right?]

San raised his head and met Biyeons eyes. He could trust her judgment and analysis.

Though they had to make conjectures based on scraps of information, they still needed to set a course on their future actions and goals. Once they gained a steady source of information from the gods, theyd be better prepared to exact an effective, large-scale plan.

[Im not sure. Its probably the same as losing a wild animal in a large zoo, no? I dont think theyre in a rush to find us. I think theyre collecting information from various sources and triangulating our whereabouts rather than searching for us directly. Furthermore, since weve finalized a long-term contract with Dite and Goddess Diana, I dont think our pursuers are in any rush to find us.]

[That makes me feel a little better. Do you think the Masters sources of information are through the gods?]

[According to Dite, the Master and the gods are in a business relationship, so its possible that theyre also providing information in their dealings. If the gods vessels were experimental objects like we were, then all of the vessels are probably addicted to nectar. I feel like the Master is using that connection to constantly trade with the gods. I believe that the gods are interested in us because were living samples that can break this dependence on the Master, since were not addicted to nectar and are, for the most part, self-made.]

[Thats probably why Dite wasnt speaking very much about herself or about the gods. Diana is probably working both sides, right? I think my head is a bit more organized now. We really have some dog shit fate]

[Thats also why we need to be wiser and better prepared than the gods.]

[Lets survive. As for Pasoon and Satan or whatever their names were I feel like theyre the actual devils that were accustomed to. I dont want to meet them if we can avoid it. I really dislike horror films]

San lifted a hand and snapped a tree branch. The lively branch oozed out clear, green liquid. He stuck the piece of the branch between his lips. It tasted bitter. However, he liked the feeling of sensing something living, which made him feel that he was living as well.

[Thats thats right. Satan and Pasoon. Even those names sound scary. Who do you think the Creator is?]

She gulped loudly. Though she grew distant with religion later in life, she still recalled the god she prayed to and believed in when she was younger. There was a chance that god existed, but she didnt want to outwardly state this, as if her words would bring her thoughts into reality.

[Listening to Dite, I think the only way well be able to resolve our issues is to meet with this Creator. I especially want to know why we have to live like this here]

[I want to know too]

[What higher purpose does he have for us? Hopefully, I can get a few punches in as well if we ever do meet the Creator. I feel so used!]

Their gazes were now on the various people that were beside the street. Most of the people were enjoying the flower-scented spring weather. There were others who were starting to enter into budding relationships.

San whispered, Are you happier today than yesterday?

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Tomorrow will probably be better than today, right?

San was looking out towards the distance. He continued, Lets live with that in mind to live better, happier lives every day until the end

For now

It was a spring day that carried the hopes and dreams of the living a new start

Episode 2. Book 2: Planning Chapter 7

Human ties are such subtle things. Once a connection is made, no one knows how far itll last or extend. Work was like that too. Once one task was finished, another opportunity opened up. Working allowed more work to come in.

Having finished their first task in their first contracted job, a second task soon followed.

Many of the hunters had sold their shares and were heading back home. Some warriors found lovers during this festival period, so they decided to marry and stay in the area. These types of large events were a good opportunity to bring in skilled people into a territory and keep them within. The Count believed that it was time for an outward excursion.

How many people will be with us? asked San.

I believe that twenty should be enough, the Count answered.

And the term?

At least four months.

Understood. Well prepare immediately. When should we leave?

As soon as you two are ready.

Then well leave in ten days. Well have to first organize the necessary supplies and personnel.

The second task assigned to San and Biyeon was to convert the Archon bones and skin into money and gold. Since the Archon material were such invaluable items, many petty thieves and unwanted visitors had come into the Counts territory recently. Rumors had quickly spread, so the Count needed to get rid of the source.

It wasnt just the Archon material. An eclectic variety of known and unknown beasts and monsters were collected during this years hunt. The quantity was enormous, more than they had ever had before. Large merchant guilds and smaller merchant organizations had asked multiple times to trade for these items. This occasion was something the Count never faced before. It could be turned into a great opportunity if done properly.

The Counts territory was not on the larger side. There were only a few blacksmiths and tanneries that could process the material they had on hand. Furthermore, the Count didnt have the skilled laborers and artisans that could convert the raw materials into high-level products. So, he didnt possess the capability to convert the raw materials into usable products, nor did he want to sell the raw materials to the visiting large merchant guilds at a low price. The traveling merchants argued that they had to take great risks and expenses to transport the raw materials and convert them into final products. Thus, they tried to justify their low purchasing prices.

