Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 108 - 108 ( Is That Her Or Not ? )

"Yes," said Harry shortly. And Cleo immediately replied.

"How unusual! Is there something important, or is there a special occasion?" Cleo asked with a lot of thought. Cleo was not close enough with Uncle Dani and Aunt Lili. So it felt uncommon for her to meet them in person.

"They just want to congratulate you for working at the company. As well as apologizing because they were late in saying it," Harry replied to Cleo.

Alfin, who had been trailing behind with Dirga, seemed interested.

"Uncle Dani and Aunt Lili asked to eat together? Then I'll come too, "Alfin exclaimed with his confidence. Harry looked at him sarcastically.

"Are you invited too?" Harry asked.

"I didn't. But I'm sure my uncle and aunt don't mind if I coming," Alfin replied casually. Alfin didn't seem to care about Harry's objection.

He glanced slightly at Dirga, Alfin asked him.

"You also want to come?" Alfin asked Dirga. And Dirga immediately glanced at his boss. Felt like it was not the right time for him to participate. Dirga refused the invitation.

"No, sir. Looks like I'm better off having lunch at the office. It's a 'family gathering' after all and I 'don't have to take part' in it. I better stay at the office to take care of some work after it. "

Dirga deliberately emphasized certain words in his words. So that Alfin caught his words and chose not to 'become a family and take part' in Harry's business. Alfin didn't seem to have caught the hint.

Decided to let Dirga if he really didn't want to come. Alfin looked at Harry and Cleo cheerfully.

"Then, the three of us will be there!" Alfin said loudly and pulled the two of them to hurry up. Walked out and waited for the car to pick them up and drop them off.

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Harry cast a certain look at Alfin. Was this guy so shameless, just coming without being invited?

Harry shook his head a little tiredly. Alfin was not his name if that man lacked a lot of confidence in himself.

Seeing that the car had arrived and Alfin got into the car first. Harry immediately rushed in after him. Repeating events that had happened recently. Harry was again between the two humans.

Regretted because he chose a small car to take him to the place where he promised Uncle Dani and Aunt Lili. Harry should have used another, bigger car to get them there.

Who could have predicted that uninvited guests would also get in their car? Was Alfin really happy growing up as a parasite?

Harry stretched out on the backrest, Harry roared.

"Next time, use your own car for traveling. Don't like to gnaw like ants. This is my last warning, " Harry warned. Alfin can only be chuckled and nodded his head briefly.

The three of them arrived at a restaurant not too far from the office. They then entered the room that was already booked. Cleo immediately greeted Uncle Dani and Aunt Lili at the same time.

"Uncle, aunt. Nice to meet you, " Cleo said warmly. Dani and Lili greeted her back.

"We're happy that we can meet you again Cleo," Lili then looked at Harry, "Alfin came with you?" She asked, then glanced at Alfin.

Alfin immediately greeted his distant aunt and uncle.

"Uncle aunt! Long time no see. Are you healthy? " Alfin asked with a sweet smile. Aunt Lili immediately gave her response.

"Of course we are healthy. You yourself, are Natashya and Leon doing well? Auntie hasn't spoken to them for a long time, " Lili said by asking about Alfin's parents.

Harry who saw Cleo was a little confused, gave an explanation.

"Natashya and Leon are the names of Alfin's parents," said Harry, explaining. Alfin was quite surprised to hear that man bothered to explain something to someone else. Wasn't Harry usually always lazy and stingy in speaking?

Seeing that his guest had come, Dani invited everyone to sit down with him. Enjoyed each meal that had been served. Lili repeatedly congratulated and apologized to Cleo.

Congratulated on Cleo's participation in joining the company. And apologized for their delay in congratulating her. Also happy with the news about their honeymoon a week ago.

Alfin went to the toilet for a while when everyone was chatting about the lasting relationship between Harry and Cleo. Completed his nature calls in the men's room and left shortly after he finished. Alfin accidentally bumped into someone.

