Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 366: 364 Storm Baptism_1

Chapter 366: 364 Storm Baptism_1

At this moment, Otto’s feeling was very peculiar, as if he had been thrown into a giant washing machine.

Spinning… spinning…

Otto’s body was constantly rotating in the storm, and at the same time, the storm was stretching his body with a terrifying force.

If it were an ordinary dragon, even a legendary dragon, it would probably have ended up in a situation similar to being drawn and quartered.

But even for Otto, it didn’t feel very comfortable at this time.

Mainly because he was about to be dizzy from the spinning…

However, if this continued, it wouldn’t have any fundamental impact on him, and they were just wasting time.

But amidst the continuous spinning, Otto realized that the so-called Bahamut’s avatar didn’t seem that powerful.

Although it was strong, it did not bring too much pressure on him, and it was only slightly stronger than the previous avatar of the Spider Goddess Rose.

And the current Otto was no longer the same as before.

The reason why he was able to fight back and forth with Bahamut was entirely because the Purgatory Demon Dragon’s avatar strength was only about a third of its original power, and many useful signature abilities couldn’t be easily used.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Because that would easily let those with ulterior motives associate the Purgatory Demon Dragon with the Silver Dragon Lord.

From the current situation, Bahamut’s Divine Power Storm couldn’t cause any substantial damage to Otto. Instead, it felt like a long-lasting control skill in terms of effect.

Unable to break free from the storm, Otto tried his best to clear his dizzy mind and looked at Bahamut, who had already turned around.

At this time, Bahamut’s mouth was moving up and down, obviously preparing for something.

Seeing this, Otto understood that if he did nothing, he would end up being a helpless target.

Looking around at the surroundings, he sensed the flow pattern of the storm.

Suddenly, Otto’s eyes lit up, and a thick, raging electrical arc enveloped his entire body, greatly amplifying his strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Otto quickly flapped his dragon wings, and with the Furious Thunder Power driving him, he forcefully dashed through the Divine Power Storm with a rather simple and crude method.

Although Otto had chosen the right timing and direction and successfully escaped the storm’s influence, his adventure had still brought him some damage.

Not a single scale on his body was intact, and the edges of his dragon wings were torn by many dense cracks.

Although it hurt, it was still tolerable for Otto.

There was nothing to say about it, as he was already used to much more severe pain than this.

A little external injury was nothing compared to the pain of decapitation.

As for the wounds on his body, they were healing rapidly at a visible rate.

Seeing that Otto had escaped the storm, Bahamut abandoned his current preparations and instead began to re-channel the energy of the storm.

In a moment, the storm disappeared, and its energy condensed into a large swirling cloud above Otto’s head.

And this cloud would follow Otto wherever he went, floating above him.

Soon, deafening flashes of lightning and roaring wind filled the air beneath the cloud.

Even Otto found it difficult to maintain stable flight in this environment, and in no time, a thick bolt of lightning struck his body directly.

The lightning bolt, infused with divine power, shattered the scales at its impact point on Otto’s body even after being reduced by multiple abilities, leaving a scorched trace around it.

But it was not over yet, after the falling thunder and fierce wind, a dense acid rain began to fall.

This acid rain was so heavy that it completely blurred Otto’s vision, making it almost impossible to see anything in front of him.

Fortunately, Otto was nearly immune to strong acid, but because it contained a significant amount of divine power, his scales were left with numerous corrosive pits.

As the acid rain continued to fall, the clouds above began to churn wildly, and amidst the intense rumbling, six dense falling thunders appeared, striking Otto’s body fiercely.

These six falling thunders almost appeared simultaneously, and even merged midway, forming a beam of light half as thick as Otto’s size which slammed into him forcefully.

This time, the impact alone knocked Otto down a considerable distance while flying in the air.

And when Otto finally managed to ascend again, the next round of attacks had already arrived…


Gradually, hail began to form and fell onto Otto.

Soon, the hail became more and more plentiful, and the size of the hailstones grew larger. This special attack dealt both freezing magic damage and a large amount of blunt damage simultaneously.

Of all Bahamut’s attacks so far, these hailstones were the most troublesome for Otto.

And still, Bahamut’s offensive was not over, as crazy winds and icy rain started to violently wash over the land beneath the clouds.

When the ice rain fell on Otto, he was surprised to find that his breath weapon was somewhat restricted and difficult to use easily.

It seemed that the ice rain could disrupt certain functions of his body.

Soon after, Otto realized that this strange ice rain was limiting all his long-range attack methods.

Opening his mouth, Otto spewed out thick black fog, intending to use this modified version of Darkness Magic to envelop himself and make Bahamut lose his target.

However, under the influence of the surrounding hurricane, the black fog was soon dispersed, and even the raging electric arc on Otto’s body suffered the same fate.

Everything mentioned above was the effect of the Divine Power Storm. With Bahamut’s current power, he could easily destroy a heavily guarded military fortress with this divine technique alone.

At the moment, Otto was experiencing various effects of the Divine Power Storm one after another, looking rather miserable.

The surrounding Metal Dragons started to cheer loudly. As they saw it, the damned Black Dragon would soon die under the divine technique of the Great Platinum Dragon God Bahamut.

As for the Undead Dragons on the other side, their expressions were much more complicated.

Although Otto’s death would grant them freedom, the vengeful Metal Dragons wouldn’t easily let them off the hook.

Without Otto’s protection, could they continue to survive on this continent?

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