Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World

Chapter 85 (Self Edited) – Observing the Training Ground

Chapter 85 (Self Edited) – Observing the Training Ground

Soma was walking under the blue sky while taking the deepest breath. It was especially when he felt breathless in the middle of it, he was wondering whether he was unconscious but still, he endured as it was. As he thought so, he let out a breath and took a step forward.

He was told that fact after the test in the dungeon had ended. It took him about an hour to go to the tenth layer. Well, it was probably because there were no monsters could offer him a close fight. Perhaps, since he arrived at the destination with only half of the estimated time, it was conclude that he successfully passed the test.

And now, he was walking… and he was about to return home. Actually, he merely returned back to the training ground.

Although Soma never attend any after school activities, what motivated him this time was… well, if he said that this had got nothing to do with Hildegard, then that would be a lie. Surely, it was true that he was thinking of something after listening to that fact.

However, it was also true that at the same time, Soma didn’t care about it. Rather, the feeling of appreciation was overwhelmingly higher.

Soma had no regret even though he ended in that place. Not only he was reincarnated, he was also given a second chance. If he complained, he should be punished.

“…No, perhaps, I’ve already been punished.” (Soma)

Anyhow, Hildegard was truly a God of that world. If that was the case, it might be obvious in a sense to give that kind of punishment to Soma since he killed her. The detail of the punishment was of course, he couldn’t use magic–…

“If it has to be put in words, I guess she was angry with me, huh?” (Soma)

‘There was no reason for me to do such a thing! Rather than saying that, I seriously never had such a thought.’ (Hildegard)

Besides, that would be an insult to Hildegard.

Well, leaving that aside as a joke… Soma was earnestly thought that this was a good thing. Certainly, there was no mistake that he would be glad if he could use magic without any difficulties.

But surely… he thought that he would feel unsatisfied at the same time. Since he was longing for it, he didn’t mind if he had to go through hardship. That was what he thought. (redundant)

Grieving, despairing, falling down on the knees… but still, he surely would achieved something if he worked for it. Struggling at the lowest level and he would be satisfied eventually, just like in the previous life.

Perhaps, that was his nature.

“Oh… have I arrived?” (Soma)

While thinking about such a thing, it seemed that he reached the destination.

There was the usual training ground in front of him. To be honest, there was somehow no difference from the surroundings.

The only different thing was the people in the center of the training ground. It was because the training ground was divided to a certain extent based on the users.

If people considered this for a bit, they would probably understand. What would happen if the students of magic department and swordsmanship department trained in the same spot? If the students were martial arts students, it would be fine, but it would be dangerous if the students of magic department mingled in there. For that reason, the student of magic department were allowed to use the training ground once they were separated from others.

“Let see…” (Soma)

There was no need to obtain permission to enter the training ground. So, he went straight ahead and that scene was immediately seen.

First, he heard a thunderous sound. It might be somebody shot a magic. He saw an explosion happening at the edge of his sight, but there was no need to worry because nobody was there in the place. This was probably a common things. Continued what had been mentioned earlier, other students were also practicing their magic.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

There was a group of several people. Each of them did whatever the liked, and… this was somewhat a familiar scene. It made him remember the old times, and when he narrowed his eyes to the atmosphere that was happening only after school… that voice came out.

“Eh? Is that you, Soma? Long time no see… or rather, this isn’t the first time.” (Aina)

When he turned his view, the one who was there was Aina, someone who he expected. Apparently, she was coming closer.

“Well, I’m just trying to change the mood. It’s not that I came here to do anything… so, are you doing the usual stuff?” (Soma)

“Yup, research and practice… but mainly on the practice.” (Aina)

When she said so, her line of slight turned toward behind, and Soma also shifted his eyes to that. There was a girl over there. She was probably his classmate, because she looked familiar.

