Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 72 Planning For The Future#4

"Thank you so much!! Thank you!! Thank you!!" She kept crying with relief as she bowed down to me and I sighed with a small smile as I looked at the lady in front of me.

Currently, I was once again in the white dimension as I was on my way to meet Claus. It looks like there was another person whose fate I changed by the act I did last night. Her desire was quite similar to the previous boy with a small addition to wanting to see his husband even if it was through a screen. Though…

"It hasn't even been a day and there were already 2 murders, huh?" I thought as I looked at Elle inside the white dimension, who seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

'What is she thinking?' a bit curious about what was going on in her brain, I looked at her and moved towards her, leaving the lady where she was. Though, finding me walking with curiosity towards her, it didn't seem like she minded my behaviour.

"Hey! What happened?" I asked her and then she snapped back into reality. She observed me with a blank expression before speaking,"You are still here?"

I pondered over her words before turning to the lady who holds my exit ticket out of this dimension and reading my thoughts, she said,"I just thought you might need to talk about something."

'Thank you,' I thought with a smile and she smiled back before I turned back to Elle and spoke,"So? What happened?"

She looked at me with a deep gaze before she sighed and spoke,"no, it's just that… the current me and the Elle outside feel so different. It's as if… as if… we are comparing an adult to that of a child."

Hmmm… now that I think about it, it does seem true… Does this dimension somehow increase the maturity level of people in it to that of the level of an adult? Because looking at it logically, it wouldn't be the Elle outside in the real world who is abnormal but the one inside.

[Bingo! That is correct. Your maturity does increase by a certain margin when you enter this dimension, but that also depends upon certain factors like your life choices and stuff, more on what kind of life you have lived. So rather than calling it forced maturity, it's more of an accelerated maturity. Also, it occurs at the time when you die rather than in the white dimension itself.]

"Guess so. You know, you could have asked that to Amon and he would have answered you, wouldn't he?" I questioned Elle and she shook her head before speaking,"I just thought of it as soon as you entered. So, I couldn't question Amon."

"So what were you talking about?" Elle asked me, changing the topic and from her face she looks satisfied with the answer Amon gave her. I proceeded to explain everything to her from the start and then she nodded at it before speaking,"get used to it, I suppose. It won't be the last time and soon it will only increase as you save more people."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Such a pain!" I wanted to rant, even though it is something that could potentially benefit me in many ways… it clearly is a heavy piece of work.

"Amon, I want to ask something else," I spoke and a blank screen arrived in front of me as if waiting for me to speak.

"I met the original Rosalyn. I don't know-"

[I know. I saw. But I can't tell anything.]

I shut up at his message and sigh before pondering if I need anything else before I look at Elle and she shakes her head in a 'no' as she reads my mind. I wanted to ask her if she has improved my skill, guess she still hasn't.


The area around Zero turns back to normal, and he returns to the cab, in which he was sitting before he entered the white dimension. Gazing outside the window, he saw that he had arrived at the gate of the Security Department. Asking the cab driver to move the car a few blocks ahead, he got out of the cab and chose a nearby ally before taking out his computer and hacking into the security camera and editing a few scenes here and there into the recording to erase his traces.

After that he changed into Reaper's look and then vanished before carefully arriving into the main office where Claus along with a grey haired young man were waiting.

'Frey Linker,' Zero recalled his name as he entered the room and Frey immediately got alarmed as he watched the door through which Zero had entered.

"Well, guess that's what an A-Grade is for you," he said as he looked at Frey with his shining grey hair reaching up to his shoulder. His black eyes looked at him with a deep gaze and he seemed to be analysing Zero to the best of his ability. Though, without a system related to search and see through abilities, it would be near impossible for someone at that level to see through Zero unless he himself allows the person in front to.

"So we finally meet, huh? You look really young, to be honest," is what Frey spoke before gesturing to Zero to sit on the couch.

Zero moved towards the couch as he answered,"looks like you were looking forward to this meeting. I feel honoured to be honest," Zero spoke as he smirked at Frey, making him feel a bit annoyed. Though honestly, if Zero had not any need for him, he might not really be here talking and wasting his time, would he?

"Firstly, I would like to ask, what is your motive?" Frey asked without beating around the bush as he kept his eyes concentrated at Zero and Zero smiled at him as he positioned his index finger on his chin with question filled eyes and asked,"which motive? The one behind coming here or the one behind slaughtering that organisation?"

"Both," Frey answered as he closed his eyes for a few moments and waited for Zero's answer and Zero chuckled a bit before speaking,"Haha, I think it was more than clear why I slaughtered the whole organisation. There is a limit to how inhumane you can be, after all. As for this meeting, I kind of need your help with something."

At first he narrowed his eyes at Zero but the word 'help' made him open his eyes a bit before he questioned,"what kind of help?" and Zero, with all honesty, told him what he wanted

"Many crimes are being committed all over this city and honestly, I can't watch over each and everything that has been going on in this city. So if I need your help with anything, however small, I will be asking you to do so, all the more so, since I will be leaving the city soon. Be my eyes and limbs, when I am not here or when I can't reach everyone, that is what I want from your department."

He looked at Zero for a few moments before he asked with a serious voice,"are you implying that we, the security department, are lacking in our work?"

"Well, that is more than given, isn't it? You lack information, you lack the support, you lack manpower, you lack a strong backing. The only thing that has kept this whole department standing was you, mister Frey Linker. If it hasn't been for you, the security department would have long ceased to exist,"Zero spoke with a humble smile and his face turned a bit ashened at Zero's words before he relaxes back and then gives out a deep sigh as he massages his forehead with his hand.

Then he looks at Zero and asks again,"so let me get this thing straight. You want to be a hero and save everyone, but since you can't be everywhere, you want me to make my department do the work which we are supposed to do anyway?"

A bright smile forms on Zero's face as he nods at Frey, speaking,"exactly!!"

He then looks at Zero dumbfounded before he shakes his head and speaks,"And exactly what do I, or perhaps the security department, get in return?"

"Hmmm! I can give you a few training methods suitable for search and analysis to improve your overall basic structure while I can also provide you a strong backing by revealing that I am the one supporting you, though that is for you to decide. Maybe you can go and not tell people about me and have all the fame to yourself if you like? Is there anything specific you want? If it is not too much, maybe I can listen to your demands," Zero spoke as he pondered over it and Frey and Claus looked at him with their eyes open in somewhat disbelief.

"Before we move on to the deal, I would like to know what mess I might be involving myself in. Can I ask you a question, Reaper?" Frey asked as he looked at Zero with a hint of fear in his voice.

With curiosity in his voice, Zero aspoke,"Sure, go ahead."

He looked at Zero… gulped… paused for a moment as his mana energy rose a little and then he asked,"Are you the owner of the System? Or… is there any connection between you and the System?"

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