Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 184 - I Am Madly In Love With This Man (Yang Zi's Confession)

"Did you guys wait for a long time?" Yang Zi asked sheepishly as she went to meet them. She pretended as if she did not hear the teasing part of her sentence.

Shui Shui's soft peach walls were decorated with varieties of her pictures. As a model and actress she took lots of pictures, but majority of the pictures hanging on the wall were taken during important events. Her furnishings were white. The combination of the soft peach walls and the white furnishings gave the room a tasteful feeling.


"Not really, I barely arrived ten minutes ago," Shiyi replied, as though ten minutes mean nothing to him. Had it been somebody else who kept him waiting, he would have got so annoyed with the person.

"Barely ten minutes? Are you kidding me?" Shui Shui asked, humorously. Yang Zi could not resist the urge to laugh when she saw Shui Shui's funny expression.

"Why don't you tell Zi Er that you have waited for over fifteen minutes for her. I am sure you would have scolded me if I was the one who stood you up. You are always partial with Zi Er and I find this unfair," Shui Shui said, acting spoiled as she pulled Yang Zi on top the bed. Because of the force, Yang Zi landed violently onto Shiyi's body, who was lying on his back.

Shui Shui's mouth dropped opened in shock when she realised what she had done. Her eyes almost fell out of its socket as she stared at Shiyi, who looked like he was in severe pain because of the force Yang Zi landed on top of him.

Lying on top of Shiyi's body, a crazy idea popped into Yang Zi's head and she immediately executed her evil plan.

Shiyi froze on the spot when Yang Zi landed on his body without giving him a heads up. He became even more dumbstruck when she suddenly touched his face.

"I haven't seen you for just a day, but why do I feel that you have become so dazzling. You look so handsome and I can't help myself but want to stare at you all day," Yang Zi flirted with Shiyi shamelessly. Shui Shui thought her best friend had lost her mind.

"What are you doing to Shiyi? Did you mistake him for your Yifeng?" Dumbstruck Shui Shui asked, her gaze on her two best friends.

"Zi Er, please get off me. You are making me feel uncomfortable. I can bare breathe," Shiyi mumbled, after he has gotten over his shock. He held her hand to prevent her from caressing his face again. He was certain he would do something stupid if he did not stop her from touching his heated body.

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Yang Zi resisted the urge to laugh. She wished it was Jin Xiaofei she was doing this to in order to get back at Shui Shui for always teasing her using Yifeng.

"Why are you stopping me? Don't you like my touch anymore?" Yang Zi said, sounding as though she was hurt. 

"Zi Er, you misunderstood me. I don't dislike your touch, I....,"

"Then can I kiss you if you don't dislike my touch?" Yang Zi asked, boldly to awe of Shui Shui and Shiyi. Shui Shui could not stand Yang Zi's shameless acts anymore.

"You are crazy Zi Er. I can see you have totally lost it. You looked perfectly alright earlier, so what has come over you?" Shui Shui asked. She did not wait for Yang Zi to give her an answer. She instantly sat up and pulled Yang Zi off Shiyi's body.

"Hahaha.....," Yang Zi bursted out in a deafening laughter. She laughed for a long time. Shiyi and Shui Shui just stared at her, wondering what amused her.

"Has spending the night at Yifeng's place made her lost her mind? She looks crazy or don't you think so," Shui Shui asked, when Yang Zi refused to stop laughing.

"I don't think she looks crazy, but I think she looks beautiful. Her smile looks so addicting," Shiyi said, smiling sweetly at Yang Zi. 

"After teasing you, you still think she looks beautiful? I can see you have lost it too," Shui Shui said, shaking her head in disbelief. Although she acted as if she disliked Yang Zi's naughtiness, but the truth was, she loved seeing her smile. Since Zhao Liying started her nonsense, she barely saw Yang Zi smile. She only saw her smile whenever she was with Yifeng. She missed seeing her best friend smile.

"Although I disagree with you teasing Shiyi in such a cruel manner, but I am happy to see you smile so beautifully," Shui Shui said, smiling at her.