If the Archon and other exotic beasts bones were processed correctly, they would fetch a price twenty to a hundred times greater than what was stated by the merchants. In truth, there was more demand than supply, so proper pricing was difficult to do. 

Eventually, the decision was made to go to the nearest large city and sell directly to consumers to maintain the value and pricing of the material. The closest large city was Porato, a two-month-long journey from the Counts estate.

The road to the city was filled with danger. There were various mercenary guilds, bandits, warrior groups, and mysterious races that one would have to face while clearing rocky mountains and endless valleys. Usually, for these types of long-range movements, one would employ the services of large merchant guilds or clans with at least fifty veteran warriors. Only then would it be considered somewhat safe. 

Since sellers would usually have to pay a high fee for these services, they usually would not be able to carry their merchandise and sell it in the large cities. They would probably lose as much as they earned. Also, there was a high chance that they would lose part or all of their merchandise during transit.

However, the merchandise that the Count possessed had to be sold directly to the consumers. Also, San and Biyeon needed money. Their goals were aligned.

The transaction was good for both parties. The Count would finally possess the means to develop his territories with the money from the sold goods. He and his people wouldnt have to live such difficult lives if they had the funds to develop. For San and Biyeon, this trip would be their chance to understand this world better and spread their influence throughout the various territories.

The Count prayed to the gods for the first time in his life. He could only interpret this chance and luck as coming directly from the gods. He felt that he would finally be free from the budget constraints that continually held back his deficit-laden territories. What could be better than having two Awakened warriors leading the way? It would be the best and most formidable transportation party.

Although he didnt have much evidence to believe so, the Count wanted to believe in San and Biyeon. He saw something deeper in their actions and thoughts. However, their behavior was very different from normal aristocratic and noble customs and norms.

Their way of thinking often placed him in an awkward situation. They were detailed, precise, and equal in their dealings. Aristocrats and nobles didnt want to deal with numbers nor did they concern themselves with small issues. To concern oneself with these trifling matters was a slight to the other party, as it was often seen as taking advantage of the other. However, for the Count, their openness in being precise and detailed actually made him want to trust them more.

Problems that might arise would always arise and even unknown issues would rear their ugly head.

You again? San asked with wide-opened eyes.

I know a few people in Porato City. I can be of help, Yeria answered with sharp eyes.

I believe that the road well take will be difficult for women to handle. Is that okay with you?

I heard that youd be traveling with Captain Yeon. I believe that Ill be of assistance during the travels.

Grab your stuff then.

Thank you.

You dont have to thank me

And you? Biyeon asked while scrunching the area between her eyes.

Ive finished my business on Count Essens estate. My home temple is also in Porato City, Dite said with a laugh.

Will the other apostles follow too?

If you want

I dont want it.

Then itll just be me.

Hey, hey. Were not going on a field trip.

We want to broaden our horizons. We also have many things that we want to learn from both Captains, Yekin replied while sniffling his nose. Next to him was the Counts fifth daughter, Yesil, who just turned eighteen this year.

Let me see your hands!

Excuse me?

Your hands are too soft and refined to do the hard work necessary during our travels. Were not a royal procession. Were going to go through hard times during our travels.

I wont be a burden.

You will.

I also want to see the world and broaden my horizons. Please!

At least make sure to bring a grinding stone to sharpen our swords

Thank you!

What is it? San asked as he raised his head.

Youll need a bard to tell of your heroic and epic adventure across these treacherous lands. Someone has to document and disseminate your heroic feats!

Cecil the Bard smiled brightly. Next to him was the musician who had lent his instrument to San during the banquet. He was blinking his eyes like he didnt understand what was going on.

Two of you?

Yes, sir.

Come with us. And for you, use these strings for your instrument. Its Archon tendons. They wont snap or break as easily as the strings you use.

After speaking with people who needed to join their party for one reason or another, the total number of travelers expanded to a little over thirty people. 

Since there were two Awakened warriors leading this traveling party, all sorts of people brought up various reasons for why they needed to tag along. Based on combat power, they all felt that this would be the safest way to travel. 

San and Biyeon didnt dislike this type of atmosphere either. The more people they had, the greater their ability to collect information as they traveled. Theyd also be able to create a mini-community from which they could recollect the taste and smells of human society. In the end, they were also humans who yearned for and enjoyed the presence of other humans.

However, San and Biyeon were firm with their rules. For all those who would be traveling with them, three promises had to be kept.

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