Chapter 131 - Who Convinced Who

Sebastian hummed his response through the speaker of his cell phone. He paced in the living room as he listened attentively to the caller. However, his alert and cautious, eagle-like sharp eyes never once shifted from Johnathan. 

Johnathan had no clue who he'd been speaking to, but as soon as he disconnected the call, he marched towards him. The intensity of his anger from earlier had only doubled if that's even possible. Johnathan cowered back on instinct. Sebastian crouched down on his heels and grabbed Johnathan's hair in his fist, roughly yanking his head back. "Quick question and it'd be in your favour if you answer quickly too," he said warning beforehand. 

"I need your cell phone. Where's it?" He asked. Johnathan gulped. "I don't have it with me. It must be in my villa.. I think I forgot to carry it," he replied, lying so effortlessly.

'Maybe lying comes naturally to people when subjected to violence.' 

 He hoped the man in front of him would buy his lies easily too. 

"You think your royal brain is smarter than us common people, don't you?" Sebastian asked with a sneer, but shockingly, he didn't opt for violence anymore. "You know what? It's one of your luckiest days," he said before pulling himself up, and Johnathan watched with a bewildered look on his face while Sebastian occupied a seat on the sofa. His gun no more hanging above Johnathan's head. 

It felt as if hours had passed, but the truth was he'd only spent a few minutes when the door to Alexander's bedroom opened, and he made himself visible to Johnathan. 

Alexander exchanged looks with Sebastian before coming face to face with Johnathan. Whatever wordless command he issued through his eyes, it seemed Sebastian understood. Sticking the gun into the waistband of his pants, he walked out. A few of Alexander's men followed out while others stayed with their boss. 

When Johnathan dared to look into Alexander's eyes, he looked beyond frustrated. Johnathan didn't dare to breathe and gulped in fear. The cold fury in Alexander's eyes stayed intact even when his lips twitched into a smile. "Words of wisdom, John, keep your brain shut along with your mouth if you want to stay alive," Alexander said. It scared the hell out of Johnathan. 

Though Alexander's voice was soft, tone neutral as if speaking to a friend, Johnathan felt the threat, his smiling lips and predatory eyes promised. 

Johnathan was confused at Alexander's so-called words of wisdom. Didn't he say earlier that Johnathan would die if he kept his mouth shut? It took a while for him to understand what Alexander actually meant. He would die if he used his brain to think his escape or sabotage Alexander's attempts to rescue his family. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'What are you planning, Alexander? What goes on in that brain of yours?'

Johnathan's mind went crazy, analysing Alexander's every move. 

Ever since both husband and wife had their conversation behind that closed door, Alexander might have come to some conclusion. Johnathan couldn't hear them once Alexander shut the door to their bedroom. They spoke in hushed tones. Who convinced who? 

'Did Felicity convince Alexander or did Alexander change her mind?' 

He needed to know their plan. His knee started shaking with nerves as he got more and more impatient. Alexander noticed and scoffed. "It's okay, John, take a seat on the sofa and relax. I'm not going to kill you. Plans changed for the time being," he said, gesturing him to get up from the floor. 

Johnathan quietly observed everything while Alexander spoke to the doctor before he collected medicines for Felicity. He listened attentively while the doctor explained the procedures and the precautions to follow. Sebastian took out a bundle of notes, and the doctors got rewarded generously for their service before they got dismissed. 

A few minutes later, Felicity emerged from her room dressed in a beautiful black and sandy brown skirt and top, a one-piece dress with full-arm sleeves, that fitted her form perfectly and rested right above her knees. A black coloured clutch in hand, her strawberry blonde hair tied into a tight ponytail, black heels clad feet moved slowly but gracefully, as she covered the distance to reach Alexander. 

Everything faded into a mist as Johnathan watched her smile lazily at her husband. Her face makeup-free and her lips curved into a beautiful pout as her naturally soft, cherry red, heart-shaped mouth stretched. Alexander dropped a light kiss on her forehead before hiding her hypnotising eyes behind the pink shaded, big rectangular glasses. 

