Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 133 - Trickery

"I don't know how we got to this discussion but our top priority is to find Mi Er and we will help you with it Ok," Shui Shui said, with a tone of finality. "And smile or else Shiyi will want to know what we discussed. Even though we don't disclose it to him, you know he has several means of finding out, right?" Shui Shui pointed at the CCTV cameras to show her what she was talking about. Apart from the CCTV cameras, listening devices were also installed in strategize places in the entire building. Yang Zi forced a smile on when she realised what Shui Shui was referring to. They both patiently waited for Shiyi to come out of the room. After four minutes of waiting, they heard the creaking sound of a door opening. They quickly sat up, knowing that Shiyi was through with his work.

"Don't tell me you couldn't find it?" Shui Shui asked, anxiously seeing Shiyi's gloomy expression as he walked down the stairs.


"Zi Er, I did it," Shiyi exclaimed, excitedly. His fake gloomy expression disappearing instantly. 

"Where is the exact location of where those scoundrels are hiding?" Yang Zi asked coldly. Her voice showed that they would be bloodshed if she reaches there.

"They are hiding in the abandoned warehouse outskirts of the City," Shiyi informed, sitting down beside Yang Zi. 

"Any information about who those sons of b*tches are?" Provoked Yang Zi cursed. She sometimes got over her feelings by swearing so they didn't stop her. In fact, Yang Zi cursed a lot back in the States. She only quit that habit of hers when she decided to become a Secretary.

"The CCTVs along that area caught their faces when they stepped out of the car to relieve themselves. According to the CCTV footage, they are a group of foreigners. From their skin tone, I think they are Americans. They were about four, but I am sure they are more than that if you were to calculate those staying in the warehouse," Shiyi explained.

"American mafia gang? What the heck are they doing in Queen City?" Shui Shui asked, surprised. Hearing that they were American mafia gang, she knew that tackling them will not be a simple task. "Zi Er, don't tell me you are an enemy with an American mafia gang?"

"Do you have a picture of them?" Yang Zi asked, coldly. She completely ignored Shui Shui's question. She had an idea about whom those scoundrels maybe but she just wanted to confirm it.

"Yeah, here," Shiyi said, handing his iPad to her.

"F*ck them all," Yang Zi cursed the moment she set her eyes on the picture. Back then, she had a lot of enemies. There is nowhere she will see any injustice being done that she will not butt in. That is exactly how she miraculously became the girlfriend of the mafia leader just to avenge her classmate and other victims who got molested by the mafia leader.

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"They are the ones, right?" Shiyi asked, curiously staring at her. From the moment he set his eyes on them, he knew who they were. He just wanted her to confirm their identity.

"You both know who they are?" Shui Shui asked, with a puzzled look as he snatched the iPad from her. Her mouth dropped open in shock when she saw the pictures. She recognised the four tattooed guys.

"What the heck are they doing here? Are they sick of living?" Shui Shui asked, throwing the iPad violently on the table. She could not hold back from getting angry knowing that those notorious American Mafia gangs kidnapped her little Mi Er.

"They are after me, right? They should have just get back at me instead of stooping so low to kidnap a child just to lure me out," Yang Zi said menacingly, standing up to her feet.

"No matter how many they are I am sure that the three of us can tackle them and just in case we cannot, I will take some of my men with us as backup," Shiyi said pulling her back to the seat.

"Calm down ok? We are solely behind you so you don't have to worry about anything," Shiyi assured, caressing her hands.

"When are we embarking on our rescue mission," Shui Shui asked, calmly. She knew when to joke around and when not to. There is time for everything. She always reminded herself of this adage.

"Tonight," Shiyi replied. He stared at Yang Zi for any comment when she did not utter any word.

"Am I correct Zi Er?" Shiyi nudged the absent-minded Yang Zi for an answer. Yang Zi stared at both of them with a serious expression. Billions of thoughts running through her mind. "What will I tell the world if something bad happens to their heartthrob who is in the middle of filming the best movie of her life?" Yang Zi thought, staring at Shui Shui keenly. Her gaze shifted from Shui Shui to Shiyi.

"Shiyi has been like a brother I never had. He has been nothing but good to me since our first encounter. What will I tell Luo Corporation or his parents if something went wrong on our mission?" Yang Zi thought, starting at Shiyi. This set of mafia gang is the cruelest and notorious people she has ever had a clash with. She can take care of herself, but she could not say the same about her two lovely friends.

"Hey, what is wrong? Why are you suddenly in a daze?" Shui Shui asked, waving her hands at her face to disrupt her thoughts. 

"Sorry for the suspense," Yang Zi apologised.

"Are you Ok?" Shiyi asked, throwing a suspicious glance at her. He could not help but notice how weird Yang Zi has been acting since he resurfaced from his operation room.

"Yeah, I am fine," Yang Zi lied without even batting an eye. "How about we talk about the rescue operation after I return from getting something from my apartment?" Yang Zi asked anxiously, staring at them.

"Ok, but let me accompany you..."

"You don't have to. I won't take time. Use that time to relax your muscles, I bet you must be exhausted after the tedious filming," Yang Zi cut her short sharply. Shui Shui and Shiyi both exchanged puzzled glances when they saw how weird Yang Zi was acting.

"Let me get you both what to drink. I will leave afterwards," Yang Zi said. She stood up and headed to the kitchen, leaving her puzzled friends alone.

"Don't you find Zi Er's actions and words weird?" Shiyi asked, his gaze in the kitchen's direction.

"I find everything about her since we came out of our operation room weird. The way she acted and spoke is so unlike her. You can read uneasiness all over her. I haven't seen her look so paranoid before," Shui Shui relayed, glancing at Shiyi.

"I get this feeling that she is up to something bad," Shiyi replied, his gaze now on her.

"Did both of you talked about any sensitive topic? I can't help but think the way she is behaving has something to do with what the both of you discussed," Shiyi said, glancing at her inquiringly.

"We didn't talk about anything special. Every discussion we had was about Mi Er's disappearance," Shui Shui lied, her gaze on Shiyi. It might look like she was staring at Shiyi, but the truth remained that she was just staring into space.

"Are you sure?" Shiyi asked, doubtfully.

"What are you trying to pry out of Shui Shui," Yang Zi's melodic voice interrupted them.

"Nothing," Shiyi quickly denied.

"I can see both of you don't want to tell me what you were discussing. It's Ok with me," Yang Zi said, handing the glass of juice to them.

"What about you?" Shiyi asked, pointing at Shui Shui's glass of juice. 

"I am leaving immediately the both of you finish your glass of juice," Yang Zi said urging, them to drink. Shui Shui and Shiyi ignored the way she stared at them. Shiyi gulp down the glass of juice in three mouths. Yang Zi patiently waited for Shui Shui to finish her glass of juice. After they drank the glass of juice, they all chatted for a while before Yang Zi took the glasses to the kitchen. She resurfaced a few minutes later.

"Guys, take a quick nap. When you wake up everything will go back to how it normally was," Yang Zi said, as she caressed their faces. A tear trickled down her face.

"Don't take long, Ok?" Shiyi said sleepily as he tried to hold her hand but he realised that his hand was too weak. His eyes were too heavy to stay awake. He did not understand why he felt so muddleheaded. Before she entered the sitting-room again, Shui Shui had already fallen into a deep slumber.

"I won't take long," Yang Zi said, patting his hair. She only left when he fell asleep.

"I am so sorry for doing this, guys", Yang Zi said, before she walked to the exit. At the entrance, she stared at them for the last time before she turned around and left the Mansion.

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