
Chapter 77

Chapter 77

The descendants of a great race, once called Angels, were gritting their teeth. At a point in their past, these beings were considered one of the shining creations of the Original Human. They ruled over the skies while various heroic races ruled over the ground. However, against their current opponents, their speed advantage was lost.

Gapaels arm, a black-edged sword, was growing. The blade reflected the red evening sun. They would have to take these insignificant human beings seriously. The Golden Avians were a race with near-immortal life, super-powerful bodies that never allowed swords to cut through them, and the wisdom to quarrel with the Sages.

In front of them, a human man stood tall in the air against the backdrop of an electromagnetic storm. He stared at them intently.

Ive seen a lot of weird things after coming into this world. Are you guys angels? Whether its here or there, bird brains are bird brains birds really dont know whats good for them.

Episode 2. Book 3: Infiltration Chapter 12

Gapael laughed bitterly. However, his eyes were shining cold. Wrinkles formed around his eyes in response to the humans insults. Almost immediately afterward, he felt displeasure and anger towards himself for momentarily feeling scared by a contaminated and insignificant human

He stretched his sword arms from side to side, creating a deadly aura. The cold sharpness of the blade seemed to drop the surrounding temperature a few degrees. Gapael spoke in a low, growling voice, Youre a very young man. Your lowly human race flock like hordes across the ground and prey on the weak. Dont be so smug about gaining a lucky power. Your greed has blinded you and has caused you to want things you cannot have.

Oh, so you guys can speak. Would you show kindness and courtesy to someone who attacks you without warning? Why didnt you say anything before? It wasnt worth talking to us? San replied with a smile seemingly dripping with the taste for blood. There was also a mix of ridicule in his voice. He held his sword horizontally in one hand, and lightly stroked the tip of the knife with the other.

In response to Gapaels sharp aura, Sans majestic aura also began to wind around the space.

Its annoying to hear someone spew out lies and hypocrisy. Its too much pain for a transcendent being. From the past to now, the human race has not changed. You are polluted people, Linuel said with a sorrowful voice.

We have something in common then. Weve decided to shut up and quickly conclude this battle, right? Are we in agreement? Lets talk with our fists from now on

San raised his right hand. The tip of his sword, which was laying horizontally, was quickly spun in his hand and turned forward. Gapael and Linuel got into their battle stances. San and Biyeon moved forward simultaneously. The two ran around their opponents as if they were wrapping something around the two angels.

The sun had almost completely set. All the branches were colored in a magnificent red. The scene would make one think that the day of judgment would soon come.

The attack didnt start immediately. Gapael and Linuel became nervous. Gapael gulped. He felt a strange feeling of threat from the tip of Sans sword. The tip of Sans sword was aiming at him disrespectfully. It shone bright white as the sunlight reflected off of it. And from behind his back, the tip of Biyeons sword faced Linuel. Strangely, San and Biyeons swords were aligned in a straight line, one after the other. San lowly murmured something, Jupiter just told me to deliver a message to them?


Gapael flinched. Linuel tilted her head.

The world suddenly brightened after San spoke. Gapael instinctively swung his sword-shaped hands toward San. Linuel rushed at Biyeon. But



Gapael stopped moving and started shaking all over.

Linuel was bending her waist close to a right angle with her eyes wide open. Something was penetrating their bodies It was a bolt of white lighting!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Keuk- this is

They both moaned aloud.

Why are you both so surprised? Its a lightning strike San stated.

On the battlefield, lighting was truly striking out. The blinding lighting flowed from the tip of Sans sword through the bodies of the two Golden Avian warriors and ended at the tip of Biyeons sword.

The electromagnetic storm that they created earlier was now providing them with the necessary electric charge to create lightning-like electrical currents. It was like they had a constantly rotating generator.

All the cells in their bodies received and then emitted the electricity like a high-performance battery. The total amount of lightning would be similar to the amount of energy from a thunderbolt falling from a huge cloud.

This was one of the best team fight techniques they had developed. They plagiarized Zeus main weapon, a lightning bolt. Based on the Creators master plan, this lightning bolt skill would appear in all human myths. It would spread throughout all the Episodes in the Creators 11-dimensional worlds.

The skill would be called Lightning Storm'. It would also become a skill that would occupy the upper echelons of all magic when magic appears in this world in the future.



The two Golden Avian warriors started shrieking. The sounds of their shrieks, which could seemingly tear ones eardrum, spread through the forest. The entire forest seemed to straighten up and tremble from the terribly powerful sound waves.

