Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 217 - 217 ( Having A Affair )

Alfin had already burst in front of Harry's desk. Standing right in front of Harry and asking enthusiastically after he had seen Harry put his cellphone on the table. Those bright sparkling eyes greeted Harry with joy.

"You and your contract wife are really in love with each other?" asked Alfin with a series of words that he was confused about how this could possibly happen.

Reihan and Dirga were also curious.

"Does this have anything to do with the incident that happened in your home yesterday?" guessed Alfin. But then he corrected it, "Um, I don't think so! What does that have to do with it!"

"So what made you two so intimate?" Alfin then looked at Reihan, "Rei! What I said just now was wrong, right?!" Alfin insisted.

Reihan shrugged his shoulders.

"Do not ask me.. Just ask the person concerned!"

Harry just stared in surprise.

"Do you need to be so curious about me?"

The three responded in unison.

"Yes! It is possible and must!"

Harry narrowed his eyes. Staring sharply at Dirga and Reihan who also became overly curious like Alfin.

For the first time that day, Reihan could smile faintly. Although still a little wry and his heart was in a bad mood too.

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"Married by contract with a foreign woman. Then finally fall in love with each other? What a cliché story of your life, Harry. So, maybe I need to follow in your footsteps. So that, the woman I wanted, chooses me too?"

Harry and Alfin looked at each other. Then realized that their guess was right. That Reihan is frustrated because of love. And he might as well have just been rejected by a woman.

Alfin snapped his fingers.

"No wonder you keep looking at your phone over and over again! Is it true that all your anxiety was because of a woman? Did you just break up? And you suddenly could just feel how hurt your heart was when you experience it directly?"

In the circle of their friendship, the three of them knew that Reihan had never experienced a broken heart. Didn't ever be rejected. But often refused love from others. Especially Steylla, Steven's loveable sister. And miraculously, that woman came back with the best evolution she could give everyone.

Reihan was still trying to deny and dodge.

Standing straight in his position and stretching his sore muscles. Reihan glanced at everyone at the same time.

"I will find out what my duties are from Luan and Arthur. I'm sure they can tell me."

Reihan then walked away from the office room.

Harry's smile grew again when he saw the picture message coming into his cell phone. Coming from Cleo. And without him opening it, he could already guess what was inside.

[ 'This is the most beautiful flower I've ever had in my life. Equal to the beauty and love of the giver. Is this the beautiful form of your feelings for me? Until I had a reallyý sweet dream and didn't want to wake up from this dream! ]

Cleo wrote down such pretty words. And the whole writing touched Harry's feelings deeply. Because Harry never thought that Cleo could actually write such poetic words.

Harry seemed to have a lot to learn. And reply to the message as soon as possible.

[ ' to my love, Cleo. Not just in dreams. But in your glittering real world, I will make it beautiful and sweet too. I love you so much. ]

Surprised to himself by the reply that Harry didn't expect she would write in return to compensate for Cleo's sweet words. Harry laughed at his words.

Then not a few seconds later, he got a reply message from Cleo.

Harry inadvertently recalls his gray days which he wasted alone without knowing, giving, and receiving love. Focus only on work and other activities without stopping.

Alfin was coming to Harry's desk again to hand over a report.

"Sign this. And don't waste my time today for just watching your weird act."

Harry immediately moved calmly affixing his signature to the report Alfin had given him. And it was instead pushed Alfin to frown and then question Harry's actions.

"You didn't read, or at the very least, check it first? You put your signature straight away and don't want to correct something that might be lacking in it?"

Harry continued to be nonchalant and didn't stop remaining the messages from Cleo over and over in his mind.

Alfin did not stop protesting there.

"Oh, come on! Do you want everyone to think that you might be having an affair right now?"

Harry immediately looked up. Staring at Alfin seriously and asking.

"What do you mean? Why could you say that? And why can I be accused of having an affair with another woman?"

Alfin pointed at Harry's face confidently using his palm.

"Please see for yourself how you look right now! Very beaming. Like having found a new woman that you really care about. Even though your handsome face has never been this bright after having Cleo and marrying her.

Harry hastily corrected.

"Happiness can come later."

Alvin snorted.

"Yeah. But in the eyes of the world, Cleo is still your woman from the start."

Harry responded to the rebuttal with a lazy look and tossed the report he had just signed.

"Fix it from the second and fifth pages. Then at the quote of number three on the last pages."

Alfin put on a stupid face.

"When did you complete reading it?"

Harry flashed a thread-thin smile.

"When you keep complaining. And when you keep teasing me endlessly!"

Alfin did not dare to answer again.

Starting to regret that you have made useless protests and even become troublesome yourself. Alfin walked out while taking his report away.

Harry watched her leave with a long sigh.


Then, after work hours passed. Harry was surprised by the sweet and special reply from Cleo for the flowers he has given. Even though their original plan was, Harry would pick up Cleo at home and visit his grandmother in the hospital, after that.

Cleo turned out to have taken out a mysterious box to Harry in return for Harry's gift of love to her. Showing it clearly and handing it over. Cleo spoke very cheerfully.

"Tadaa!! I made this especially for you. And open it!"

Harry's enthusiasm grew. Tearing off the large brown envelope that was the cover and get ready to open the box. Cleo's hand stopped him.

"You want to open it right away? You didn't suspect if I might have given you something dangerous?"

This joke, Harry responded casually. When he found out that Cleo deliberately used the brown envelope to trick him.

Harry then replied calmly.

"If you wanted to harm me. You must have done it long ago. Then, no ill will be etched on your cheerful face."

Cleo couldn't help but be tempted and laugh. Acknowledging Harry's sensitivity and let him open the box.

Harry's guess was correct.

That Cleo couldn't possibly give him anything dangerous. Cleo actually gave him a chocolate-covered cake. Have appearance round and shaped in a small size so that it is easy to eat on the way to grandma's place.


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