Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 170 - 170 ( I'm Your Father )

Sofia tried to explain in better words so as not to corner anyone. Robby didn't look too happy with the explanation but listened anyway. Willy began to remember the times when his mother used to be acutely depressed even when he was so little.

"Gunawan then had an accident shortly after the incident. Grandma was busy crying over his death to take care of his funeral. Grandma didn't really follow through on the problems his father caused before he died."

The memory of the death of Gunawan and his wife then flashed back into Sofia's and Harry's memories. Robby couldn't feel the slightest bit of pity at that time because he was already preoccupied with his own problems.

"I should have severely punished your son for committing such a disgraceful act. He's lucky to have been called by God first," Robby's words made Harry stare at him with a fierce look.

"You don't deserve to talk like that about my father! How dare you say that? Are you tired of living already?" Harry didn't seem to care about the age difference between his and Robby's. Where Robby was the same age as his father.

Harry certainly couldn't have any respect for someone who had tried to insult or even say something bad about his father. Even if it was right or it was a deliberate mistake. Harry still had a hard time accepting the words that weighed on his heart.

Willy still seemed to be thinking and unconsciously voiced his thoughts.

"Because of that, my father was able to impregnate another woman and was forced to marry her?" he said, sounded more like a mumble. Everyone looked at him, especially Robby.

"That statement is clearly far-fetched!" Willy said, he didn't take Sofia's explanation seriously.

"That can't be an excuse for you to just leave your wife and children. Didn't you notice? Instead, I see you're just trying to pass the blame on someone else. Please don't make this sound like a joke!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Willy clearly couldn't take his father's excuses for granted. Because at that time Robby should have explained this matter to his mother. That way, her mother would become less depressed and didn't think that her husband didn't love her anymore, even to the point of betraying her.

Robby was clearly just looking for a scapegoat.

Until Sofia didn't know what else to say to help Robby. Everything she wanted to say, she had already said. And frankly, Sofia didn't want to tell Harry the truth for fear that his grandson would think too much about it.

"Can't you just forget about the incident and makeup with your father?" asked Sofia who didn't want the relationship between the father and son to get worse because of her own son's actions.

Harry still couldn't accept that fact.

"Grandmother! Is that all true?" said Harry, he was still nervous. Sofia couldn't say anything other than, "Yeah. It is true."

Harry felt his throat tighten.

Willy obviously also can't take this reality for granted. The fact that his father was tricked was enough to make Willy change his bad view of his father. But another fact that should have happened after that, it shouldn't have gone like what his father did.

Said nothing and took it upon himself to make his mother so depressed. Willy looked back at his father sharply.

"Shouldn't you be telling mom about this?" Willy asked, irritated by his father's cowardly attitude.

Willy didn't wonder how he could have the same cowardice when it came to confessing his feelings to Cleo. If only back then he had also been honest with his own feelings, Cleo might have been his right now.

But fate and circumstances said the otherwise.

"You should have said this to your wife. That way, she won't feel too burdened alone to accept the fact that her husband is having an affair. Until he was able to leave her without caring. And just disappear with just a farewell or two."

"Do you think just because I know the real problem, I'll be able to accept that bad attitude of yours right away?" Willy looked annoyed.

Robby tried to defend himself.

"But I am your father after all!" he exclaimed.

Willy laughed at his words.

"What did you just say?" he asked, amused.

Robby repeated, "I am your father!!" shouted Robby reassuringly.

Willy refused his confession.

"Father who had been missing for a dozen years and only appeared now that you wanted to find your successor?"

Willy didn't seem to care about his surroundings and continued to say whatever he wanted to say.

Robby and Sofia looked equally frustrated with each other.

One was frustrated because his son did not want to admit himself but was forced to do so because he wanted to get his wife. The other was frustrated because her child's past had actually made a family that used to be harmonious even harder to unite.

Sofia really regretted Robby's dishonest attitude. But can't say much to blame him because this problem came from her own son.

"I know this must be hard for you and you don't want to take it. But what your father said is true. A child cannot be separated from the influence of the parents. Therefore end your dispute and make peace. I've told almost all of what actually happened."

"About how your father was able to betray your mother in the first place and that he did not do it on purpose. But because of my son's fatal mistake. I'm sure Nadderine's family must have cornered your father into marrying their daughter when they found out that their daughter was pregnant. So to be able to persuade your father, their family may press or threaten your father. You can ask him all of the more details."

"But please don't involve Harry in this again! I won't be able to stay silent if you keep making things worse," Sofia reminded Robby to be more careful because this was her first warning. Robby looked displeased when he was protested.

"I couldn't have done this if it weren't for your son. So that when I saw the destruction of his son, my anger might be cured. You see for yourself how my son would not listen to me. Even to the point of choosing not to acknowledge his own father. I had lost enough when I let Deborah go. I don't want to lose my son this time either."

Their meeting then ended with a less pleasant decision. Robby still hadn't let down his will to disturb Harry. And Willy had no desire to accept his father back regardless of any new information he got.

Harry also couldn't come to terms with how his father was linked to other people's family rift issues.

Sofia could only go this far for a while and observe the situation. Cleo had come with Harry to calm his mind. Anxious when Harry started to do things that made no sense to the point of going crazy.

Cleo asked how he was as soon as possible.

"You are okay?" asked Cleo who was confused because this question didn't seem like the first time she had asked Harry.

Harry who was still in a bad mood could only think of Cleo's words as wind. So Cleo didn't talk to the man again for fear of being dragged into his unstable emotions.

The next day Harry immediately asked his team to follow up on his plan. Robby looked confused by the crisis his company was experiencing. And was sure this must be the result of Harry's doing.

Robby cursed the man with swearing that he wanted the man to replace his current pinched position. Couldn't believe that this matter could turn to him so easily. Until Robby then desperately asked all of his men to overcome the emergency crisis that occurred in his company.

Martha looked very angry when a certain agency rejected her as a model. Martha immediately came to see her father not long after Robby assigned all his men to move. She was complaining about all the obstacles she just received today in unison.

Martha was extremely confused by the situation. And Robby too, for the first time was made to be so frustrated to accept his daughter's spoiled behavior.

"Father has to make calculations with company x! I don't like it when they turn me down to be their model just because I don't fit in it. Even though I had warned my manager to recommend me to their company. They even lightly rejected me! Rejected me, father! Reject!!" Martha struggled at her wits.

Martha did not expect that she would receive this humiliating treatment from a company that was not even as big as her father's. Where they should know that it was not easy for other companies to be able to attract her to be their model.

That small fashion company actually dared to eliminate her?

Robby was seen massaging his forehead gently.


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