Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 267 - 267 ( DNA Result )

Cleo looked at the bathroom door warily. She was already sitting in front of the dressing table. And doing her night routine as usual. Cleo's heartbeat didn't calm down even though Harry hasn't there by her side.

Then Harry's words rang in his head. Cleo still had a hard time neutralizing the red and hot blush on her cheeks.

Harry's arrival, which was faster than expected, surprised Cleo. The man hugged Cleo from behind. His half-wet hair dripped down Cleo's head as the man lowered his head.

"What are you thinking about? Is there still a problem that has caught your attention?"

Harry never wanted Cleo to feel burdened by her family's problems. He wanted Cleo to be happy and at peace. But this naughty woman seemed to often play with her useless thoughts.

Cleo touched Harry's hand which was already pressed against her chest. Then looked up.

"I was just daydreaming. Then, do you want me to dry your hair?"

Cleo closed one eye again when she saw a drop of water from Harry's hair dripping down her face. Harry let go of his arm.


Harry took the towel. Then try to dry his hair naturally for a few minutes. Cleo didn't offer help anymore. Because Harry doesn't seem to need it.

Those eyes flashed after waiting too long to hug Cleo back. Harry then pulled Cleo up onto the bed and made them both feel comfortable.

Cleo felt her body being tickled.

"Stop kissing me. And it tickles me."

Harry didn't stop his touch. He attacked Cleo even lovingly and teased her. He kissed her gently on every part that Harry was sure would excite Cleo.

Cleo felt her whole body heat up. Even though the surrounding air was cold. Harry undressed Cleo slowly. Touching every sensitive point of her.


Morning has come. Julia's DNA test results are going out. So Harry decided to pick up Julia and by together went to the hospital to take the DNA test in person. That morning, Harry allowed Cleo to rest longer.

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He kissed her forehead and rubbed the top of her head.

Harry whispered softly beside Cleo's ear.

"I'll go first. Rest comfortably. Then, wait for good news from me."

Cleo looked up. He was actually half awake. But because she was still sleepy and tired, Cleo was reluctant to open her eyes. She only heard Harry's whisper then let him go.

Harry ordered Ane to look after and accompany Cleo throughout Harry. Provided good food for her and did not leave her alone. Ane was so pleased to see Harry's great care for his wife.

She was glad that her young master had someone he loved so dearly now. Ane also really likes her female employer.

To her, they are the best couple. And she really hope that this happiness would be last forever.

Dirga was waiting outside faithfully in the car while waiting for Harry to come out. He greeted Harry after seeing the man come out of the house and into the car. He glanced back.

"Good morning, Sir."

Harry nodded slightly. Then issue an order.

"Pick up Julia first. Then after that, we went to the hospital together."

Dirga nodded in understanding and drove.

Julia had been waiting outside her apartment building not long after she heard that Harry was going to pick her up this morning to see the DNA test results. Julia couldn't hide her big nervousness perfectly because she was so worried that the result would not satisfy many people, including herself.

She had already seen a familiar black car speeding towards her. Bowed down after one of the car's windshields was lowered.

Dirga greeted Julia first.

"Miss, Julia. Come on in. And we're going straight away."

Julia decided to sit in the front passenger seat to get rid of her nervousness. Neither Harry nor Dirga stopped her. The three of them drove in silence. They finally arrived at the hospital within 30 minutes.

Walk together towards Doctor Edward's office room. Harry didn't waste much time making small talk.

"How is the result? And show me."

Some people were used to Harry's impatience in knowing things.

Doctor Edward handed Harry an envelope.

"Their Paternity Probability is proven to be 99.99% accurate that they were biological father and daughter."

This presentation didn't really surprise Harry because he had predicted this beforehand. But Julia who was listening was surprised. She sat limply in her chair and was confused about what to do next. Even though she had repeatedly prepared her heart and anticipated the various possibilities.

Harry glanced at Julia.

"You are Muliawan's daughter. And that means we are cousins."

Julia didn't know what she should say. She was over-shocked and had a hard time digesting this situation. Although, half of her heart was happy that she was finally able to find her family.

Harry thought quickly in this situation.

"If it's like this. Let's execute our original plan. You must go to Switzerland and meet your father. Then tell him to not do anything stupid again."

Julia blinked.

"When should I leave?"

Those black eyes stared straight at Julia.

"Tonight. So at tomorrow morning, we will arrive straight in your father's home."

Julia's fear grew. She has afraid to accept rejection from her father. She was also afraid that Muliawan's expectations were too high for his daughter.

Doctor Edward congratulated and admired the work of Harry and everyone involved.

Harry noticed Julia's nervousness.

So on the way, Harry wanted to confirm a few things before making things worse.

"Don't you want to meet your biological father?"

After going out of the hospital, Julia was asked to sit in the back seat. Sitting next to Harry. And after being hurled with surprising questions. Julia turned to him with a sad look.

"I didn't mean that. But how can you ask such a difficult question?"

Julia grew increasingly restless.

"I just wanted to make sure what your wish really was. I won't be a pushy man if you didn't want to. I will give a full decision for you. If you didn't want your real father. So I'm going to keep today's DNA test results a secret. And I will never introduce you to him."

Julia felt her heart hurt.

"I already said that I didn't mean it that way. I want to meet my real father. But I'm afraid that I might get rejected by him."

Harry wanted to laugh at the bullshit. But he endured it.

"That's not possible. Because he really cares about you."

Julia looked back at Harry intently.

"How could you be so sure? You're not him. And you can't possibly read his heart and mind!"

Harry leaned his head back.

"Did you forget how big a fuss he made just to get justice from you?"


Julia had a hard time commenting on that. She has repeatedly seen the record of Muliawan's speech about his dark time with his daughter. Then also about the press conference, Harry had to quell the commotion.

But as long as she followed the news. Julia still didn't know which one to believe and cling to.

Harry gave Julia confidence once more.

"He really cares about you, Julia. That's why he came back to this city and made a fuss."

Harry started to talk about what he still remembered about his uncle's past.

"To him, you are a substitute for his late wife. He is cold-hearted and individualistic. But to him, his main family was everything. He was very sad when your mother died. Then he has carved your name on one of his arms."

Julia found solace.

"He carved my name on his arm?"

Harry nodded.

Dirga stole a glance back when he also just found out this touching information. He didn't interrupt. But he kept listening along because their conversation was so interesting and made him so curious.

Harry continued to give reassurance.

"That's right, Julia. I don't have to lie. Because I thought it would be pointless. Then, after you meet later. You can confirm it yourself with your eyes and your head so you could trust and calm down."

Harry took a deep breath.

"Then, do you want to know where your name came from?"

Julia's curiosity increased. Likewise to Dirga.

"Jenny's name comes from your mother's name. Daisy Jennitta. Jenny from Jennitta, your mother's last name. And Uncle Muliawan was rumored to have specifically had named his daughter like that.. Because he considered you as precious as his late wife."

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