Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 112 - Mi Er's Brilliant Idea

Despite everyone staring at them, Yang Zi did not give a damn about it. Her mind was made up so no one's mean gaze could make her do otherwise.

Yang Zi's face inched closer with every passing second. Stunned, Yifeng just stared at her, his heart pounding against his chest. Yang Mi sitting down with Li Chen on their ride closed her eyes with her mouth open in awe when she saw what her sister wanted to do. Li Chen smiled when he saw that things are progressing faster than he thought.


Yang Zi kissed Yifeng on his lips to the awe of passersby. She let go of him after a few seconds.

"You have done this to me twice. I wanted to see whether kissing someone makes one develop feelings for the other person, but after kissing you I don't feel even a shift in my emotion or whatsoever," Yang Zi stated, staring at him. "To put it simply, it means I don't feel a thing for you."

"What are you trying to say?" Yifeng questioned. "Are you saying that I am unattractive, that is why you felt nothing for me?" Yifeng asked, staring at her. This is the first time in his life that someone has ever dared to call him unattractive. Coming from the woman he loved, he felt hurt.

"The problem lies with me, not you. If a kiss from you can't even stir up my frozen heart, it simply means it won't work between us. So stop trying already," Yang Zi said, her voice and expression devoid of any emotion. "I am telling you this because you said you want to help me overcome my trauma, and this is part of my trauma."

"I can't believe she said this to me. She is so heartless," Yifeng thought. An evil plan popping into his head in that instant.

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"That wasn't a kiss but a peck. Let me show you what a kiss is. I don't believe it will not stir you up," Yifeng said, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. His action was unexpected, so Yang Zi could not move away.

"Wow! Mum and Brother Feng are so naughty. They are corrupting little Mi Er's mind," Yang Mi who just opened her eyes only to see Yifeng kiss Yang Zi again said smiling naughtily.

"Yeah, they are so naughty. They don't even mind that children are around. They are just corrupting our poor eyes," bewildered Li Chen said, shaking his head. He has known for a long time that his brother was shameless. His action did not come as a surprise to him. What shocked him was that the stern Miss Yang he knew did not fight back.

Yifeng captured Yang Zi's half-parted lips. Yang Zi's words extremely hurt him. He was certain that she will not remain unfazed after teaching her what an actual kiss is. Yifeng explored her delicious mouth ravishly. He slowly took her breath away. She knew she would not be able to remain unwavered if Yifeng did not let go of her in that instant. Her entire body felt hot, making her feel uncomfortable. She could feel her head spinning. Her feeble legs were at the verge of giving her away. She tried her best not to get muddled headed, but she couldn't control herself for long. She started responding to his kiss. Muffled slurps escaped from their mouths.

People who passed by them shook their heads in shame. Some even called them shameless couples as they went on their way. They would never believe it if someone was to tell them that Yifeng and Yang Zi were not a couple. Yifeng was so happy when Yang Zi started responding to his kiss. "Achieved!" Yifeng screamed in his mind as he continued kissing her. He only released her lips when he saw that she could not take it any longer.

They both gasped for air. Yang Zi tried not to look affected after Yifeng released her, but that was not possible because her face looked so flushed after the heated kiss that ensued between them. She couldn't cover it up, no matter how hard she tried.

"Wow! That was sweet," Yifeng exclaimed, smiling triumphantly. "I almost gave up all hopes when you didn't respond but I am glad I didn't give up or else I wouldn't have really known your genuine feelings for me. I am thrilled," Yifeng said smiling.

"Genuine feelings? What genuine feelings are you talking about?" Yang Zi asked rhetorically. "I only responded to your kiss because that is what I always see people do in the movies, not because I like you so stop being presumptuous," Yang Zi said to the shock of the delighted Yifeng. Yang Zi knew responding to a guy's kiss is a way of telling the guy you like him back, but there is no way she could ever admit to that bullshit .

"You don't like me? Are you f*cking kidding me? Then explain why you did what you did earlier?" Yifeng asked in utter disbelief and shock. He could not believe his ears.

"I just explained why I did what I did earlier, so do I need to say it again?" Yang Zi asked, staring at his sullen expression.

"There is no need to feel hurt about this. I sternly made it clear to you it wasn't possible between us or didn't I?" Yang Zi asked, seeing that Yifeng could not speak.

"The kids are waiting. Let's go. It's their birthday, let's not ruin it for them," Yang Zi said, walking away. She waited close to where Yang Mi and Chen were riding and waited for them to come down.

"I think my mum likes your brother but I know her very well. She will not admit it easily so I was thinking, how about we help them out or what do you think?" Yang Mi said, turning to look at Chen.

"Do you think that is proper? It is true I wanted my brother and Miss Yang to date, but I don't think I can do it knowing that you are her daughter. Trouble might surface if your dad shows up later on," Li Chen said skeptically. He didn't know what to do. He thought it was improper for him to intervene in his brother's relationship now that a beautiful daughter is involved.

"What is wrong with being a single mum?" Yang Mi asked, not understanding why her mum having a daughter was the problem. "Should I tell you a secret that will shock you?" Yang Mi asked, seeing that Chen could not answer her question.

"And what is that?" Chen asked curiously.

"Actually Yang Zi isn't my mum, but she is my sister. Many people don't know this since I always call her mum and my dad is dead so he won't come to fight over my custody. I have been calling her mum since I was a baby so it became a habit. I rarely call her sister Zi Er," Yang Mi relayed the news to Li Chen.

"What? And why haven't you explained this to brother Feng? I think he misunderstood your relationship just like I did. Let's tell him when we come down, Ok?" Li Chen said delightfully.

"No, don't. He is so good to me because he thinks I am mum's baby, he will become strict with me if he learns that sister Zi Er is not my mum and what is the fun in revealing the truth now when we can use it to our advantage? If he really loves my mum he will not mind my existence and he will get to know the truth later on so let's not rush this. Let's take our sweet time in playing with your brother's mind a little," Yang Mi explained. Chen thought for a few minutes about it. He finally came to a conclusion.

"You are right. I can't believe you are so brilliant. I thought you had some problem with your level of understanding earlier because of how you spoke and acted. I am sorry for thinking of you in that manner," Chen apologised, patting her hair, which was tied into a ponytail just like Yang Zi's own.

"I only act like that to make my sister and mummy happy, but I am intelligent," Yang Mi said, not taking offense with what Chen said.

"Can I call you Chen Chen from now since we are buddies?" Yang Mi asked timidly.

"Chen Chen? The name sounds nice, so why not? We are buddies after all," Chen Chen said, beaming at her. They gave each other high five.

"Lets do everything possible to get the both of them together and don't forget to give me your contact information later. I will call you whenever I have a brilliant idea and you can also do likewise too," Yang Mi suggested. Chen agreed without thinking twice about. He was happy that he has met someone who fits him perfectly.

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