Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 121 - Yixian Officially Apologised To Yang Zi

Faith? She doesn't even believe in faith, so how can she be so cruel to tell the woman such a lie? 

"God, if you are up there please don't let him come out of there alive. I was lenient with him but don't have mercy on him. Let him die painfully like he did to my beloved Zhixiang," Yang Zi prayed with her palms together. To Mrs Zhou, she thought Yang Zi was praying for her son's safety, not knowing that his death was what she was after. She has never liked Yang Zi for her son because she thought she was unworthy of her precious son, but seeing how much Yang Zi loved her son, her opinion of Yang Zi slowly changed. Mrs Zhou and both of them rushed to meet a nurse who came out to get something.


"Please, how is my son's condition," Mrs Zhou asked, grabbing the nurse's hand. The nurse tried to wriggle out of her grip, but she couldn't because of how firm Mrs Zhou's grip was on her hand.

"Please Madam, only the doctor can answer such a question," the nurse replied, trying to walk away, but Mrs Zhou refused to let go.

"I am sure you know what is going on in there so please don't lie. Tell me the truth, will my son come out of there triumphant?" Mrs Zhou asked, tears trickling down her pale face. Because of constant sobbing, her face became pale.

"Your son's life is in God's hands. He needs your prayers so pray for a miracle to happen because that is what he desperately needs. A miracle," the nurse said, running to get what they sent her. She came back with about four bags of blood. It was when they saw the bags of blood that they knew that Yixian was in critical condition. Yang Zi smiled when she realised that someone up there heard her prayers.

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While they were busy sobbing, they did not notice that someone was hiding at the end of the long corridor watching them.

"She deserves to win the best actress award for her flawless acting," the person said before he turned back and walked away. When he got outside, he entered his car and zoomed off without looking back.

They waited outside for a few more hours before the doctor came outside. They all ran to meet the doctor on sighting him.

"Please doctor, how is he?" They all asked in unison. The doctor sighed before he spoke up.

"We tried our best, but his condition is critical. He lost a lot of blood, his kidney was punctured during the accident: his left leg badly fractured too, the leg might not go back to how it was even when he recovers. We need to observe his condition for a few more days before we can give you a straightforward answer about his condition," the doctor replied. Within him, he knew that Yixian's chance of survival was very slim, if not impossible. The state he was brought to the hospital was terrible. That he survived through the tedious surgery is a miracle itself.

Mrs Zhou wobbling legs gave way when she heard the state her beloved son was in. The pain was heart-wrenching.

"Can we see him right now?" Weeping Jingxian managed to ask despite her wailing.

"No, he will be transferred to the intensive unit immediately," the doctor said, tapping Jingxian's shoulder in an encouraging manner before he walked away. Yang Zi helped both of them to the long chair. Seeing how sad mother and daughter were made her recall the day she went to her sister's grave. The pain back then was heart-wrenching. She had wanted to commit suicide that day, but the thought about making those who murdered her sister pay stopped her from committing suicide.

She had thought that she would be thrilled after exerting her revenge on all of them, but seeing them in this condition she wasn't happy. When she embarked on the revenge journey she didn't think about the impact, it will have on those assailants' families. She was so bent on avenging her sister, forgetting this assailant's family were just like her. They also experienced heart-wrenching pains like she did when her sister got murdered. She could not believe that she made them a victim like herself. Since she wasn't close to any of the other six victims' families, she did not know how they felt when she murdered their sons, but the Zhous' current situation made her realise how they must have felt.

"Was these eight years of so much scheming worth it, seeing how much pain this single act of mine brought to the lady I adore?" Yang Zi thought, pulling the crying Jingxian for a warm hug. They waited outside the operating room until the nurses rolled Yixian out. They followed them to the room Yixian was to be placed in, but the doctors did not allow them to enter the room. Throughout the entire day, Yang Zi made sure Jingxian and her mum did not go anywhere close to their phones. She did that for their own sake. She later went home late in the night so she will prepare for work the next day. Yang Mi was mad at her the next day for not coming back for dinner like she had promised, but she later let it go when Yang Zi promised to take her out for ice cream.

Yang Zi made it a point of duty to drop by at the hospital every day to check up on how Jingxian and her mother were faring. Yixian woke up five days later to the delight of Jingxian and her mother, who had been praying fervently for his safe recovery, but their happiness was short-lived because the next day something terrible happened.

After Yixian spoke with his mother and sister, he told them to excuse him and Yang Zi for a few minutes. When his parents left, he gently tried to lift his uninjured hand up. Yang Zi quickly held his left hand with both hands and brought it closer to her face. He caressed her face with hands as tears trickle down his face.

"Yang Zi, I know that you still hold grudges against me and my family for what we did to you and your sister but thank you so much for looking after my sister and mother during this difficult time," Yixian said feebly unable to control his tears. Although he had woken up, his condition was still very critical. Talking was a hard task in his state.

"I know I don't have any right to ask you this, but please can you do me a favour? This might be the last favour I ever asked from you," Yixian said, still caressing her face.

"If you know you shouldn't ask me for a favour, then why are you even asking me?" Yang Zi asked harshly. "Let's hear what your favour is all about but just a warning I am not promising you anything," Yang Zi reluctantly replied.

"Please don't harm my sister and mother. They are both innocent. I am begging you, hmm," Yixian pleaded, coughing severely. 

"I know this might have come late but I will still say it. I am sorry for raping your sister. I sincerely apologise for murdering her. I am sorry for turning you into the demon you are. I also apologised on my friends and dad's behalf. If I could turn back the hands of time, I wouldn't have taken her love for granted," Yixian said, attempting to sit up. But Yang Zi did not let him do so.

"I am glad that you know that it was all of you who turned me into a heartless witch that I am today," Yang Zi said emotionlessly. 

"If there is one thing I don't regret ever doing in my twenty-seven years of living that is falling in love with you. I love you so much honey and I am sorry I won't be able to pay for all my wrongdoings. I love you," Yixian said, forcing a smile on. His hand fell on the bed after he finished saying these words. Yang Zi was too angry to notice what happened on time.

"Stop spilling nonsense and just concentrate on recovering. The only way you will pay for all your crimes is by spending the rest of your life in prison, which I will definitely make happen. All you have to do is to get well, bastard," Yang Zi said coldly, glancing to see why he did not say anything or make any movements.

"Hey what is wrong with you? Stop pretending and say something," Yang Zi shouted, alarmed as she stood up on her feet. She was startled when she saw that his eyes were shut. She took two steps backward when she took his pulse.

"Is this happening?" Yang Zi thought as she quickly pressed the button on the wall, asking the doctors to come over immediately. Her constant shouting made Jingxian and Mrs Zhou rush into the room. The doctor and about four nurses entered the room at the same time.

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