"You guys are my vitamin for happiness. I can never be sad with you guys around," Yang Zi said, as she stopped laughing.

"Are you sure we are your vitamin and not your heartthrob, Yifeng?" Shui Shui teased, smiling mischievously at her.

"You guys are my vitamin, but he is my biggest vitamin. Not only my vitamin, but he is my world," Yang Zi said, smiling. Both Shui Shui and Shiyi were taken aback when they heard her said he is her world.

"Wohoo...," Shui Shui exclaimed, smiling. 

"Don't you think you are adding too much importance to him? You've only being his temporary girlfriend for just two months, saying he is your world sounds ridiculous to me," Shiyi blurted out. The moment he realised what he just said, he regretted ever uttering those words to the woman he liked.

"You are right, I have only been his girlfriend for two months. I am sure other people may also think I sound crazy too if they heard what I have just said, but I don't care about what anyone thinks. I don't want to deceive myself anymore. I love him so much, that is the truth," Yang Zi said, holding her pounding chest.

"I can't help but fall deeper in love with him each passing day. Whenever I am with him, I always lose control of myself. I always end up doing crazy things I never knew I could do. At the moment, I can't get a hold of my emotions. My heart now controls me, not my brain. Shiyi, I feel helpless when he is around me. Shiyi tell me what should I do? I am madly in love with this man," Yang Zi said, helplessly. 

Every word Yang Zi uttered felt like Shiyi's heart was stabbed a million times. He felt excruciating pain as he watched her speak so highly of him.

Maybe Wen Min was right when she said that Zi Er will always see me as her best friend, no matter what I do. I knew she was right all this while, but it's so hard to accept reality. It's so hard to accept that Zi Er will never love me in the same manner I love her.

"If you love him so much then why don't you tell him just how madly in love you are with him instead of waiting for the three months to pass?" Shui Shui asked anxiously.

Although this is the first time Yang Zi confessed her love for Yifeng to them, but she knew Yang Zi loved him even before she agreed to be his girlfriend. Her best friend had always loved him. The problem is that she did not realise her feelings early. And now that she has realised her feelings, she is scared that something might go wrong.

"I am afraid he might hate me when he realises that I will quit working in the company. He will be mad at me for not disclosing the fact that I am the mysterious designer M," Yang Zi said, shuddering at the thought Yifeng might one day hate her.

"I thought you told us you were going to tell him everything, so why are you so hesitant? Yifeng loves you so much, I am sure he will not get mad at you when you narrate everything to him. Instead of getting mad, I think he will embrace you tightly," Shui Shui tried to reassure her scared best friend that everything will be alright.

"I have tried to confess everything to him, but something always comes up each time I want to tell him. I even tried telling him everything yesterday when we were in the office, but Yuan Quan had to enter the office the minute I opened my mouth to disclose everything to him," Yang Zi said unhappily.

"Zi Er, you are the one making everything complicated. If I was you, I will just walk up to him and tell him. 'Love, do you know that I am the one who designed all those clothes you wear every day. I am the one you have been searching for'. I am sure merely saying this will catch his interest. He will not have any choice but want to listen to you," Shui Shui said confidently, as though what she just said was a piece of cake.

"Zi Er, I think Shui Shui is right. Instead of beating around the bush or searching for the perfect time, why don't you just take the risk and confess everything to him? Delay might be dangerous, don't forget that," Shiyi chided in calmly.

Instead of wishing for the impossible, why don't I just root for her? Whether or not she loves me, her happiness is my priority, so I should support her.

Shiyi thought, staring at her. His heart hurt so badly, but there was nothing he could do. He only wished it would hurt less as time passes by. 

Yang Zi kept quiet, trying to think about the suggestions her two best friends gave. Still in deep thoughts, Shui Shui's elated voice disrupted her thoughts.

"Hey guys, why talk about depressing topic? These depressing topic does not suit us so why don't we talk about something thrilling," Shui Shui remarked, staring at them with excitement.

"And what is that thrilling topic you are referring to?" Shiyi asked suspiciously. Seeing how excited Shui Shui looked, he knew she was up to some mischief again.

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