Evolution of Slime to Peak

Chapter 69 [Wolf Territory]

I walked down the bustling street and called the taxi. Sometime after, a yellow car drove toward me and stopped just beside me.

The door automatically opened and I entered inside. "Wolf's Territory, F-rank Dungeon," I said my destination to the AI of the taxi as the taxi is a self-driving car without any driver.

I sat relaxingly on the back seat, using my mobile phone to learn more about the dungeon I am going to.

Wolf Terrorism, F-rank dungeon, boasting 10 floors, each floor held 20-30 monsters, with last floor housing the boss, a huge wolf which is ten times stronger than a normal wolf. This dungeon is regularly cleared by parties of F rank hunters and occasionally E-rank hunters.

These parties hunt the monster, keep their drops, and protect normal humans from dungeon outbreaks. These parties usually consist of 2 tanks who put their most focus on [Vitality], 2 soldiers with their focus on [Strength], and 2 mages with their focus on [Energy].

The tanks guard mages, soldier handles monsters, and mages cast magic from behind. When a soldier is injured then tanks protect the injured and ward off the monster while mages healed him. Soldiers charged front after tanks defend again monsters and kill them with their huge strength.

And mages, from the sidelines they help the fighters. So mages are the cores of the team. If one mage is even killed then the entire formation of a party will destroy resulting in the death of everyone.

Equipment from dungeons is extremely rare and buying them is extremely costly. So, most people had to make do with their household equipment as an ax, metal pipes, and their bare fist as their first equipment. Only the boss of the dungeon had a chance to drop [Skill Book]s while a normal monster will drop cores.

Only extremely lucky people will get [Skill Book] from the normal monsters. Any items dropped from a dungeon were highly sought after, and the most demanded was [Skill Book]s which generally cost thousands of dollars for an F-rank [Skill Book]. That's why many people risk their life going inside the dungeon.

My goal today is to enter [Wolf Terorrity]... and alone at that. My heart was pounding at this crazy and risky idea as I don't even have an offense skill. Well, this will be a bet either I will live or die.

I also thought about joining a party and making my load easier but if anyone saw my skill then it will be extremely risky as I don't even know what is this. And many greedy people will come to find me to use me.

So, revealing my power to even a single soul is extremely risky and has to be a person who can be trusted. And also, I can't sneakily touch any monster corpse as the corpse will disappear only after 45 seconds after its death.

So, the monster which is going to be tested with my skill has to die by my hands. I have some plans, on killing a single wolf but if any more than that came then it will be game over.

Also, I don't want to join a party because any items or cores dropped from a monster will have to be divided among party members and sometimes it will create a quarrel. So, hunting alone means all the items will be mine alone.

And I could keep all the [Cores]s and [Skill Book]s and [Item]s that drop. Jut the thought of it made my heart excited and a smile formed on my face.


As I sink into my imagination, the taxi suddenly stopped nearly making me fall from my seat.

"The destination has reached.; Please pay and leave the taxi." A mechanical sound echoed inside the taxi. I took 10 bucks from my pocket and insert it into the money box. The door opened and I exited the vehicle.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A huge monolith structure was surrounded by high walls. A huge, thick metallic door was in front of me, asking me to provide my id.

Even though this was the lowest ranking dungeon, it made up millions of dollars of revenue every day with a large number of people entering, clearing the monster, and selling the resources they receive inside.

the monolith had a green color, indicating it was a normal dungeon with less danger of a dungeon break. If the color changed into blue then it would mean all the monsters will respawn and all players will be thrown outside without their consent.

And if the color changed into orange then it means, the monsters are increasing rapidly and the chances of dungeon break increased and finally red means the number of monsters has reached its maximum and without clearing it quickly, the monster will break the defense barrier and a dungeon break will happen.

I swiped my card at the card screen and entered inside. Thousands of people were entering and leaving the dungeon with smiles on their faces. They were cheerful even in this place where casualties are normal.

Steeling my resolve, I walked toward the huge line of people and stand behind. Many hunters were standing on the line, getting their gear and preparing themselves, and talking with each other.

A few people were standing around without joining the line, looking to either form a party or invite others to their party.

I ignored them and looked in front. At the beginning of the line or precisely to say at the center of the blue monolith, there was a huge door tens times bigger than a normal human. A blue holographic light was covering the door.

The hunters walked inside without giving a shit to the blue light and disappeared. It was the teleportation door or precisely to say, the dungeon entrance.

After an hour, it finally came my turn. I looked at the huge door but suddenly I heard some whispering.

"Oh shit! Is that boy thinking of going inside alone?!" Unknown Hunter A

"Boy, another corpse for the monsters. They will surely enjoy eating him!" Unknown Hunter B

"Haha... That's true." Unknown Hunter A

Some hunters were making fun of him and laughing to themselves. 'I can hear you, idiots.' I thought to myself but I am not powerful nor do I have any death wish to go and argue with them. Getting killed by fellow hunters isn't rare.

