Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 191 - What Actually Led To Mrs Zhao's Hatred Towards Mrs Yang___2

As she walked, she could feel that he was still following her, and that scared her. She thought he was a bad person, so she quickened her pace.

"Honey, where are you heading to in such a hurry," Mr Yang asked, wrapping his hands around her body when she bumped into him. Mrs Yang heaved a sigh of relief when she realised it was her husband she bumped into and not some strangers.


"Thank goodness it's you," Mrs Yang remarked, embracing her husband tightly. Her throbbing heart was beating hard against her chest.

"Are you Ok? Why were you in such a rush earlier?" Mr Yang asked, stroking her hair lovingly.

"A man is tailing me. I don't know who the heck he is. From the moment he bumped into me earlier he has been pestering me and when I left him alone, he followed me. I was scared that he might be a bad person that is why I was hurrying to look for you. The man is over there," Mrs Yang said, in a rush as she turned around and pointed her finger at the man following her.

"Him?" Mr Yang asked doubtfully. 

"Yes, do you know him?" Mrs Yang asked curiously when she saw that her husband wasn't angry at him.

"Of course I know him. He is my senior. Since we moved here five months ago, I have been working with him for that long, so I know him very well. He can also be considered a friend," Mr Yang said. He held his wife's hand and hasten to meet his senior.

"Hello Mr Zhao, its nice to see that you have arrived. Mr Lu has been looking for you. He almost went berserk when he learned you were not in the office," Mr Yang informed, staring at the tall average looking man. He was surprised to see that instead of listening to him, he was staring at his wife.

"Who is she? Your sister?" Mr Zhao asked, his gaze still on Mrs Zhao. The fierce glare Mrs Yang gave him showed she hated him, but he did not care.

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"Oh, sorry for my manners. Senior meet my wife Yang Chunling and darling, this is Zhao Jianfei," Mr Yang introduced, his gaze shifting from his wife to his senior.

"So Chunling is your name? You should have said so earlier instead of acting all shy," Mr Zhao said, smiling at her.

"Xiaolin, you never told me that your wife is such a beauty. She is exceptionally beautiful and her beauty is pleasant to the eyes," Mr Zhao complimented. His eyes never left her body for a minute, and this got Yang Xiaolin worried.

Acting shy? Who is he trying to deceive? Even though we just met earlier, I am sure he knows I hate him to the core. He looks like a worthless, man. How dare he stare at me like that when he knows I am married?

Mrs Yang thought angrily, tightening her hands into a tight fist.

"Since he is such in a rush like you had said that means we shouldn't keep him waiting so let's go, sweetheart," Mrs Yang said, dragging her husband by the hand. She was certain she will insult the man if they spent another second there. 

When they reached outside the building Mr Yang suddenly stopped walking. He turned and stared at his wife's angry expression.

"I saw you glare at him murderously earlier. Why did you do that? Did he perhaps upset you and you haven't told me about it?" Mr Yang asked mellowly, giving his wife a suspicious glare.

"No, he didn't but for some unknown reason I don't just like him. From the first time I set my eyes on him, he just gives off a bad vibe. I don't want to ever run into him ever again," Mrs Yang said coldly.

"Although he is my senior, I can't force you to like him so it's Ok but don't make it so obvious like earlier. You are well aware of how glares can hurt?" Mr Yang said playfully as he wrapped his hand around her waist. They walked like that to where his car was parked.

Mrs Yang's worst nightmare began the day Mr Zhao bumped into her. Following that day, Mr Zhao made life difficult for her. Mr Zhao became a jobless man stalking Mrs Yang wherever she went; despite all the warnings and insults she rained at him, he refused to leave her alone. It got to a point that going outside without the company of her friends or husband scared her. Majority of times, she had to manage the new fashioned house her husband opened for her at home.

No matter how many times Mr Yang warned him to stay away from his wife, Mr Zhao took no heeds to his warning, instead his obstinate determination to make Mrs Yang love him became worst. His so-called love became an obsession.

One day, Mr Zhao used the identity of Mr Yang's cousin to set an appointment with Mrs Yang. Thinking that it was her husband's sister who contacted her, she went to the meeting point well dressed but to her greatest dismay she saw Zhao Jianfei sitting on their booked table. The moment she saw him, she quickly guessed he was the one who sent her that goddamn message. At first she wanted to quietly leave, but she changed her mind and went to go meet him.

Mr Zhao quickly stood up and pulled out the chair for her to sit. He could not stop smiling as he stared at the beautiful Young lady before him.

"Did you have to go to the extent of impersonating my sister-in-law just to make me meet you?" Mrs Yang asked angrily, but she made sure she kept her voice low because of the waiters staring at them.

"The means I used to get you to meet me does not matter, but it is the result that matters. I am happy that I get to see your beautiful face again, even though I used a despicable means to achieve that," Mr Zhao said, smiling sweetly at her.

Seeing her slightly curly red-brown hair, he knew she did her hair just for the meeting. Although he was used to seeing her long black ebony-like hair, he still loved this new style she did.

"I can't believe you curled and also dyed your hair just for me," Mr Yang said, staring at her in admiration. 

He is such a delusional fool. I regret the day I ever met him. I am certain he is my nemesis in this lifetime.

Mrs Yang thought, gritting her teeth in annoyance.

"You look like an angel that just descended from heaven dressed in this white gown. You look amazing," Mr Zhao complimented his sweet smile still on.

"You can reserve that compliment for your wife, I don't need it, Ok" Mrs Yang spoke, her face devoid of any emotion. 

"How many times do I have to tell you I will divorce her as soon as you agree to marry me? You are the woman I love, you are the only one for me so never bring that woman's name up when we are together, Ok? Hearing her name comes from your mouth irritates me," Mr Zhao said, trying his best not to flare up for her sake.

"Listen to the rubbish you just spew from your mouth. You will divorce her and marry me. You love me? Your wife's name irritates you?" Mrs Yang repeated his words spitefully.

"If you never loved her and her name irritates you, then why did you marry her?" Mrs Yang said, glaring daggers at him.

"And don't you dare say you love me because you don't? If you love me like you always confessed then, you wouldn't be doing all this nonsense that you have done for the past four months. What you feel for me is not love but obsession and lust, so don't you dare delude yourself that you love me," Mrs Yang stated angrily. She did not give a damn about the waitresses and waiters watching them anymore.

"You don't have to stress yourself over why I married her but one thing you should know is that my love for you is true. I love you and I wouldn't have done everything I did in the past four months if you have given me the chance to show you how much I love...,"

"I should have given you the chance to show how much you love me?" Mrs Yang imitated his tone and expression. She was so fed up with all his pestering. She could not take anymore nonsense from him again.

"Can you hear the nonsense you have just uttered? Why should I have given a useless man like you the opportunity to love me when I have a husband whom I love and cherish the most? Did you think I would give up the man I love for someone like you just like you did to your poor wife who has been nothing but faithful to you?" Mrs Yang blurted out sharply. She did not give a damn if her words hurt him. She would very much appreciate it if her words hurt this man before her because that means he will leave her alone.

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