No one could tell she's the same woman who had shed tears for her child and looked so weak and distressed a while ago. 

Johnathan could see the unconditional love filled in Alexander's eyes for her, and her gaze held so much pride and trust in them for him. Johnathan wished if only he could be at the receiving end of her devotion. 

"Ready?" Alexander asked Felicity as Sebastian threw his thumb over his shoulder, motioning him it's time to proceed. Felicity turned around, a soft smile playing on her lips. 

She was breathtakingly beautiful and sure took Johnathan's breath away. 

"Are you coming, John?" She asked. Two men carried their luggage while two other men stood behind Johnathan, guns ready in their hands. 

'As if I have a choice.'

Johnathan followed them into the car. One of their men settled himself behind the wheel, while Sebastian took the passenger seat. Alexander sat beside Felicity after helping her into the back seat. Johnathan had to sit in another car with Alexander's men. 

An hour later, sat on the small couch was Felicity nursing a cup of hot coffee in her hands, a loaded target pistol resting beside her. 

Johnathan still couldn't understand what had Alexander been thinking. 

Keeping all his sense organs on high alert, Johnathan had been grasping onto every word that came out of Alexander's mouth as he spoke to his men. Their plan was so accurate. It didn't take more than twenty minutes for them to find the whereabouts of Baresi brothers. 

Alexander left Felicity in a small motel on the highway, of course, bodyguards with loaded weapons surrounded her. He thought it would be safer in a small place full of people as it would draw less attention and would be easier for his men to keep her safe in public. Johnathan was amazed at how confident, bright, and fearless Felicity appeared even without Alexander's presence. 

She carried herself with much arrogance like the rich heiress she was, quite contrary to her previous vulnerable self. Though he admired her brave and poised appearance, Johnathan couldn't stop the envious feeling. He realised, her heart and her emotions were unguarded only for Alexander to behold. Without his presence, she wore this unbothered, uncaring persona only to shield herself from everyone else. 

Alexander had booked the largest room available in that small motel. Two of his guards stayed inside while two others guarded the door. Johnathan could bet he'd the whole motel surrounded by his men. He wondered how he'd arranged such tight security in this foreign territory within minutes. 

'No wonder the devil ruled wherever he visited.'

He'd heard Alexander promising Felicity that his return wouldn't take more than an hour and he would be back with their baby very soon. Johnathan wondered how did Alexander even think of leaving her alone. It was so unlike him to let Johnathan even breathe the same air as Felicity after suspecting him of betrayal. 

Johnathan knew one thing for sure the Baresi brothers wouldn't see another day. 

"Here, this is yours," Felicity said, pushing the cup of coffee on the small coffee table towards Johnathan. He grimaced after seeing the dark brown liquid. He heard Felicity laugh and brought his gaze to her. "Sorry if it doesn't suit your taste. I didn't make it and if you're hesitating for other reasons, rest assured, it's not drugged," she offered her defence. 

Johnathan looked perplexed as he couldn't tell if she genuinely cared or mocking the sincerity of his friendship by offering that explanation. The way she smiled at him made him nervous. Johnathan leaned back, straightened his posture and inhaled deeply. "Don't tell me you're doubting my innocence and suspecting my involvement in all this," he said, trying to keep expression neutral. 

Felicity turned her head to the side to look at the guard speaking on his phone. It was Sebastian's call checking the safety of Felicity every few minutes as per Alexander's instruction. Johnathan needed to call Rouvin, but he didn't have his phone. 

"I'm really sorry, Felicity that this is happening to your family. But please understand I have nothing to do with this. Alexander is suspecting the wrong person. I have an important meeting to attend, Felicity. Would you ask your guards to let me go?" He requested. "I promise I'll help in finding your daughter in whatever way I can," he added as if offering favour. Felicity smiled in reply, but Johnathan noticed how it didn't reach her eyes.

"Why did you do it, John?" She asked, cut straight to the point just like her husband. Johnathan stared, speechless for a few seconds. 

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