The Avian patrol leader, Oslan, fell from the air while covering his ears. His eardrums had already burst.

These two Golden Avian beings struggled with the pain they experienced for the first time in their lives. Their shrieking screams didnt fit with their image of holiness and elegance.


The Golden Avian man and woman fell to the ground. They wriggled for a long time in a dirty pit. The two tried to move their bodies, but their bodies seemed to scream out in protest. Their internal electronic operating system had been completely disabled, and their remote-controlled feather weapons were no longer usable. They had become angels with broken wings

Linuel stood up slowly, trembling. Her gorgeous blonde hair was charred, and her metal wings and skin muscles were still actively spasming with sparks bursting out.

Gapael woke up clenching his jaw. His legs were shaking terribly. He glanced to his left and right. In the haze, he could make out two people sitting comfortably side-by-side on a large branch. They seemed to be waiting for them to get up.

Should we start the second round now? San asked.

Itll be a sight worth seeing, Biyeon added next to him.

The two descended from the tree and stood tall in front of the two Golden Avians.

You both are free to hate humans, but our lives arent cheap enough to die in this place, especially under your hands. Now Ill teach you what real barbarism is. Ill definitely give you both a reason to hate humans, San said as if chewing his words and spitting them out.

Weve made up our mind to continue on our path. So, were going to make you both submit to get what we want. Youll see the decaying authority of beings who once ruled this world. If theres no road leading to where we want to go were going to create it, Biyeon resolutely said.

The conclusion was imminent. Both their bodies and swords moved rapidly towards their fallen opponent.


Gapaels lips fluttered for a moment before shutting tight. Sans sword was closing towards him. Gapael lifted his hardened arms and blocked the attack. But


Gapael clenched his teeth. A tremendous shock wave beyond imagination spread throughout his body. Sans sword bounced off his arm and swung towards his right side.

He raised his right arm again. Without knowing, he had closed his eyes tightly


Linuel groaned. Her right arm was broken. Blood flowed from her mouth as she moaned in pain. The bones of her spine were vibrating as if they would break at any moment. Linuel felt true pain and dread. However, Biyeons third attack was already coming in. Biyeon was connecting her attacks consecutively. A fist that curled into her side. Then, a kick came down on her shoulders arm joints, knees


The storm-like, unrelenting blows continued to hit her body. Biyeons speed and destructive power left no room for thought. Gapael knelt. Linuel rolled on the floor. Both of their arms were broken, and their legs bent out in unnatural angles. They couldnt even turn their heads to see their opponent because their neck bone was cracked. Their heels and knees were bent to the sides. It seemed that every part of their body surpassed the limit of absorbing shock.

San and Biyeons fist marks were clearly engraved on their faces. One couldnt make out their facial features anymore, as every bone had been broken and plastered with blood. Their gorgeous golden wings were half torn and ragged. Their previously dangerous feathers were scattered disorderly and mostly broken.

You both have truly blessed bodies. I admire the sturdiness. Is that why you guys felt so smug? Believing in your bodies?

Gapael heard the mans voice. With his toes, San rolled Gapaels body over.

How did we lose?

Linuel wriggled and groaned.

Youve never really risked your life in battle. Youve just enjoyed the abundance given to you by someone else. Youve never been desperate for your life, right? asked Biyeon coldly while squatting next to Linuel. A handful of Linuels golden hair was being held in Biyeons hand.

We were so fragile and lacking that we always had to risk our lives. Thats why I always rely on another, always be careful, and always prepare. Would you like to reflect on what I said with that beautiful head of yours? If we were similar in combat power, who would win?

Linuel glanced at Biyeon.

What are you going to do now? Are you going to kill us? Linuel managed to ask.

Their way of speaking changed. Both Golden Avians started using honorifics. Gapael and Linuel themselves werent even conscious of the change

Episode 2. Book 3: Infiltration Chapter 13

What to do?

Instead of answering, Biyeon hesitated for a moment. Should she kill her? She looked at Linuel. Linuel was trembling like a scared caught bird. Biyeon felt that she was dealing with a child. Just taking what someone gave them and wielding it as if it were their natural right Did people see these things as angels?

Do you want to live? asked Biyeon.

If possible

Linuel lightly nodded her head. Her golden strands of hair bobbed up and down with the movement of her head. Biyeon lightly smiled. However, the aura emanating from her smile was ice cold and tremendously sharp.

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