Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 45 - 045 ( Comfortable And Appropriate Formal Wear )

Until the next morning.

  When this became Harry's own initiative to introduce Cleo to all of his employees, Cleo with her efforts to respond to this decision wisely and correctly.

  She certainly didn't want to embarrass Harry as his legal wife.  Even though she only had status as 'contract wife'.  She still had to show her performance that can not behalf.

  Therefore, when Cleo didn't know what clothes she should wear on the first day she came to Harry's office, Cleo asked Dirga's help to give her some suggestions.

  Dirga readily gave several suggestions. Cleo, listen seriously.

  "You only need to wear formal clothes that are comfortable and appropriate.  Then it would be better if the colors were neutral and not too flashy.  So I think that alone is more than enough," Dirga said expressing his thoughts.

  Cleo followed him.  She took a suit of clothes that were hanging in her wardrobe.  And immediately tried it.

  A pastel pink blouse with a semi-formal suit that was pretty but also classy.  As well as the blend of the belted skirt that extended past the knee and has a cute slit on the left side.

Clothing can emphasize how much effort the owner of the body puts in to be able to present herself as beautiful and cute as possible without a doubt.

  Yes, even though the clothes were in fact already available in her wardrobe from the start.  And Cleo only needed to add a little natural, yet skilled, facial make-up.  Cleo managed to present herself as much more attractive than her usual days.

  As she walked into the car that was going to take her away, Cleo felt Harry's eye catching a glimpse.

  Harry also seemed to be doing quite well today.  Somehow to describe it, Harry succeeded in displaying his mysterious masculine aura.

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  Cleo was silent for a moment.  Or, was it just a shadow ?!

  While trying to think of all the things that might reduce her nervousness a little, Cleo sat down anxiously on her chair while observing several things that Dirga had warned.

  As far as Dirga said, Cleo was required to reply to Harry's employee greetings with a modest smile.  She was also asked not to be too prominent.  In order to present an image of herself who was the legal wife of a big boss in their company.

  Because of that, Cleo practiced her little friendly smile several times from behind a small mirror that she deliberately carried wherever she went, especially for today.

Cleo knew, Harry had been watching her with strange eyes several times.  But since Cleo didn't want to hear a harsh comment from him and it will definitely ruin the mood she had been so hard to build, Cleo decided to ignore it.

  As long as Harry didn't ask or say anything, Cleo didn't think she needed to respond

  But when traveling, the balance of the car suddenly got out of hand.  The car took a few turns to the side in a hurry and then drove normally back to its original position for a while.

  Turns that were very fast and sharp, can make Cleo lose balance and accidentally fall into the lap of Harry who was also shocked.  They spontaneously stared at each other in silence.

  Harry glanced at the driver irritably.

  "Can't you drive properly?"  he asked in an angry tone.  Cleo was also stunned.

  "Sorry, Mister.  Just now, there was a cat that jumped.  Because of that, I hurriedly threw the steering wheel to the left.  Are you both okay? " the driver asked anxiously despite being scolded.

  Cleo, who woke up from her reverie, immediately got up to her position and apologized.

  "Sorry.  I didn't know that I would fall on you, "Cleo said guiltily.

  Shyly, Cleo recalled the very good and fragrant aroma of Harry's perfume.  'Ouch!  This is really embarrassing !' Cleo muttered to herself.

  Because she was too focused on practicing in front of the mirror, Cleo could not anticipate the shock of the car.

Luckily, Harry didn't really mind this problem.  Even though Cleo thought, Harry would immediately get mad at her and scold.  But let alone cursing and being irritated at her, Harry was now being very calm?  As if that never happened.

  Was he in a good mood?

  Cleo responded to the unusual attitude with confusion.

  "Focus more next time," Harry said to the driver, which certainly showed that Harry was really not angry or upset.  They returned to continue their journey calmly and peacefully until they reached their destination.

  Although this was not the first time Cleo had set foot in Harry's magnificent office building.  Cleo was never even amazed to see the towering height of the building.  Not only the building that always amazed Cleo, but the people inside also made her dumbfounded.

  The entire staff welcomed Harry and Cleo with great fanfare and enthusiasm.  Some of them even lined up at the door and greeted them kindly.  To the extent that someone made a number of greetings and special flowers for Cleo.


This was something that has never been received by Cleo so far.  Didn't know what words can describe the situation.  Cleo was now like an ambassador who wanted to attend an event.

Cleo could feel countless pairs of eyes staring at her and Harry simultaneously with great interest and respect. Whether respect because the rules were like that.  Or respect because they wanted it that way because they respected her.

  Until then Cleo saw someone coming to her.  Cleo was still trying to adapt well.

  "Welcome for the first time, Mrs. Cleo.  We are happy to welcome you here.  I am Alfiano, the Deputy Director of this company.  If you need something, you can look for me whenever you want, " Alfiano exclaimed politely welcoming Cleo who had just got out of the car.

  Cleo listened to the respectful greeting with amusement.

  Was this the influence of power?  Because of her high status, should she get special treatment like it or not?

  Cleo smiled modestly in response to Alfiano's welcome.  A man who looked too young for a deputy director.

  Cleo has indeed seen other young men who also have high positions as president director of this company.  However, the image of the old director and deputy director was still engraved in Cleo's mind all this time.

And seeing this friendly man in front of her, Cleo was sure that his age must be more or less her age.  Could it be that he was the deputy director of this company since he was also part of Theodore's extended family?

  Cleo guessed that possibility herself.

  Whether the contents of her thoughts were clearly etched into her face or what, Alfiano quickly and without being asked immediately gave a practical explanation to Cleo.

  "I am a distant relative of Harry.  We could say we are distant cousins.  But from the mother's side who is my mother's cousin.  Ah, anyway our family tree is quite long if it has to be told from the start.  Therefore, you don't need to be too shy about me in the future. I suppose we are family," he said pleasantly and pleasantly.

  Cleo chuckled in response.

  If only Harry had my little sense of humor from his cousin, surely her days at home would have been more enjoyable.  However, if Harry had the character of Alfiano, Cleo was sure, Harry would not possibly need a contract wife for his marriage.

  Thinking that. Cleo replied to Alfiano in a friendly manner.

  "Nice to meet you, Mr. Alfiano?"  Cleo said with a little doubt.  Cleo herself was confused about what to call Harry's deputy director and cousin with a more appropriate title.  So that made Alfiano immediately respond to Cleo.

"Alfin.  You can call me Alfin.  Just as Harry calls me Alfin.  You can also call me that, " Alfin exclaimed politely, smiling kindly at Cleo.

  Cleo spontaneously smiled for politeness.  And Harry ignored Alfin's familiar chirp by taking a step forward.

  "Come on in," Harry said quickly as he went inside.  Followed by Cleo, Alfin, and also Dirga who had followed behind.

  Throughout the journey, from the guards outside to the receptionists and the workers they passed, all of them stared at them curiously and obediently too.

  For God's sake!  This was the first time that so many people respect her!

  Cleo smiled a little in her heart.  Was this how it felt to be respected?

  "Wow!  Your smile is very sweet, Mrs. Cleo! "  Alfin exclaimed suddenly beside Cleo as soon as he saw Cleo smiling happily in secret.

  Cleo couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

  'Is the attitude very obvious?'  Cleo cursed herself which seemed quite embarrassing!

  Even though Dirga had warned Cleo to act properly.  But instead of acting elegantly and naturally according to what was needed, Cleo instead attracted Alfin's attention, who kept pestering her with questions?



story by : lenzluph

started English version at 2021

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