Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 154 - How Do You Know She Is Sweet When You Have Not?...

"After realising that all the wines in his wine shafts were all of my favourite wines, I couldn't resist the urge to drink more," Shiyi explained.

"That means you drank over two bottles, right?" Yang Zi asked suspiciously. Shiyi did not have a high alcohol tolerance. He started acting weird the moment he drank more than his capacity could take.


"Hmm," Shiyi said, nodding his head affirmatively.

"I see why you got mad at her over some trivia issue," Yang Zi said, pulling him by the sleeve to the dance floor.

"I will be your dance partner so don't get mad, Ok? You have always wanted to throw me a birthday party and here is the party. I know the party was organised in a rush and also you guys thought I will get mad that is why it isn't an enormous party but I still like it because it was prepared with so much love and effort. Being amongst all of you makes me forget the incident that happened back then so don't be angry or else I will get sad," Yang Zi said. She sounded emotional as she spoke.

"Ok, I won't get angry so let's dance. You know how much I love dancing with you," Shiyi said dancing funnily. Yang Zi burst out in deafening laughter when she saw his funny dance moves. Everyone turned and stared at both of them because of Yang Zi's laughter. They continued with their dance after seeing what caused her burst of laughter. 

"That is the Zi Er I want to see," Shiyi said, holding her hands. Yang Zi accompanied him as they danced.

Yifeng gritted his teeth in anger when he saw that Shiyi succeeded in taking his woman away from him. He went to the couch to sit down beside Su Jin.

"Why the angry look?" Su Jin asked as if he did not know why Yifeng's expression was that way.

"Don't talk to me. I am not in the mood," Yifeng replied, fuming in annoyance.

"I am not the one who made you annoyed, so why are you taking out your anger on me?" Su Jin asked. "I wanted to help you get Yang Zi away from him, but forget it. I will keep my suggestion to myself," Su Jin said, sounding hurt. Yifeng instantly turned to face him when he heard Su Jin said he had tips to help him.

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"What is it? Tell me," Yifeng ordered anxiously.

"I thought you said you were not in the mood to talk? I am minding my business as you told me to do, so don't talk to me," Su Jin said, turning his face sideways.

"You are throwing tantrums to make me apologise, right? Just to get Yang Zi away from him, I will swallow my pride and do it, but I will murder you if I finish apologising and you have nothing meaningful to offer me," Yifeng threatened sternly. He continued when Su Jin did not give any reply.

"I am sorry buddy for getting mad at you," Yifeng reluctantly apologised. His apology sounded so insincere. "I have apologised so now start talking," Yifeng ordered, tapping.

"Ok, I will be benevolent since you have apologised," Su Jin said, drawing closer to Yifeng. Before he could whisper what he had in mind to Yifeng, the loud scream that erupted from the room interrupted them. They both turned at the same time to see what was wrong.

"So gross," Yifeng said, looking away when he saw drunk Jiang Xue kissing the vulnerable Jiu. Jiang Xue was damn drunk. She was not in her right senses to know that what she was doing to poor Jiu was wrong.

"Why is it gross? You think it is gross because it is not you and Yang Zi doing it, right?" Jin asked, bringing his gaze back to Yifeng.

"Why will Yang Zi's lips be gross? It is the sweetest and most savoury thing I have ever tasted," Yifeng said, smiling as he reminisces the many times he kissed Yang Zi. 

"Snap out of it already!" Su Jin shouted, waving his hands at his face. He regretted teasing his shameless friend. How could he forget how shameless his best friend was when it came to Yang Zi? 

"If you didn't want me to talk then why did you compare my sweet Yang Zi to that drunk who can't even control themselves?" Yifeng said, making a disgusted expression at Jiu and Jiang Xue, who were still kissing.

"Your sweet Yang Zi? How do you know she is sweet when you have not tasted her yet?" Su Jin asked jokingly. They totally forgot what they wanted to talk about.

"Stop saying that! Yang Zi is different and besides, why should I hurriedly taste her when I have an entire lifetime to taste and savour the taste however I want," Yifeng said smiling proudly.

"Does that mean you have already decided to make her yours by tying the knots?" Su Jin asked staring at him with rapt attention,

"Yeah, I am ready to give her my all but...," Yifeng trailed, his tone showing a hint of sadness.

"But you are not sure whether she is ready to accept your proposal. Even though you guys are close, you are afraid she doesn't have feelings for you, right?" Su Jin helped him to complete the sentence.

"Yeah, I playfully asked her to marry me earlier. You should have seen her reaction. She was damn shocked. She even called me a crazy person because of my proposal," Yifeng relayed, his gaze on Yang Zi who was happily dancing with Shiyi oblivious that she was the topic of their discussion. 

"Even I think you are crazy to make such a proposal to her, so how did you expect her to react? Just take time to make her fall deeper in love with you before you properly propose to her. The only problem you will have is how to tackle Zhao Liying. The peaceful and loving atmosphere you are enjoying with Yang Zi will be over immediately as she returns," Su Jin said. He completely forgot that Yifeng told him not to bring her name up.

"Jin, be thankful I really love you or I would have punched you hard on the face," Yifeng said, his expression firm and angry.

"Thanks for not punching me bro," Su Jin said touching his face. His face was his image, so he hated sustaining the most minor thing as a scratch on his handsome face.

They stopped talking for some minutes and watched others celebrate. Yifeng quickly recalled something. He brought his gaze to Su Jin. 

"Jin, I apologised earlier, but you never told me how I can separate my woman from him," Yifeng said, turning to stare daggers at Shiyi before he focused his gaze on Jin again.

"Tell her you have something important to give her and use that opportunity to take her out on a ride. You just have to relay this words to her and she will follow you out but be sure to have something to present to her or else she will get mad," Su Jin said, staring at him to see whether he thinks highly of his idea.

"Are you sure it will work? She might choose to stay with him over following me," Yifeng said doubtfully.

"The way you relay the message matters, so use your handsome charms on her like you normally do. I am certain it will work," Su Jin reassured.

Just then Li Chen who was sweating profusely walked up to them.

"Brother Feng, I sneaked out from home without telling Grandpa so I have to go back now or else he will get worried. My three hours here was filled with excitement. I really loved the surprise you prepared for Miss Yang. Oh, my bad. I guess I should start calling her Sister Zi Er since she will become your wife soon," Li Chen said playfully as he winked naughtily at his brother. "To put it in a simpler sentence, I meant to say your surprise exceeded my expectations. Good luck on your second surprise. I wish your surprise will capture her heart this time around," Li Chen gave his best wishes before he walked to the exit. He waved at the celebrant before he exited the Mansion.

"What was Chen talking about?" Su Jin asked, giving him a suspicious gaze.

"He said so many things, so which of them are you referring to?" Yifeng asked with a confused expression.

"You had another surprise for Yang Zi, and you did not tell me! What an unfaithful friend you are," Su Jin said, giving him a displeased expression.

"The surprise wasn't for you, so why should I have told you about my surprise for her?" Yifeng said, standing up from his seat. He walked to where Yang Zi was happily dancing with Shiyi. Her smile was bewitching. Yifeng and Shiyi got bewitched without realising it. It took him over five minutes before he could convince Yang Zi to come with him.

"Wait, a second here. I have something to relay to Jin," Yifeng informed. He left her alone and went to meet Jin.

[Everyone be expecting some mushy moments from Yang Zi and Yifeng. A very intense one. Buy the 1 coin privilege and get a mass release. Please vote and comments]

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