Facade Love: Marrying A Perfect Husband

Chapter 74 - 074 ( Identical Twins )

The young waiters gave a sharp screech and dropped the tray in frustration. And Steven went straight to them.

"What is this?" Steven asked, not understanding the situation that for some reason continued.

This was the second time Steven had had to deal with the chaos at his own party!

Were they all working on it now?

Steven looked at Jefri with a little annoyance.

"Are you drunk?" Steven asked Jefri whose face looked a little flushed.

Jefri denied.

"No, Stev. It's just that, this servant of yours dared to tease me in the middle of a party. I have rejected her desperately but she continues to cast her teases on me. Then when I flatly refused, she ... dropped her glass wanting to point it at me. Do you think this action is not too much?" Jefri said with all the lies that were clearly visible in Cleo's eyes.

But Cleo refrained from interfering in their affairs immediately.

Harry had clearly told her not to go crazy and got a lot of attention at this party.

But could Steven believe what his friend said?

With quite an anxiousness, Cleo took their conversation more seriously. Meanwhile, Harry, who was initially not interested in paying attention to the commotion, turned around to listen when he saw the seriousness attached to Cleo's face.

Does Cleo know the waiters? Harry thought a little weighed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Cleo, who didn't notice Harry's gaze, continued to pay attention to the spectacle. Likewise, everyone who paid attention to the noise felt unhappy and uncomfortable.

"She's teasing you?" Steven slightly raised his tone in disbelief as he stared at the waiters and Jefri in turn.

The waiters looked panicked and afraid to be blamed. So Jefri returned his accusations.

"Of course! Do you think I lied and tried to annoy her?" Jefri asked back while tidying a little of his clothes which he thought might be dusty and staring coldly at the waiters.

Steven honestly doubts Jefri's words because he really knew how Jefri's character really liked to play women. But even if the woman he was slandering did not issue any rebuttal statements to defend herself and said things contrary to what Jefri said.

Where could Steven come up with a defense for such a weak woman?

Steven looked at the waiter's woman tiredly and then asked.

"So what he said is correct?" Steven asked the woman deliberately acting like he was supporting Jefri so that she would be annoyed and want to be honest.

But instead of saying something, the woman just looked down and bowed. So that made Steven surrender and Cleo became so furious that she was almost going to come forward to give her arguments.

If only her actions had not stopped immediately when she heard a footstep that cut through the crowd.

A pretty and elegant woman strolled perfectly towards Steven with her sweet smile and convincing argument.

"I can guarantee that this woman is innocent," the woman said firmly and with conviction. Successfully made Jefri look at hee with dissatisfaction.

"Miss, you don't know the situation very well. So how can you be sure that this woman is innocent?" Jefri asked with a smile that he made as friendly as possible to give the impression that he was a good man. But inwardly he started to be irritated by the many disturbers that kept appearing in front of him today.

"Of course I'm sure because I saw you teasing this woman earlier with my own head. Am I wrong?" the beautiful woman asked arrogantly to Jefri.

Jefri shrank a little. Looked like he had a bad feeling after this.

"If you don't believe I will invite another witness," the confident woman exclaimed, looking straight at Cleo, who was not too far from them.

Cleo shuddered a little. Turned right and left. Then after confirming correctly that the woman was indeed staring at her, Cleo frowned.


The woman pointed at Cleo.

"The woman wearing the maroon-colored dress must have a clear idea of what situation happened in front of the lady's room. Do I need to ask her for an opinion?" the brown-eyed woman asked casually.

Steven who had been silent. Continued to stare at the newly appeared woman with a gaze filled with meaning. He then looked at Cleo and so did everyone who was waiting for an answer from her without asking.

Cleo stepped back a little bit hesitantly. Then she sighed.

"That man had teased the woman in front of the toilet. And not only that, he even tried to harass her," Cleo explained honestly and naturally.

The woman who was being discussed seemed about to cry. Cleo can't bear to see it.

Until after the beautiful woman smiled with satisfaction at Cleo's answer. She turned to Steven and smiled.

"How about, Brother? I win now?" the woman exclaimed full of antics and Steven could only shook his head. While some of the audience was already gossiping behind.

And Jefri was tickled in his place.

Cleo looked confused at the beautiful woman's greeting to Steven.

What did she just say? Brother? Cleo scratched her cheek which didn't itch at all. She gave Harry a little glance. And Harry responds quickly.

"She's Steylla. Steven's only younger sister," Harry exclaimed clearly and calmly.

Cleo immediately gave a long, happy laugh.

So this was the woman Reihan was so afraid of? And the woman who made her remember someone when she saw her earlier? And it turned out to be her own brother because they currently looked like a pair of nearly identical twins?

But regardless. From what side did she look terrifying? And in what ways can this woman be flatly rejected? Were her former boss's eyes myopic?

Cleo continued to find Reihan's strange thoughts. While continuing to observe more thoroughly how the pair of siblings resolved the misunderstanding and problems that occurred so well.

Blame this problem entirely on Jefri and did not make it difficult for the female waiters for any reason, to ask someone to clean the scattered glass shards.

Until then all the chaos was resolved perfectly and the party went back on its way. Steven and Steylla had walked over to Cleo and also Harry in their area.

"Thank you for the help, Madame!" Steylla greeted gently with a sweet smile for Cleo's cooperation who really helped her.

Cleo automatically smiled in a friendly manner.

"I should be grateful to you because you went to the trouble of defending that woman. She was innocent. So it is very unfair if her helplessness is used by others arbitrarily. So, if only you didn't come forward to defend. I was about to intervene," Cleo replied, a little emotionally but still showing her unmatched grace.

Steylla laughed crisply.

"I can't possibly let you go forward again this time, Mrs. Cleo!" Steylla said which made Cleo confused about what she meant.

"I also saw the incident of the waiter in front of the toilet. But I was one step late when you just scolded him! If you are not there, then I will also go forward. But it seems you are the first to respond," Steylla explained and Cleo finally understood.


Steylla glanced slightly at Harry then looked at Cleo.

"Besides, please don't be too stiff. Just call me Steylla, because we're the same age. I've heard you a little bit from my brother and of course, I'm quite impressed to hear that you can marry Harry. Oh no, I mean I am even more amazed by the news of Harry's marriage! Even though I thought he would not marry for the rest of his life," Steylla said with a half-laugh followed by her brother who also laughed amusedly in response.

Meanwhile, Cleo only smiled faintly and Harry acted indifferently. Until then they chat about other things. Cleo felt Steylla was a nice and pleasant woman. So where could Reihan dislike her?

"She was not like this before," Harry said during his time with Cleo. And answered Cleo's confusion correctly.

Cleo looked at him without understanding. So that Harry continued.

"The Steylla we know was a person who was very ignorant about appearances and never cares about her own appearance. Sometimes a tomboyish attitude and happiness to mess with always succeeded in making Reihan and Steven troublesome. But it seems those days have passed."

Cleo listened to Harry's explanation with a little disbelief and amazement.

So now that that woman had changed quite drastically, was it possible that Reihan will turn to her?

As if he could read Cleo's questioning gaze again, Harry said.

"I don't know what Reihan will think when he finds out about Steylla's drastic change. But seeing this change isn't a bad thing. I'm sure Reihan will support her," Harry said, looking around and shouting back.

"It's quite late. Let's go home and rest, " Harry said immediately even though the time still pointed at 9 pm and the event will continue until midnight.


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