Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 102 - 102 ( Prove It If You Want )

"What if I'm normal?" asked Harry between talks.

Cleo stared in confusion, "Normal?"

"Yeah. Normal,"

Cleo looked at him uncertainly.

"Just so you know, I don't have any relationship with Dirga or any other man like you think. You, purely misunderstood us at that time. Dirga was just fixing a little bit where my tie was not right at that time. Then, in addition, I'm a normal man. I'm not gay and I'm not deviant," Harry explained with a strange feeling because his manhood was even questioned by his own wife.

Wasn't that so unnatural?

"You know, why do these rumors keep spreading? Even among your subordinates, even though they are crazy about you, they still say that. I think you really have that possibility. But it turned out to be wrong?" asked Cleo with round eyes.

Harry had returned to refuting his words.

"Of course. I just purposely let the issue spread without any clear basis. A woman who I once rejected, was desperate to spread it because she hated me."

Harry's narrative made Cleo's mind a little more open. So in fact, he has deliberately let the issue spreading just like that, and the person who spread it was a woman he had rejected.

Harry was just trying to efficiently.

Once hit, it wasn't just one or two mosquitoes that he managed to block. But even dozens.

Harry just wants t to break the heart of any woman that he didn't like.

Then, beyond that problem. If Harry did not deviate. Why until now, his perfection had not succeeded in attracting him into a relationship?

Did he just think so highly of himself that no other perfect woman was a match for him?

"If there is anything you want to know or ask. You can ask directly and don't have to put make a lot of wrinkles on your forehead. Don't you have a mouth to speak with?" exclaimed Harry sarcastically.

Cleo then looked lazily.

"You once told me not to talk much and bother a lot. So now, you want me to ask you a lot if I'm curious?"

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"Are you curious about me?"

"Um, not completely. But, you're acting quite confusing. If you don't have the deviated personality that I've been thinking. Why don't you have a lover yet? I'm sure a lot of women are lining up. But you never seem to care about them. Are you currently in an illicit relationship that no one knows about?" asked Cleo with various speculations.

Harry glared at her.

"Have you always used your brain to think too far and wild fantasize without limits? I told you not to read too many romance novels or the like. Because it could take your mindset to bad roots. Can you not connect the real world with your chaotic imagination?" Harry quipped very sharply.

Cleo chose not to reply. Because she knew that Harry did not really mean what he said.

"So, why don't you have a lover yet? Everything, because you turn out to be a very picky person?" Cleo asked, returning to another assumption.

Harry gave her a lazy glance.

"Finding the right person is not as easy as you think. Just like you haven't found someone yet. I haven't found the right person either. Isn't that the kind of answer you want to hear? " said Harry.

"I'm starting to understand. But for me, it's not like I haven't found the right person yet. I was just too busy to work all this time, so I put too much romance aside in my life. Other than that, after I married you and got divorced. Is there a man who wants to marry me?"

Felt doubt about the future of her own romance because it was too foreign for her.

Honestly, it's not like she never thought of finding a man she could really persuade to take to a more promising level. However, because of the debt left by her uncle. At the same time, she was busy looking for money for her daily life.

Cleo decided to think about that later after all the problems had been successfully resolved.

But after meeting Harry, Cleo's plans changed a lot.

Her debt was paid off in a short time and Cleo only needed to last for 2 years so that divorce and freedom could be regained.

Cleo also only needs to accept her fate as a childless widow with an open mind.

Harry seems not too satisfied with Cleo's narrative, which has discussed the issue of their separation and divorce at the beginning of their marriage.

Harry touched the nape of his neck which suddenly felt heavy.

"You seem to have thought a lot about your future. Are you in such a hurry to end this marriage?"

Harry also added.

"Besides, Why if you have trouble later when you divorce me? Are you in a rush to remarry? Or, are you too bad to find someone who will marry you? Where there are many widows out there who have been married many times even though they often fail."

Harry made a pretty chilling comparison for Cleo.

Did that man hope that Cleo will fail many times in marriage?

"Okay, ignore me. Then how about you? Aren't you thinking of finding one woman who can make you serious with her?" asked Cleo as soon as possible to return their topic to its original discussion.

Harry stared at her deeply.

"I'm thinking about it. But it is definitely still a long way off," he said while implying something. Cleo, who couldn't catch the signal, replied casually.

"Then, I'll congratulate you when that day comes. But, is everything you say true? You .. really normal? " Cleo asked with full seriousness.

Harry surrendered.

"Whatever, if you want to believe it or not! As I said. I can prove it if you want. You just have to say when, and where. Then, how about tonight?" asked Harry with great seriousness too.

To win 1 against 0.

Cleo looked at him in horror.

"What's tonight?" She replied.

Then warned, "Don't think nonsense and don't plan for nonsense! Remember, this marriage only exists in a contract! And there is no physical contact in the agreement. Have you forgotten?!!"

Tried to remind. But Harry replied casually.

"Have you also forgotten that I still have two ace cards to change the contents of the contract? And I guess I could just use that card to make you believe. Want to try?"

Harry with a wicked smile made fun of Cleo. Harry then flinched.

But, since when had Harry been made fun of people?

Cleo kept her distance.

"I told you not to violate the rules by taking advantage of the power you have. That's called a human rights violation!" exclaimed Cleo.

And Harry held back his amusement.

"I didn't break the rules and take advantage of power. In law, you're still my wife, Cleo. So it's only natural that we do what we should have done the first time we got married,"

Cleo felt the hair on her neck stood up.

"What do you mean by doing?" Cleo asked carefully and felt her cheeks flushed.

Bad luck!

This was clearly very dangerous because they were in a land of other people now. And she was now trapped alone with a man who had somehow become so brave.

Can't imagine what happened to the two of them later, if Harry got so desperate.

But ... oh come on ... that's impossible right?!

Harry had not physically touched her. But his words seemed to seriously want to do something more with their relationship to prove something. Forced Cleo to start thinking far.

Harry and Cleo's doorbell suddenly rang.

"Room service, deliver something for you. And please do a receipt," exclaimed a bellboy while showing the box he was carrying.

Successfully opened the door and got a surprise. Cleo looked at the box in surprise. Then turned around.

"What he wants? He brought you something?" asked Cleo.

Harry then answered.

"Take it and make a receipt!"

Cleo then took the foreign box and thanked him after giving the receipt.

"You just ordered something?" asked Cleo again.

"Yeah. Open it. And see what's inside for yourself," replied Harry.

Cleo then quickly opened the package. Look and stare even more astonished.

"You ordered a dress? Then, who is this dress for? "

"Of course for you! Do you think I can use it?"

Cleo suddenly laughed.

"Maybe. If you want to try it!"

Cleo asked again.

"And then. What did you buy this dress for? Is there any event for tonight?"

There was no cause without effect. For that, there must be a reason this dress was given to her.

"That dress is not from me. But, the grandmother who bought it and gifted it especially for you. Grandma also gave us a special dinner for tonight. So be ready for later. And put that dress on," Harry exclaimed while walking back to his bed to sit and checked his cell phone.

Harry then read some of the messages Dirga sent regarding work. And he was busy replying to it.


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