A woman with a beautiful and elegant face and a familiar look in her eyes. Who was this woman? And why did Alfin seem to know her? Could it be that they had known each other?

Because Alfin was a man, he apologized first even though the woman hit him first.

"Sorry. Are you all right? " he asked, asking the woman's condition. The woman with the beautiful face looked confused and panicked seeing Alfin's face. With a slightly stiff smile, the woman replied to Alfin.

"Um, yes. I am fine. Thank you," she exclaimed while putting on an uncomfortable face. Alfin looked confused by her attitude.

Was that woman displeased to see him? But why?

Alfin continued to frown. Until suddenly someone called the woman, Alfin woke up from his reverie.

"Steylla !! What are you doing here? Didn't you say that you wanted to go to the toilet?" asked another woman who Alfin caught was the friend of the woman he had run over earlier.

But Alfin, who seemed to recognize that name in his brain memory, looked at the woman who was summoned quite seriously.


Steylla, who did not expect to meet Alfin, was quite surprised by their sudden meeting. Looked at the man with a faint smile. Steylla didn't seem too comfortable seeing Alfin again.

The man she once loved. But now all that had become the past. Steylla didn't seem to want to care about Alfin anymore.

She looked at her female friend with a smile and answered questions from her.

"I accidentally bumped into him. I'm going to the toilet now. "Steylla walked into the women's toilet. She ignored Alfin who was already looking at her so seriously. Followed by the woman who came with her earlier.

Alfin was glued at his place.

"She can't be the Steylla Detriana I know, can she?" Alfin muttered quietly and walked back to his VIP room. Alfin was still quite curious about the possibility that the woman he just met was Steven's tomboy sister.

Alfin believed their similarity was only in name. But his curiosity could not be relieved by the results of his thoughts. Alfin finally asked Harry.

"Did you meet his sister at Steven's birthday yesterday?" Alfin asked in horror whilst imagining the worst answer.

Harry seemed calm in reply.

"Do you mean Steylla?" Harry asked and Alfin nodded.

"Yes," said Harry briefly and Alfin seemed to be asking for more.

"That is all?" Alfin asked, "Did she experience a little, ah I mean .. a significant change?"

Alfin cast his eyes full of interest. Harry put on a stupid face on purpose.

"What significant change do you mean?" Harry asked. He was deliberately stalling and pretending not to understand.

So that Alfin had to roll his eyes. Alfin started to get impatient.

"I happened to run into a woman whose name is Steven's sister. Is that maybe ... really her?" Alfin asked with his face quite serious.

Alfin was quite horrified to hear the 'yes' answer from Harry. Alfin can't forget those familiar eyes and facial lines from his mind.

Harry looked at Alfin for a moment before he answered.

"What do you think? Is that her or not? I didn't see it in person," Harry said nonchalantly.

Alfin immediately became overwhelmed.

"Don't keep making fun of me. You know serious questions. But do you need to answer in a roundabout way?" Alfin exclaimed.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't you not in the least care about her? Why is it that now that Steylla has changed quite drastically you are curious about her?" Harry asked back, sneered.

"Can't I ask if I'm not curious?" Alfin protested Harry and realized the true meaning of Harry's words.

"So, the woman I met was really her?" Alfin was being hysterical. And Harry remained calm.

"I told you I didn't see the woman you met. So how do I know they were the same woman? Aren't you talking nonsense?" Harry spat out, half annoyed because Alfin seemed to be convoluted and was talking inconsistently to him.

Inevitably, Steylla had changed a lot and was almost difficult to recognize because this woman now looked very different than before. But the fact that Steven's face was printed quite clear behind that pretty face. Alfin certainly can recognize that woman better than himself. Because the man interacted with the woman longer than he did.

But now, why did Alfin still need to ask the truth even though he must already know the answer himself? Was Alfin so difficult to accept the reality of Steylla's change?


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