Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 104 - Did Anything Transpire Between Us Last Night?

"Hey guys, don't worry I won't use force on him to confess. Although I can't promise that it won't be a bloody scene, I have something in my possession that will make him spill the truth even without using force on him. I don't even need to lift a finger," Yang Zi said, smiling devilishly.

"Before I forget, just to make it fun I contacted all my friends in politics. I told them not to assist the Zhou's and to my greatest surprise. They agreed without asking too many questions. Even my friends who owned media houses helped without asking questions, too. They even published old news about Zhou's Corporation corruptions that their superior back then had told them to cover up. I believe that Zhou Yixian and his father will be apprehended soon. I give them just a day," Shiyi said naughtily.


"You guys know that I am always present whenever anything fun happens, I don't miss it, right? So just to make the Zhou's case juicier. I contacted some of my friends whose family own financial institutions. I told them to make the Zhou's debts public. They hesitated at first, but they all bowed to my command after I made a deal with them. They promised that they will make it go public in less than 24 hours," Shui Shui said, smiling satisfactorily.

"That is why I will suggest you do whatever you have in mind with Zhou Yixian tonight or the Police will get him before you do," Shui Shui advised, wrapping her hands around her shoulders. Just then, one of the maids came to refill their glasses. They both waited for her to leave before they could speak again. After the maid finished pouring the juice into their glasses, she exited the sitting room.

"No wonder everyone in the hospital kept talking about how corrupt the Zhou's are. I never knew that my two darlings were out trying to make my plans perfect while I was sleeping. Thank you so much, guys. I feel so overwhelmed. I don't know how to thank you anymore," Yang Zi said, hugging the both of them. Tears trickle down her pretty face. They were tears of joy. Her two friends as always stood by her through thick and thin.

They loved her selflessly. They have never for once left her side, even when she drove them away countless times. They were the epitome of what they call genuine friends. She could never thank them enough for standing by her through the toughest time of her life.

"I love you guys so much," Yang Zi mumbled. Her words were muffled due to her silent sobs. At this moment, she could not hold back from crying.

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"We love you too," Shui Shui and Shiyi chorused. "Thank you for staying alive for us," Shiyi added. After hugging for about two minutes, they all pulled out of her embrace.

"Stop crying," Shui Shui uttered, using her two hands to wipe the tears.

"I am just so happy," Yang Zi exclaimed, smiling at them.

"This calls for a celebration instead of tears, so let's celebrate our victory although it isn't over yet," Shiyi suggested excitedly. He didn't even wait for their reply before he walked to their wine shafts and brought two bottles of wine with him.

"I only brought two bottles of wine because Auntie will scold us if we drink more than this," Shiyi mentioned smiling as he took a quick glance at the staircase to see whether Mrs Yang was coming.

"Yeah, Auntie always looks scary whenever she scolds. She is scarier than my dad. I always have the urge to be an obedient child whenever she is around," Shui Shui commented, shrugging her shoulders in fear. They all burst out laughing when they saw how dramatically Shui Shui acted.

The three friends talked and laughed to their heart's satisfaction. Mrs Yang only came downstairs when it was time to prepare dinner. She was surprised to see that Shiyi and Shui Shui was around, but she was happy to see them too. They all ate heartily, like a big happy family that they were. Yang Mi displayed her naughtiness, although they were on the dining table. Mrs Yang almost spanked her butts had Yang Zi not interceded for her.

The day rolled by fast to the surprise of Yang Zi, who wanted it to go slowly. She packed a few of her things and left the Mansion after lying to her mum she wanted to spend the day at Shui Shui's home. She did not have any choice but to lie because she didn't want to hurt her mum with her actions.

She knew her mum would vehemently disagree if she told her where she was spending the night at.

Her first night at Yixian's Mansion was long and boring for her, unlike Yixian whose mood lightened up tremendously after she paid him a surprise visit. In his wildest imagination did he ever think Yang Zi will come to his home that day. They went to bed after spending quality time together.

Yang Zi was the first to wake up, but she pretended as though she was sleeping. She wanted Yixian to be the first to wake up. After ten minutes, Yixian finally changed position. He slowly opened his eyes, but it felt like his head would explode. He had hangovers. He was alarmed when he felt an arm wrapped around his bare body. He slowly turned to look at who it was. For a minute there he had forgotten that Yang Zi dropped by the previous day. He heaved a sigh of relief when he realised that it was his beloved Yang Zi who was beside him half-naked.

He caressed her face with his rough hands. His eyes almost popped out when it landed on her two delicates breasts. His hands traced from her face downwards. He felt so nervous as if this was his first time seeing a woman's breasts. Mere staring at her made his little brother stand erect. He gulped hard as his hands touched her breast. He made to grope it but Yang Zi who had been trying her best not to punch the perverted jerk held his hand.

"Don't tell me you still want more despite those numerous rounds we did last night?" Yang Zi asked slowly opening her eyes. She gave him her sweetest smile as she dropped his hand down.

"Did anything transpire between us last night? How come I can't remember," Yixian asked, scratching his hair awkwardly. He was surprised that he couldn't recall them having sex the previous night.

"What? You can't recall how you beast out on me? Calling my name and saying that I was the best in the world? I feel so hurt," Yang Zi complained, turning her back on him to indicate that she was angry with him.

"Hey, honey. I am sorry I bet I had too much to drink last night. I have never blacked out before, I don't know what happened last night. Please forgive your love, Ok?" Yixian said hugging her from behind. His hardened cock pressing against her thighs. "Why is he already hard down there? He is so quickly aroused. What is the fun there," Yang Zi mocked him in her thoughts?

"I can't believe you can't even remember anything that happened on our first night. You can't recall how I melted under your touch. How I moaned your names enthusiastically. How our bodies longed for each other throughout the night. How we lit up each other's body and soul. I can't believe I am the only one who recalls these feelings. Before I slept I had whispered into your ears that last night was the best night of my life. I can't believe you don't even recall that," Yang Zi said, faking a tear. She looked hurt and dejected.

"What is the greatest insult a man can give to the woman he says he loves if not that he can't recall his first night with her? I hate myself for feeling this way and I hate myself more for looking like some weak lady," Yang Zi added crawling out of bed with the bedsheet wrapped around her body. Despite how hard Yixian tried to hold onto her, she still slipped away under his watch. He couldn't blame her, he blamed himself for failing her on their first official night together.

"Yes!" Yang Zi exclaimed, smiling when she successfully entered the bathroom. "He is so easy to fool. I can't believe that he really foolishly fell in love with me. I can't believe that I just tamed the almighty CEO Zhou," Yang Zi mumbled smiling.

The truth was, nothing happened between them last night.



After Yixian showered, ready to do the deed with her, Yang Zi brought up a suggestion that they should drink and drown their sorrows, and Yixian fell for her trick yet again. She knew that Yixian would suspect her if she just drugged him after drinking a glass of wine, so she brought five bottles of wine and placed it on the table for them to drink. Stupid Yixian did not know that the five bottles of wine were just a show that she had drugged his glass. The drug was a slow one. It's effect only manifested after ten minutes. Just to be on a safer side, Yang Zi opened the four remaining bottles of wine and poured it into the toilets. She left the empty bottles on the table so Yixian will assume that they were the ones who drank the five bottles of wine when he woke up.

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