Chapter 147 - Karma Isn't On His Side

Eric and Bianca whistled in unison as the motorbikes roared to life and the racers sped off. There was a makeshift fence, a crowd barrier to keep the spectators out of the way. Hera noticed how Eric pulled Bianca to his front and hooked an arm around her neck from behind in a headlock hug. 

'A gesture of protection.' 

Hera observed with an impressed look of appreciation. Bianca leaned back on his chest, settling comfortably against his torso. 

'Whoever he falls in love with, the girl would be lucky.'

Hera grinned wide when Eric's free hand reached out to grab her hand and Hera immediately obliged by placing her hand in his. He held it in a tight grip. She could feel the vibes of a protective friend and a possessive brother combined. 

"You know it's not safe to drink and drive, right?" Eric asked and Hera's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but she didn't interrupt him and jerked her head urging him to go on. "So the sensible thing to do is to opt for a cab ride instead of drunk driving," Eric continued, and Hera listened with full focus. 

"When we go out together for a drink, we usually have drivers to take us around. But when we don't, we decide and choose a designated driver before getting drunk. We always make sure, one of us will stay sober to drive ourselves back home safely," he said, his eyes focused on the road even though he could see no trace of a motorbike. 

Some spectators were cheering from up above the abandoned buildings. Hera protested when Bianca wanted to go there because Hera was not brave enough to witness the race. What if she saw one of her beloveds getting hurt? So Hera insisted they stay and wait where they were right now. Thankfully Eric understood her fears and agreed to her demand. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"My parents are well-known attorneys, and I being the only inheritor is obviously going to take over in future. My dad is the one who handles legal matters for Ace's family. Blame it on my genes, but my senses are always on alert observing everything in detail," Eric smiled at Hera, and she returned his smile. 

'So the smart brain is a family gift.'

Hera thought admiringly. Eric shrugged as if it's no big deal and continued. "You know, to find loops and to make a note of it. That way, I can help my dad in resolving the matters if we get in trouble. I don't think anyone else can report or explain it to him better than me," he said. Hera nodded, impressed, and Erin bumped his shoulder with hers playfully. 

"So to punctuate the answer to your question, I'm the sober driver. My friends are all short-tempered and sometimes act impulsively," stated Eric with an unimpressed frown and Bianca pinched his arm around her neck in protest. Hera watched while Eric playfully pretended to strangle Bianca.

"I don't indulge or involve myself in the fight because I'll be busy making sure my friends don't get into serious trouble. Unless and until they need my help I don't prefer interrupting," Eric revealed. Sensing Hera's eyes on him, Eric tore his eyes off the road and looked at her to find her smiling at him with pride shining in her eyes. 

Hera leaned forward and kissed him the cheek. 

He arched a questioning eyebrow at her as if to ask 'What was that for?' Hera latched on to his arm and rested her head against it. "Nothing," she muttered under her breath. But Eric heard what she didn't say. It was a gesture of gratitude. She was thankful and proud of the protective instincts he harboured for his loved ones. 

If she hadn't looked away from him, she would've seen how Eric's cheeks turned pink as he blushed at the implied compliment. 

The announcer's loud voice boomed as he conveyed the information regarding the development of the racers' status. 

Grinning wide, Bianca turned to Eric. "Who's it going to be, Mike or Victor?" She asked. Hera frowned while she listened to their conversation and soon realised they were placing bets. 

'Mike or Victor? Why not Hunter? Do they think he's not going to win?'

Hera thought and was surprised to know Bianca wasn't counting on Hunter and was expecting Michael's win instead. But Hera didn't ponder much about it because she didn't care about the race. All she wished tonight was for Hunter, Danny and their friends to return safely. 

She didn't know how the racing rules worked or where they would end once taking off the starting line. The only thing she knew was they would have to reach a specific spot, sign their entry and return to where it all began and whoever makes their way back first would be the winner. 

"It's Victor," Eric said after a thoughtful moment. He wanted to take Michael's name, but something forced him to think otherwise. He'd watched the exchange between Hunter and Victor and the rigidness in his best friend's posture said something wasn't right. For a moment he regretted not being there with his best friend right now. But Hunter didn't trust anyone else with Hera's safety. 

Mathew was busy with something personal, and Hunter somehow managed to convince him to let them have fun for the day without the guards hovering over their heads. So, their bodyguards too got off their duties for today along with other staff. Though reluctant, Mathew agreed, but he would monitor their location with their cell phones. He would be there if they needed him. 

Both Eric and Bianca knew Hunter would win for sure. They were placing their bets to guess who would come second. As far as they knew their best friends, Michael wouldn't mind losing against Hunter, but he wouldn't let his guard down with the outsiders. 

HUNTER INCREASED THE SPEED, hands and feet coordinating perfectly with each other as he manoeuvred his bike through the narrowed streets, moving past abandoned textile mills, warehouses and factories. Michael and Victor both were right behind him, inching closer by every passing minute. 

Danny was nowhere near them, and Hunter knew it was more of a private long ride or intimate lone time spent together for Evelyn and Danny. They would be enjoying their night out. 

Hunter, Michael and Victor, all three of them were neck to neck, ahead of others. They were all trying to outsmart each other with their dangerous moves. The two best friends inclined their heads in understanding while Victor stayed ignorant of their silent communication. 

Victor tried to overtake Hunter from his left, but the latter very cunningly leaned his bike to the same side with a clear intention of crashing into the former's. Cursing aloud, Victor pulled himself off of Hunter's way and moved away in time. He yelled in panic while his eyes bulged out of their sockets as his bike lost its balance. He almost got hit by the fellow racer in the process. 

Luckily, he managed to control the bike but didn't get the opportunity to move past Hunter. 

The two highschoolers cornered him from either side. Lifting the visor of their helmet, they both grinned wickedly at the older boy. 

Both of them tried to jam their wheel into Victor's simultaneously, and he had no other option but to slow down his speed to get away from them. "Hey, wanker, this is not allowed. You can't block my way it's cheating," Victor yelled, his voice coming out muffled under his helmet. Hunter and Michael laughed at him, amused by the older boy's frustration. 

"Vic, we're participating in a street racing which itself is illegal, and you're preaching about rules here?" Hunter asked and his best friend high-fived him, still laughing at the older boy. 

Their laughter died down suddenly as another racer kicked Hunter's wheel, successfully making him lose control of his bike. His left hand and leg got stuck between the vehicle and the concrete road as the motorbike skidded dangerously. Hunter couldn't evade the fall and went along with the dragging force until he managed to stop it. 

Michael got down from his bike and ran to assist his best friend. Hunter's knuckles were already bruised and started to bleed. The impact of the fall tore the skin on his knee along with the material of his jeans. Three more bikers stopped to witness the incident. 

"On some other day, I would've stopped to help, but today I need to win against you, Ace. Guess karma's a bitch and clearly, it isn't on your side today," Victor said, righting his helmet and twisting the throttle of his bike. His motorbike took off within seconds, the image appearing smaller and smaller as the distance increased. 

Hunter and Michael whipped their heads simultaneously in the same direction as they heard the push button of a switchblade knife snapping open. Within minutes few other bikers appeared, and Hunter now realised they weren't there for the race. He counted their heads, and they were ten in total, including two boys from earlier he saw in Liam's car. 

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