Soma didn’t have confidence because he didn’t remember them well. Not just that girl only, the rest were his classmates except Aina. The only exception was probably Sylvia. No, right now, he should be doing his best for himself, so he should have time to pay attention to the surroundings.

This might not be applicable to Aina, but if judging at least from the situation, that girl seemed to be practicing or something. Honestly, Soma was a bit surprised.

“I know that you are practicing, but… I thought that you would do it alone, but it seems that is not the case…” (Soma)

“You, in what way you are seeing me…!? I have friends, you know…!” (Aina)

Soma wasn’t sure whether to point out that she couldn’t see other girls with the exception of that girl. Since she would say something like ‘How about you?’, he should keep it silent then.


“You..? What are you doing here…!?” (??) (TLN: The first ‘you’ is Anta, while the second ‘you’ is teme.)

When Soma turned to the voice heard, there was a boy there.

His age was probably about the same as Soma and others. In that blue eyes of his, it contained hostility or something similar and he was looking at Soma.

However, Soma was confused. It certainly was a face that he remembered seeing…

“…I’m sorry, who are you?” (Soma)

“You… are you asking for a fight…!?” (??)

“Wait a sec… aren’t you the bad one here?” (Aina)

“Hmm…” (Soma)

He was wondering what was going on, but judging from Aina’s appearance, he seemed to be one of his classmates. Frankly speaking, it didn’t ring a bell. It was a feeling of ‘was he there… or wasn’t he…?’.

No, even if that boy was his classmate, he really didn’t leave even a slight impression.

“Damn it… you aren’t aware of me at all…!? Cheh… now, look…!?” (??)

The boy left after he said that. Soma tilted his head again, not knowing what the boy came for and what would he say after this.

“Hmmm… what’s wrong with him…?” (Soma)

“I should really say that this is all because of you, but… indeed, I sympathize him.” (Aina)

“What do you mean?” (Soma)

“Look, when you received the first swordsmanship lesson, in order to confirm the ability, didn’t you guys have a match with that girl?” (Aina)

“Aah, there was such a thing…” (Soma)

It shouldn’t have passed more than a month, but he felt strangely nostalgic. Perhaps, that event was forgotten as days gone by.

By the way, Aina knew it because she was also enrolled in swordsmanship lesson.

“So, what’s wrong with that?” (Soma)

“There was a person who went out confidently at the very first, right?” (Aina)

“Hmm… was it… was it not…?” (Soma)

“There was someone… you should at least remember that. And that person was him.” (Aina)

“So, why he was talking like that just now?” (Soma)

“I am also not sure because I heard about it inadvertently, but he had considerable confident in his swordsmanship. He was boasting that he could defeat even lecturers. Well, it may have been possible if it was an ordinary lecturer, but…” (Aina)

“Hmm…” (Soma)

Despite of being a lecturer at the Royal Academy, not many of them had advanced skills after all. To begin with, the height of the skill and the teaching ability were two different matters. In a sense, it was simply possible that the students had better abilities.

“However, in term of result, he was instantly done. Although it was the same for everyone else, it would be nice to end it that way, but… you won against that girl. So, do you get what is this mean?” (Aina)

“I don’t have a preference of being pleased when guys notice me though…” (Soma)

“Look…” (Aina)

Soma shrugged his shoulders to Aina’s astounded sigh, and turned around. As he expected, although it was a joke, he really felt the troublesome of being noticed.

It was fine if this was in the previous life, but now, he wanted to focus on magic. Well, if it was one-sided awareness, there was no problem, but…

“Anyhow, it looks like he wanted to win against you both with swordsmanship, but you don’t have that intention, right? I guess today is the first time for you to be told that directly. I suppose you don’t see anybody in the swordsmanship lesson.” (Aina)

“When you told me that, I guess that is true… In that case, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.” (Soma)

“As always, I have a feeling that you will not come here today. He usually swing your sword quietly, but… it is totally different because he is doing that alone, and that make him unusually conspicuous.” (Aina)

“Hmm…” (Soma)

When he turned around after being told that, there was certainly a boy who was swinging a sword alone in a slightly away distance from them. Based on the appearance, it was as if he had the confidence.

