Chapter 157 - All She Has To Do Is Extend Her Hand

Retrieving her hand from his chest, Hera sat upright cross-legged. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, silky hair scattered all over his forehead, dark, thick, fluffy eyelashes fanning his cheeks. His lips remained closed, pressed together while he breathed softly through his nose. 

He looked so proper and sophisticated with his mannerisms even while asleep. Hera had never heard him snore, but he had mentioned a few times, teasing her that when she was in a deep sleep, her lips part and she snores. 

Subconsciously, Hera's lips stretched into a smile. 

Her eyes got smaller while her smile grew wider. She hadn't realised there were tears in her eyes until the salty, transparent pearls slipped out of her eyelids, running down her plump rosy cheeks. Wiping the trace of tears from her cheeks, Hera sniffed as discreetly as she could because her Hunter was a light sleeper. The slightest of the sound would disturb his sleep. 

The stubble on his jaw grew thicker as he hadn't shaved in two days.. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. One of his hands rested over his abs while the other stayed at his side. Hera stared at the Band-Aids covering the abrasions on his knuckles and then her gaze shifted to the bandages on his legs. 

She remembered how she ridiculed Evelyn in her mind when she kissed his wounds. Hera never intended to make fun of the idea when Evelyn did that. It was only Hera's jealousy, her disappointment that Evelyn got to do it instead of her. She could kiss it now, but Hera still hesitated as she was afraid she would wake him up. 

Moving a bit closer, Hera carefully smoothed the hair away from his eyes, brushing it over his temples. 

'Stop it, Hera, you'll disturb his sleep. He needs to rest.'

The rational part of her logical brain helpfully supplied before she could plant her lips on his forehead while her heart fought hard to resist the urge to kiss him. 

Leaning forward, she inhaled his scent, earthy smell mixed with spirit, or disinfectant, or whatever healing medicine the doctor had applied on his wounds. Her nose scrunched up as she scowled in distaste. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped arms around her legs, her face resting sideways on her folded knees. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Eyes fixed on Hunter's sleeping form, Hera watched.

Tears streamed down, running on the bump her nose and dampening her temple on its way before it soaked into her hair. 

The morning hadn't come yet, but she felt as if the Sun in her sky had risen already. Her Hunter shone brighter than warm sun rays, spilling the warmth around her heart and lighting up her world. The very moment made her realise something. She was the happiest when she was with him and the saddest when she wasn't with him. 

Hera smiled through her tears as she recognised the reason for her insecurities. Honestly, she wasn't jealous or insecure because of his friends. It was her fear. She was scared of the barriers distancing them from each other. She was scared of losing him. 

All her life, she had no one to care for her except him. With a mother she had never seen, a father she couldn't ever reach, guardians and adopted family who never brought the feeling of safety or security in her entire life, never had Hera felt loved. 

Hunter was all she had to claim as hers. He was the only one who took care of her, who loved her unconditionally since the moment they laid eyes on each other. She wouldn't know how to survive without him, and the mere thought of losing him had shattered her heart. 

Hera was hurt because her Hunter was hurting. She was upset as she was helpless and couldn't protect him from getting hurt. She hated herself because she couldn't take his pain away. She felt lonely and left out when he didn't reach out to her. 

With him by her side, everything would automatically turn right. All she wanted him to do was hold her hand, and she would fight the world for him. 

"You are all I have. I love you, Mr Hunter," she whispered, a soft smile playing on her lips as she wiped her tears. 

Startled, Hera let out an audible gasp when she saw Hunter's lips twitching into a smile. 

"You are awake," Hera stated, her tone accusing but there was no anger or objection behind it. Hunter opened his right eye first, squinting he peeked at her before his left eye joined its companion. Amid his dark thick stubble, a set of pearly white teeth gleamed as a quiet smile played around his pink, full lips, the dimples on his cheeks adding the extra charm to his gorgeousness. 

Hera sighed. 

"How long were you faking it?" She asked. "I woke up when I heard you groan and curse the light. You know I'm a light sleeper. How do you expect me to stay asleep when you turned, and your body bumped straight into me?" Hunter asked, his voice sounding raspy from the sleep. Hera scowled and shook her head in disapproval. 

"So, you were pretending and having fun at my expense while I stared at you?" She asked, changing her position and sat cross-legged again. "How the hell on earth do you always know when I'm staring at you?" She asked, eyes growing large in wonder. Hunter grinned from ear to ear before speaking. 

"You meant to say when you were ogling and drooling?" He asked, his tone teasing and eyes amused. 

Hera was about to hit him when he reminded her that he was already hurt. Sighing, Hera looked at his bandages, and her gaze softened when she met his eyes. "How are you feeling now?" She asked, her voice concerned. 

"I'm fine, Goddess, don't worry. The doctor has given pain relievers, and it's working fine," he said, lifting his hand to brush her hair back. "Why were you avoiding me?" Hera asked bluntly. Hunter pulled his hand back and stared at her for a few seconds. His smile vanished, and he seemed offended. 

"You're the one who did all the avoiding, Goddess. You didn't even lift your lashes while I waited the whole time hoping you would spare me a glance," he said, sounding disheartened. Hera lowered her head ashamed, a shadow of guilt clouding her eyes. 

'I was busy wallowing in self-pity because I was jealous and insecure.' 

"I'm sorry, Hunter," she admitted, still avoiding his eyes. Hunter didn't reply immediately, and when the silence stretched, Hera looked at him only to find his eyes piercing into her soul. His elbows supported the weight of his upper body as he lifted himself and leaned against the headboard. 

"I knew why you were avoiding me, Goddess. I knew it wasn't easy for you to see me hurting. You were hurt too, and I understand how you felt. That's why I didn't try to reach you. I kept my distance because I didn't want to hurt you any more than that," Hunter confessed. Hera opened her mouth to apologise, but he pressed a finger to her lips, stopping her from speaking. 

"I love my friends, Goddess. They are all important to me," he admitted while Hera frowned and looked away from him. 

"I'm in love with you, Hera, since the moment I laid my eyes on you and you know the depth of my feelings. You're my lifeline, Goddess. My friends were only trying to help me. At that time, tending to my needs was their priority. No one was trying to take me away from you. There'll never be a barrier that can keep me away from you. I'm always yours," he declared with finality, his eyes waiting for her to look at him. 

Hera pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, biting hard to stop it from trembling but she couldn't restrain her tears from streaming down her eyes. Hunter's hand reached out, and his fingers wiped her tears. 

"All you have to do is extend your hand, Goddess, and mine will always be ready, waiting to hold it, forever," he concluded. 

Hera moved briskly on her knees to reach him, and her arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, pulling him into her embrace. She didn't have to say a single word, and he read her mind, understood her emotional turmoil just by looking into her eyes. 

"How do you me know so well?" She asked, sobbing into his shoulder. Hunter pulled her more into his chest, not leaving an inch of space for the air. The gesture was enough to answer all her questions. 

When Hera pulled away, Hunter cupped her face in his palms, and his thumb wiped the moisture under her eyes. His eyes dipped to her lips, and he moved forward to kiss her. But before their lips could touch, Hera crawled back moving away from him. 

Her smile was watery when he frowned at her. Holding her finger up to stop him, she ran into the ensuite bathroom. 

Hunter scoffed and muttered a curse, annoyed at being refused. 

"I'm glad you could hold it for so long and didn't pee on our bed. I'm so proud," Hunter said, sarcasm dripping from his words and he heard her giggling inside the bathroom. 

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