So, I ignored them and steeled my resolve as I entered the blue light alone.

Green grasses, huge trees, and small to big rocks scattered everywhere. That's the first thing I saw when I got transported into the dungeon.

From the looks, it looked like a forest but when I looked up, I saw a ceiling hiding the sky which reminded me that this is a dungeon and not a jungle.

I looked here and there didn't find any living creature. "Haa!" Sighing a breath of relief, I climbed up the nearest tree. This is the plan I came up with.

Normally, hunters would hunt monsters straightforwardly but I am going to use terrain to my advantage. From the web, I found that a monster wolf can't climb the trees and it would be perfect to ambush a single wolf.

With that thought in mind, I jumped from one tree to another. A normal human couldn't jump as the distance is pretty far but awakened is 2 times stronger and faster than a normal human. So, jumping from tree to tree is not a problem.

But there is one problem, the trees are pretty high so the chance of falling and getting injured is a little bit high. So, I need to be careful.

I jumped around for a while until I found a pack of wolves roaming in the deep forest. I ignored them as there were too many for me to handle. I again jumped for a while until I found a small room.

It was the room that had stairs that led to the second floor. I again ignored the room and jumped around. After mindlessly jumping for more than 2 hours, and seeing the tens of battles of hunters and monsters, I stopped jumping and rested for a bit.

But suddenly, a single wolf came running in my direction, I immediately followed it without thinking a bit.

"Hey, where it is gone!!" Unknown Hunter A

"Oh shit! Where did it go?!" Unknown Hunter B

"Let's forget about the single prey, let's go to the second floor." Unkown Hunter C

"Yeah!" Unknown Hunter A

I heard some rambling from hunters but I ignored them and followed the wolf. After following it for a moment, I finally caught up to it. A big wolf bigger than any normal one, which fur is all covered in grey color with sharp claws and fangs was there sitting on the ground.

It was resting and healing its injury. I slowly slip down the tree and step on the ground. I tiptoe to the wolf. Fortunately, it was sleeping, it didn't sense me and I reach its back.

I immediately jumped at it and strangled its neck.

Rawr! Howwwllll!

The wolf cried. Because of its injury, it couldn't fight well and I easily gained the upper hand.

"Oh sit!" I cursed to myself as I killed the wolf. "I let it howl!" The wolf let out a loud cry which attracted other wolves. I immediately touched its head...


As I cast the skill, my hand glowed. The light transferred to the wolf and its body started glowing. I immediately left the wolf and reach toward the tree. I was ready to climb if any threat would come.

While I was examining my surrounding, the dead wolf's body stopped glowing. It stood and stared at me. Its hollow eyes glowed with white light. It walked toward me slowly and reached me.;

It sat on the ground near me which I believed was kneeling.

"Good boy." I patted its head and the wolf gently shake its head enjoying my patting.


But suddenly, 2 wolves jumped from the bushes and stared at us.

Rawr! Howl!

It immediately rushed at me but my wolf was faster and blocked me. I quickly climbed the tree as my wolf stood still near the tree protecting me.


The wolf let out a battle cry and jumped at my wolf. My wolf dodged the attack and slapped the wolf with its sharp claw. Blood flowed from its cheek as another wolf jumped, but again my wolf blocked its attack.

I also slowly slip from the tree and tiptoe to the wolves. While the two wolves were fighting with my one wolf, I slowly walked toward them.

And when I reached a perfect distance, I rushed at them and strangled the injured wolf whose cheek was bleeding. I strangled its neck with my full strength and sat on its back. It jumped and hit the tree trying to fall me.

But I strongly held its neck and didn't let it go. And soon, it died. While I was doing that, my wolf and another wolf were battling one one one.

They both were equally powered but my wolf was still a little bit stronger than it. I immediately touched the dead wolf's head.


Again my hand glowed and the light transmitted to the dead wolf and its body started glowing. It slowly stood with its eyes glowing.

"Go and attack the enemy!"

As I said that, the wolf immediately rushed to the wolf, which was fighting with my wolf. I don't know how my wolf differentiates enemy and ally wolf but I guess it was thanks to my skill.

I sat on the ground and watched the battle. My two wolves easily overpowered the single wolf and beat it to death. I immediately rushed to the body as my two wolves sat beside me.

I touched it and cast my skill and it stood with its eye glowing.

"Phew! Now I have three bodyguards."

I relaxingly sat on the ground as my wolf's covered me. I opened my status to check if anything changed.

[Lucifer] [Profression: Hunter] [ Rank: E] [Money: 0$]

[Vitality: 10]

[Energy: 10]

[Strength: 9]

[Skill(s): (Summon+)]

Strangely, a plus sign was added to my summon skill. I touched the plus sign and a huge window appeared before my eyes, shocking me.

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