Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 69 - 069 ( Legal Wife In Public )

"Do you want to wait for a message from someone?" Cleo asked in amazement as he watched Christina's movements that were not calm as usual.

Christina looked at Cleo.

"Sorry. But since earlier I saw you keep watching your cellphone. Can you hasten your promise tonight? Or maybe it was postponed? " Cleo asked in surprise.

Christina shook her head.

"Ah no. The appointment time is still the same. It's just that I'm measuring the time whether I'll have enough time to get ready when I get home, "Christina replied casually and tried to make her look a little confused.

Christina was eager to contact someone and screamed very loudly to curse that person.

Twenty minutes had passed since Christina told her cousin Harry that he and his wife were done having fun together and it was time for her husband to pick up his wife.

But let alone reply to messages or maybe call back to see if the person will actually come or ignore them. Christina had no idea what her older brother was going to do.

When choosing a gift for a friend's birthday present, Harry suddenly contacted Christina via a message that seemed like he had never done it for her before.

The message contains:

['I have business around the mall where you were. So, when you guys are done, immediately call me to pick him up. ]

According to Christina, Harry's writing was short and a little annoying because she herself wondered why her brother had to send her a message instead of contacting his wife directly.

Christina was not a cheapskate about conveying information. It was just.

Didn't he have his own wife's cell phone number? And why when Christina managed to tell her, her brother didn't give her a reply or thank you for just small talk?

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Was her bothering action not appreciated at all?

Christina, who thought Harry wanted to surprise Cleo, supported all his romantic efforts without arguing. So without the need to ask again, Christina had been patiently waiting for him to come, which she was sure will come soon.

And sure enough!

When Cleo was about to express her guilt for restraining Christina from doing a re-massage at the spa, a car drove confidently right in front of them.

Seeing Harry's car park gracefully by the curb and honking its horn. Cleo frowned. And sharpened her eyesight.

"What's he doing there? Why did he come here again?" Cleo murmured, couldn't understand.

Then when Harry had lowered the windshield and called Cleo to come in. Cleo confidently knew that the man had come to pick her up on purpose. But..

"How does he know I'm done and I'm going home?" Cleo asked, somewhat surprised and immediately replied by Christina who heard it.

"I contacted Harry," Christina replied briefly, while smiling proudly.

Cleo looked at him.

"Harry said he had some business nearby. So I asked him to pick you up, " Christina explained again, which finally made Cleo understand.

"Oh ... then thank you," Cleo replied reluctantly.

She now understood about Harry's arrival.

Meanwhile Christina who had lied a little and twisted the story chuckled. Well, let her brother tell her that he took the initiative himself to come pick her up. After all, her business to help had also been finished here.

With nimble steps Christina excused herself to leave.

"Then I'll go home first, Sis! And you, hurry up! Get into Harry's car now, before Harry changes his mind. I'll leave first," Christina said in a hurry as she then climbed into the pickup car that had been waiting in the lobby parking lot.

Cleo caught her breath for a moment, before she got into Harry's car and sat beside the man. then after she had found a comfortable position for her to sit in the passenger seat, Cleo looked at the man with narrowed eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" Cleo asked, shortening the number of questions she wanted to ask. But knowing that Harry didn't like talkative women. Cleo couldn't help but hold it.

"I don't have your number," Harry said short, which Cleo realized immediately.

Ah, Cleo almost forgot! Harry never knew what her cell phone number were! Or, perhaps more accurately, never wanting to know!

"So that's why you were forced to comply with Christina's request to pick me up?" Cleo asked while pulling the seat belt and hook it.

Harry gave her a quick glance.

Wasn't he the one who took the initiative to pick her up by himself? Why did the main actors and idea originators move to other people?

Harry, who knew that it must be Christina's trick. Just ignore Cleo's narrative and threw something at her. Cleo, who suddenly was thrown by a cellphone, stared at it in confusion.

"You think I'm a trash can?" Cleo asked ecstatically.

So that then you can throw anything at me ?!

Harry didn't bother with Cleo's displeased words and gaze. He added.

"Write down your number on my cellphone. So that I can contact you anytime and anywhere easily, " Harry exclaimed quietly and Cleo finally understood

Cleo took the cellphone. Opened the contact, then create a new contact list that contained her number. Then made a phone call to that number.

Drrtttt ..

Cleo's cell phone rang. And she immediately saved Harry's number in her contacts.


After a week later passed quickly. Harry and Cleo finally arrived at Steven's 30th birthday party wearing the clothes they had prepared perfectly in advance.

Confiscated most of the guests who were present at the party. And made them endlessly stared at them with great enthusiasm and amazement.

Not only because they knew well who was the man who was passing them so flexibly. But they were also quite amazed by their striking appearance and the harmony that the couple showed.

Until Cleo finally understood one thing.

No wonder Harry prepared such a luxurious dress for her before this event. It turned out that the birthday party, as well as Steven's success and returned to his homeland, was also very lively.

So it was only natural that Harry and Cleo showed their maximum performance on that day. And Harry wouldn't be his name if he didn't manage to become the center of attention for many people because of his status and good looks that the top conglomerates knew so well about.

Cleo was more surprised by the reaction from the party owner and the famous designer to her.

The man with tall posture, blonde hair, and also an oriental face made Cleo lose her words in an instant whenever the brown-eyed man looked at her full of judgment and consideration.

Didn't know what the considerations were. The man who was also like a walking frame continued to stare at her with a pair of very investigating eyes from top to bottom.

"So, she's wearing the best dress designed by designer Albrus Aeiden from Aurora boutique which is very famous with its beautiful glitter accents?" Steven asked, while staring at Harry's beaded eyes with interest as he realized well who the best designer of Cleo dresses were.

Cleo gave him a laugh. And Harry responded casually, "Yes,"

Harry's answer, which was too short, was enough to make Cleo understood that what his friend said was true.

While smiling in a friendly manner and thrusting her hand forward, Cleo said a greeting to the man.

"Happy birthday and welcome back to Indonesia, Mr. Steven." Cleo greeted while maintaining politeness and manners.

Steven who always followed the development of art and fashion. He knew very well that Harry was trying very hard to bring out the best in the body of his newly married wife.

So this time Steven smiled in response to Cleo's words.

"Thank you Madam. It's an honor for me to meet Mr. Harry's wife," Steven exclaimed politely as well, reached out his hand to shake hands.

Once again, Steven took a closer look at the woman in front of him at this moment.

Although he did not know that Harry's current wife was someone who was only a contract wife. But seeing how big the possibility of that woman could marry the cold Harry was a very big question mark on his mind.

Because even though he had not been in the city for a long time, Steven knew very well that there were a lot of oblique gossip circulating about Harry and not a few of Harry's actions which emphasized that women were a problem for him.

But after a long period of no contact with him, and just returned to his noble homeland. Steven found that the man who was 28 years old, had married a woman and it was already inaugurated?

Not an unsubstantiated issue or a lie he did to purposely fool Steven. But Harry, really married and didn't tell him the good news at all?

Cleo had very black hair, like the color of her black corneas, as black as night. With her thin bangs and oval face shape as well as a pointed chin and lips that were shiny and sweet pink. Cleo succeeded in making herself appear almost commensurate with her handsome husband.


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