Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 104: The Birth of Supreme Destruction!

Chapter 104: The Birth of Supreme Destruction!

In a dark castle away from the battlefield,

Three women that were romantically acquainted with Harvard were looking down at their overflowing bellies. With the rain coming down, you could hardly notice that their water broke, and it was even more harder with their screams.

"OMG! OMG! It feels like I'm trying to push out a tank!" One of the women screamed and held her two sisters hand who screamed even louder.

"I-I can't take it! AH! Can I please have the sedative doctor? Please?!" 

The three daughters of the Midnight King were trying their hardest to give birth to Harvard's three children as lightning swam amongst the grey clouds in the sky. It looked like terrifying beings were casting shadows down on the small castle below.

The doctor, standing next to the three women, however, seemed to have a smile on his face. He had an extremely evil grin that he hid well underneath his operating mask. 

"Hahaha, I finally found your weakness Hamlord," The man pushed up his glasses and looked down at the first of the three babies that was born into his hand. 

He was someone that Harvard would barely recognize because he only saw him for a few minutes when he started at Ghost Cape Falls, however, he remembered Harvard. 

It had been his first day leveling up, and he in the middle of doing a quest to kill Ghost Slimes when Harvard appeared. He killed his first five Ghost Slimes really easily, and he was even making headway on the leaderboard. He remembered, like it was 6 and a half months ago and a few days that he turned and went to kill another Slime before Harvard slashed it in half.

He turned to his left side and to his right side and Harvard slashed every slime around him into bits!

He was one to always finish one quest before he started another quest, but because of Hamlord he had to wait three days and three nights before he could actually finish it. By that time, the Ghost Slimes were so traumatized when they respawned that they made him chase them through the forest.

It wasn't until a day after that he finally killed the ten ghost slimes. He, the man who had chosen the screenname, Supremely Victorious, was now at the bottom of the leaderboards. For weeks, he tried to catch up, but by the time he reached level 30 Harvard had already started killing all the Class 2 Monsters. He also overcharged, and even when Supremely Victorious found him outside of the Candy Shop Harvard merely scoffed at his over of 10,000 Lograms.

It took him over a month after that to even find a class 2 artifact, one day, when he was walking in the beach. It had been when Harvard had been fighting the Monsoon Kraken. He was laying helpless on the beach before something shot out of the Monsoon Kraken's resting place that no one noticed.

What shot out was an heirloom Class 2 Quest! One that he spent another month completing before he finally unlocked the class that made all the pain he suffered significant! The class was called the Supreme Overlord Tyrant Class, and it had some terrifying abilities. For one, it allowed him to learn how to be a doctor in under an hour just by looking through a few medical books! 

He could transform into 10 different types of dinosaurs and both a girl and a boy and a man and a woman. However, his best ability had to be his ability to make children under the age of 12 follow his every command. He smiled while he watched another baby appear in the world. It was truly a terrifying class! His plan was to make Harvard's children backstab him in the future! His plan to sow chaos in Harvard's life was only beginning to come to fruition!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"OMG! It's coming out! It's bigger than a tank! It's like a whale! A Whale is coming out of me! Someone save me!"

"It's already out. All three of you have beautiful children," Supremely Victorious smiled and handed the baby to each of the three women before tapping them on their heads. Three small reverse direction arrows appeared on their heads while he smiled and took out a bill. "However, the cost, that will be 1 million Lograms please."

"Ugh, we-we will send the bill to the man who knocked us up. What was his name again?" The girls smiled and laughed while they looked down at their sweet children. "Wasn't his name Hamlord? I-I can't even remember after all that pain we just experienced! Oh god! HOw do we not know his name."

"It is Hamlord," The black haired sister to her right said, smiling while her baby cried. "Hehe, I can't wait to show him what his child looks like after his fight is over. The entire fate of the world may be in his hands right now. Isn't that right son. Oh yeah, we should send a request for him to name them!"


Harvard and the Monsoon Kraken really stunned everyone who was watching them.

Hundreds of lasers shot out of the Monsoon Kraken's mouth at Harvard while he seemed to blur and disappear in countless places. 

Everywhere he landed, the sound of swooshing could be heard, before a laser hit a double fin sharked, or a boulder crab, or someone else that may have been nearby. 