However, there was only one concern, and that was whether the boy was also a magic department student or not.

“Why a student of magic department is training his swordsmanship rather than magic?” (Soma)

“The Royal Academy let the students decide whatever they want to do, so he is fine, isn’t it? I guess he is frustrated… He probably think he had enough skills, and the next objective is magic. Since he was confident with swordsmanship, he enrolled in the magic department rather than swordsmanship department.” (Aina)

“Aah… that seems plausible.” (Soma)

There would be even more about skills especially in this world. The learning speed was fast, but the limitation was also easy to be understood. It was also reasonable to take another means to aim for the top.

That boy would probably have great future because rather than flaunting his limit and giving up, he stood up against all hardship.

“By the way… if he wants to polish his swordsmanship, I think it is better to go training ground instead of going there, right? If he does that, he doesn’t have to practice alone. No, even he does that alone and quietly, there is a possibility that there might be people, who will imitate, in the surroundings. So, I don’t think there is any reason for not doing so.” (Soma)

“I was also wondering about that… I wonder if there is any reason for that.” (Aina)

“Uhm… Excuse me…” (??)

“Yes?” (Soma)

When he turned around to that delicate voice, the girl who seemed to be Aina’s friend was there. She was opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but the voice didn’t come out.

“Helen? What’s wrong?” (Aina)

“Uhm, uhmm… I don’t know why the boy is here, but… maybe… I think because he is a student of magic department…” (Helen)

“Because he is magic from department? Aah, are you asking why he is coming to the training ground but didn’t use magic?” (Aina)

“Aah, yes…” (Helen)

“That remind me, nobody said that the magic department student can’t come here… well that is surprisingly inflexible, isn’t it?” (Aina)

It was understandable if that was the case. Although it didn’t matter if he understood it, they were told that fact. Soma lowered his head to a girl called Helen.

“Thanks for telling me that.” (Soma)

“Ye-yeah… it’s not a big deal.” (Helen)

“Even so, it’s true that you taught me.” (Soma)

“Yeah. Thanks Helen.” (Aina)

“Ah, auu…” (Helen)

She might not be used to be thanked when her face reddened and she was shrinking. Well, it suited her age. The people around him were adults and premature people, so this was kind of refreshing.

“By the way, is it true that you are Aina’s friend?” (Soma)

“Eh…? Ye-yeah… Aina-chan is my friend, I think…?” (Helen)

“Are you alright? Are you sure she didn’t threaten you? If she did that, you can tell me, you know?” (Soma)

“Wait a sec…!? Rather than making my reputation goes bad, in what way do you think of me!?” (Aina)

“Aha, ahaha… yeah… I’m fine. Aina-chan is really my friend…” (Helen)

“Ooh, what a good girl… I become worried in another sense, you know. Are you trouble with anything? Well, Aina sometimes does weird things, so you can say it to me at that time, alright?” (Soma)

“I don’t want to be told you that by you…!?” (Aina)

While such conversation went on, Soma narrowed his eyes toward the girl, Helen. It wasn’t that he was suspicious at her. However, he just thought that girl, who seemed to look weak, was probably not like that.

Although what Soma mentioned earlier was a joke, it was also true that it was his real feeling. In order to pursue the magic someday, Aina’s talent was definitely a real deal, and she was remarkable at that. Ordinary magicians couldn’t keep up with her.

Aina knew this exactly. That was why, as far as choosing training partner, that girl also held an appropriate talent.

Of course, Soma was envying them. But, no matter what he said, there was nothing that he could do. If there was anything he could do, that would be to make use of that talent as the source of encouragement.

Soma thought of such a thing while looking at the flustered appearance of the girl, who looked at him and Aina, with a wry smile.

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