Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 141 - What Happened Between Yifeng And Shui Shui

Shiyi quickly entered the car and fastened his seatbelt. Shui Shui drove off at top speed. She was glad that Shiyi did not fight over who would drive the car with her. Their journey from the secret mansion to Yang Zi's apartment was a quiet one. It took them fifteen minutes to get to her apartment building, a fifteen storey building. Yang Zi stayed on the fifth floor. She had enough money to purchase a mansion of her own, but she preferred to keep a low profile so as not to unnecessarily garner the attention of the press and public.

"I know you are very upset right now but smile or you will scare people away with this deadly expression of yours," Shui Shui advised before she stepped out of the car. Shiyi did not utter a word to rebuke her, he just stepped out of the car and headed to the glass entrance to the building.


"Can you at least amble? I can't keep up with your pace," Shui Shui shouted after him. Shiyi slowed down hearing her words.

When they got to her apartment door Shui Shui just used the spare key Yang Zi gave to her and opened the door.

"Hey, baby, who do you think is at the door?" Yifeng asked Yang Mi after hearing the entrance door beeping open.

"I am sure it's godfather and godmother," Yang Mi exclaimed, running towards the door.

"Zi Er, get your ass out here. I will so deal with you for doing that despicable thing to us," Shui Shui shouted, fuming as she stumped into the sitting room. 

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"Wow, godmother, godfather. I knew it was you," Yang Mi shouted, hugging Shui Shui first before she went to hug Shiyi. She noticed his angry expression.

"Did somebody annoy you? Tell me and I will avenge you," Yang Mi said, hitting her chest confidently as she stretched out her hands for Shiyi to lift her up. She caressed his face after he lifted her up. They both walked into the sitting room. Shui Shui's mouth dropped open when she saw the guy sitting down staring at them.

"You.....," Yifeng uttered in astonishment, pointing his index finger at Shui Shui. Shui Shui gave him a sheepish smile before she walked into the room confidently. Her surprised expression was long gone.

Shiyi just stared daggers at Yifeng before he walked into the room. They didn't exchange any pleasantries. Their expression showed how they really feel about Yifeng. Hatred masked their exquisite face.

"Mi Er, where is your mum? I will deal with her even though you beg me to pardon her," Shui Shui said, turning to head upstairs, but a sweet lady's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"She is in the kitchen. I bet she must have done something terrible to you both seeing your angry expressions," Mrs Yang who just came out of the kitchen with a tray containing food said heading to the dining table. Yifeng and Shiyi rushed at the same time to help her carry the tray of food. They both held the tray of food at the same time. Shiyi turned and stared daggers at him to intimidate Yifeng but Yifeng's gaze was not pleasant at all. It was cold and deadly.

"What are you both doing?" Mrs Yang asked, staring at them. They looked like love rivals to her.

"Mrs Yang, let me help you with it," Yifeng said, smiling sweetly at Yang Zi's mother. Shiyi rolled his eyes, thinking his words sounded fake compared to his intentions.

"Auntie, let Shiyi help you with it. Leave the work of setting the dining table to me?" Shiyi said politely, smiling at Mrs Yang too. Shui Shui and Yang Mi watch the show unfold quietly. Their attentive stares looked like they were watching a live movie. They kept on struggling to collect the tray from Mrs Yang. None of them wanted to lose in the fight.

"What are you both doing?" Yang Zi who just stepped out of the kitchen and met them in that state asked walking close to where they stood. Shiyi let go of the tray and turned around to face Yang Zi. Yang Zi halted when she saw his angry expression. His expression showed he had a bone to pick with her.

"Zi Er, how could you betray my trust the way you did last night? How could you bear to hurt me in such a cruel manner....," Shui Shui's dry cough stopped him from speaking further? Her cough was a signal for him to stop talking because of Mrs Yang.

"What did you do to Shiyi that makes him feel betrayed?" Mrs Yang who has been so suspicious about the incident that occurred yesterday asked curiously, handing the tray over to Yifeng. She knew the message Shiyi was trying to convey might have a connection with what happened to Yang Mi yesterday. Yifeng hurriedly went to the dining table and dropped the tray. He rushed back to hear what the problem was. Yang Zi did not know what excuse to give her mum again. Moments ago she was relieved that she was free from her mum's interrogations and here comes another problem.

"Mum promised to go out on a date with godfather yesterday but she stood him up all night. I think that is why godfather is angry," Yang Mi said timidly. Yang Zi was dumbfounded when she heard the excuse her little baby just came up with, within the space of thirty seconds. She blamed herself for turning her sister into a liar.

"Is that true, Shiyi?" Mrs Yang asked doubtfully. Yang Zi pleaded with him with her eyes. Mrs Yang became even more suspicious when Shiyi did not utter a word.

"Is what Mi Er just said a lie?" Mrs Yang said yet again. Yifeng frowned when he saw how reluctantly Shiyi was acting. "Why can't this dude just cover up for them even though he is angry at her. He is so annoying for my liking," Yifeng thought, staring daggers at Shiyi.

"Yes Auntie, Mi Er is right. I am annoyed with Zi Er because she stood me up all night," Shiyi replied, still staring at Yang Zi. His anger did not subside one bit. Yang Mi opted to help them out when she saw that their words did not convince her mummy.

"Godfather, let's eat. Stop getting mad at your beautiful best friend. I know you love her too much to stay angry at her for so long, so just forgive her now," Yang Mi said, swinging his right hand back and forth.

"I am so sorry, best friend. I promise it won't happen again," Yang Zi said apologetically, handing the dishes she was holding over to Yifeng. She gave Shiyi a warm hug afterwards. Yifeng was awestruck to see them acting so affectionately. The thought Shiyi might be Yang Zi's secret boyfriend even crossed his mind, but he instantly pushed the thought off his mind.

"Shiyi, I am deeply sorry for scaring the hell out of you and Shui Shui. Please let's pretend like nothing happened yesterday until mum leaves. You and Shui Shui can take it all out on me after she leaves, hmm," Yang Zi whispered into his ears as she hugs him. "Please do me this favour, huh?" Yang Zi refused to let go of him until he agreed. She smiled happily when Shiyi responded to her hug.

"I am only momentarily letting this go for Auntie's sake but prepare yourself for I and Shui Shui's wrath after she leaves," Shiyi reproached.

"Thank you so much, I know you won't have the heart to reject my suggestion," Yang Zi said instantly letting go. Yang Mi dragged everyone to the dinning table, screaming that she was famished. After the arrival of Shui Shui and Shiyi, she completely forgot about Yifeng's existence. Because of Shui Shui's tight schedule, she hardly got to meet her, unlike Shiyi. The only time she gets to meet Shui Shui is whenever she visits the Mansion or whenever she takes her out, so she really misses her. She was happy to see her top actress.

The way Yifeng stared at Shui Shui did not escape everyone's attention.

"Yifeng, you keep glaring daggers at my Shui Shui. Is anything wrong or is this not your first time meeting her?" Yang Zi asked curiously. She took turns in staring at the both of them for answers.

"Kind of," Yifeng exclaimed, still giving Shui Shui mean glares. The memory of what this beautiful lady before him did to him was not one to forget in a hurry. Shui Shui smiled devilishly when she heard his reply. She would have done worst things to him if it was up to her.

"The both of you have already met each other? How come I am not aware of this?" Yang Zi asked curiously, throwing suspicious glances at Shui Shui. From Yifeng's expression, she guessed Shui Shui must have done something terrible to him; which is why he is acting like that. None of them answered her question. They just kept quiet on her.

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