Harvest King, stood back and watched in Awe while Great Styles came over to him with Grave Man resting on his shoulder. The two of them had fought, but Great Styles finally womn after hitting him so hard in the face that his teeth flew out the backside of his mouth. 

"He's really something. I understand why my wife wants me to be like him. However, I know we made the right decision, Harvest King. It's better to be different than someone like Hamlord. All the cards seem to have been dealt for him and not us. We're at most vice leaders in the guild. He's going to be the leader."

"I-I did a good job right?" Harvest King said while tears flowed down from his eyes. "I'm not a useless guy that always goes down the wrong path right? Am I? I-I deserve a good spot in the guild too right?"

'You-you guys really seem to always laugh at me, and when ever I'm in danger hesitant to help me. However, right now! I did a good thing! I saved Harvard! I-I'm not that person anymore that just makes mistake after mistake am I?"

"Harvest King, we all like you and hate you depending on the day." Great Styles punched Grave Man in the face to make sure he was knocked out, and then tossed him on the floor. "You're still probably going to walk down the wrong path, but at least you have a shield. However, what's going to happen when you need a third class? Did she tell you."

"HA!" Harvard activated Magnificent Slash dozens of times and shot dozens of lasers in half while the seconds ticked by. "HA! HA! HA!"

His hand blurred so fast and released so many attacks that many people were surprised he was able to keep it up. If he was this strong before, why didn't he use it when the fight started.

"Oh no, we need to help him," May Tape patted Grinning Sword on the shoulder. "Why? Why aren't our weapons working either? What's happening Grinning Sword?"

When Tilly's weapons had been about to activate, Grinning Sword and May Tape tried to activate their weapons but they didn't work. 

Grinning Sword had no idea, but he was rapidly trying to find out. He opened ever weapon and tried to figure out what was wrong! The Bone fin cannons should work! Why weren't they working?

"May! I believe that man over there Great Pina Calada is the cause!" Grinning Sword pointed at a man with a gigantic shield that was charging at Tilly. "You-you have to get him away from here! I believe his class releases some type of electric energy that disables weapons!"

"He-he looks strong," May Tape watched Tilly's boobs start to deflate as Great Pina Calada swung a glowing shield at her. 


The next moment, Tilly shot into the distance while Great Styles charged at his rear. 


Great Styles got sent shooting in the other direction while May Tape slowly pulled out her daggers. She was trembling, but she could do it! She could defeat him.

"I-I'll do it. I'll defeat him," May Tape gulped and spun out her daylight daggers. They weren't nearly as good as Harvards, but they also made her 5 percent stronger in the day time, but all the time when it was daytime. She-she could do it! She watched Harvest King charge at the Great Pina Calada's golden armor, while she stepped off her back foot and rushed at him.

She would do it! She'd defeat him!

"I-I'm going to end you!" May Tape jumped at Great Pina Calada and slashed down with her daggers while Harvest king also got smacked away like a weakling. She jumped up, her skirt flapping in the wind, while her blue and white striped panties appeared in Pina Calada's vision.

"So-so beautiful," The Great Pina Calada got stunned before he realized he had to step to the side to dodge. 


May Tape activated Night Slash and created a small blade that cut a few inches into the Great Pina Calada's armor. She could do this! He seemed to be losing against her.

"Not bad, but I'll only fall for that trick once," The Great Pina Calada grabbed May Tape's wrist and twisted it before she groveled. She instantly fell onto the floor, and groveled in pain while the man above her laughed.

"No, I-I was too weak," May Tape heard her bones crack as she looked up in terror. "I'm sorry, Harvard. I was delusional. I-I really can't be like you."

"Hmph, you messed with the wrong guild," Snow Lilly smiled before she spun and kicked the Great Pina Calada in the jaw. 


He shot to the other side of the field while Snow Lilly winked at the Dragon Tail Kraken. The next moment, the Great Pina Calada disappeared down the Dragon Tail Kraken's throat.

"Hehe, sorry I'm late." Snow Lilly reached down and pulled up May Tape. "Now, shall we go watch Hamlord finish off the Monsoon Kraken. The Dragontail Kraken is now on our side!"

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