Chapter 164 - She Walked Right Into The Trap

Hera muffled her laughter with her hand. She couldn't wait to tell Hunter and see his reaction. He sure would act nonchalant, but Hera knew how easily he could get jealous. Hera smiled and shook her head. Folding the letter, she tore it into two equal parts and repeated the action until it turned into tiny pieces. Collecting the remnants in her palms, she dumped it into the trash can. 

Hera accidentally looked at Clara's bed before going to sleep. She already had her eyes on Hera, watching keenly. Hera pulled the blanket up to her neck as she felt the urge to hide under it. Clara's scrutinising gaze felt heavy on her, and nervously Hera's fingers fidgeted under the blanket. 

"Judging by how heartlessly you tore the letter, I'm guessing it wasn't from your precious Hunter?" Clara asked. Hera kept her lips sealed, not wanting to engage in her petty games. "So you're ready and fixed on your new victim then? Who is this time? Is it Noel?" She asked and sneered as if she already proved Hera guilty.. 

"Neither Nate nor Andrew were innocents, Clara, stop attacking me every single time. You knew I was never at fault," Hera stated, holding steady eye contact. Clara just scoffed in return. "I hope the poor guy survives somehow," she said. Her eyes narrowed, and she looked deep in thought for a moment. 

"Do you really believe that Ace has nothing to do with Andrew's disappearance?" Clara asked. "Huh, as if he would let the poor boy live after your accusation," she muttered and covered her face with the blanket. Hera couldn't take it anymore, and she tossed aside her own blanket before she made it to Clara's bed. 

Hera yanked her blanket off and faced her ex-best friend's furious gaze while they glared at each other. "Did you forget Hunter's rule, Ms White? You're not allowed to speak to me," gritting her teeth, Hera reminded her. "Then why don't you get lost, Hera? You reek of disgust," Clara retaliated. 

"Then stay the fuck away from me," Hera warned and went back to her bed. She heard Clara muttering something which she chose to ignore and closed her eyes. She pulled the blanket over her head to block the temptation of responding to Clara's pettiness. Thinking about Hunter, she drifted off to sleep after some time. 

Hera was almost getting used to the loneliness. Her days had become robotic, from dorm to school and vice versa. There wasn't much to do apart from her short visit to the library. Hunter's friend Jake would meet her once a while in the library and help with her homework. Eric would let her use his phone during their twenty-minute break. 

The only time of the day, she would speak to Hunter. 

Though Hunter's friends kept her company at the breakfast and dinner in the dormitory, his absence made her feel abandoned. She missed his presence. She missed the way he used to get annoyed because of her nonexistent table manners, his amused smile that would brighten the flush on his face whenever she fought with Michael. 

She even missed watching him speak animatedly to his sunshine Bianca. 

Everyone at school and dormitory started gossiping about her from the day she reported about Andrew's wrongdoing. The students at school kept their distance from Hera. No one dared to walk past her afraid of Ace Hunter's wrath. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was the same experience she faced after Nathan's incident. Hunter had ordered everyone not to look at his girl then. 

She would sit alone in the classroom, the empty seat next to her always reminded her of Andrew's absence. No one sat in her proximity. There was no one to interrupt, and nobody disturbed her peace. Well, except for one boy with brown eyes and curly hair. 

Noel seemed determined and quite persistent too. Hera walked towards the soccer ground and sat on the bleachers. She quit the idea of spending her lunchtime in the empty classroom after what happened last time. When Noel gripped her wrist that day, she panicked and realised staying alone in a vacant room was apparently not a good plan. 

Noel followed even though she wiggled her finger, gesturing him no to. She unwrapped her sausage roll and a small box of curdled milk. Dipping the roll into the white liquid, she took a bite, and her lips curled into a smile with her mouth full. 

'Hunter would have scowled in disapproval, and his nose would have scrunched up in disgust. Oh, how I miss those cute, endearing faces he makes.' 

Hera chewed and ate noisily, chomp chomping every bite. Lost in her thoughts, she forgot Noel was watching her. 

'Hunter would groan in annoyance before opening his sexy mouth to scold me.'

She took a large bite after that thought and giggled. 

"Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey," Noel said and chuckled when she lifted her head to look at him. She looked surprised as if she didn't know he was standing beside her. With her mouth full, lips pushed out in a pout, eyes wide, and cheeks puffed up, Noel found her incredibly cute. 

"A big, fat, annoying spider came and frightened Miss Muffet away," she spat out the words in annoyance after swallowing the remnants of the chewed food. Laughing good-naturedly, Noel sat beside her. 

"Why do you dislike me so much, Hera? I only want to know you. Did you read my letter? Can we be friends now?" He asked. 

"What's your secret agenda with my boyfriend?" She asked without answering his questions. "You don't want to get to know me, Noel. You only want to defeat Hunter but in what game I don't know. It's as if you've some hidden motive against him and you seem so desperate to hurt him," Hera stated the obvious while Noel stared at her in surprise. 

His jaw dropped, and it shocked him that Hera guessed his intention so accurately, blunt and straight to the point. 

"Be honest and tell me the truth then maybe I'll consider your suggested friendship," Hera said. When he didn't speak immediately, she ignored him and went back to her food. She wasn't expecting him to be honest and reveal his secrets anyway. 

She heard him sigh after a few minutes. 

"You boyfriend had stolen someone I loved from me," Noel said. Hera stopped chewing her food and turned her head to the side to look at him. He had his fingers interlocked, arms resting on his thighs. He didn't make eye contact but instead stared blankly into the distance. 

"Did your girlfriend cheat on you with him?" Hera asked hesitatingly. He looked lost somewhere deep in his thoughts. She waited for him to gather his thoughts. 

"He had hurt me by hurting the person I loved. So I want to return the favour," he admitted. Hera forced a smile when he smiled at her. 

"But not by hurting you, Hera. I plan on wooing and winning your heart. If I succeed and steal you away from him, I know it would hurt him the most. I like you, and I'll not give up until I win your heart. I would automatically win against Ace, and he would be emotionally hurt and heartbroken. That would be my revenge," he admitted. Hera shook her head in disagreement.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Noel. But I'm not an object for you to use against him. I don't have anything to do with your revenge game, and besides, I already told you, I don't cheat," Hera said. Noel's lips slowly twitched into a smile before it widened into a grin. 

"If you fall for me, I'll love you so much, you would never want to go back to him, and I'll make sure you returned my feelings," Noel declared with determination. Hera lifted her eyebrows at his confidence and scoffed. 

"If you're so sure about your love for Ace, then why are you hesitating? Give me a chance and let's see if I win or you lose. We'll start with friendship. You don't have to go out with me. Spend your lunch breaks with me at school. I have your boyfriend's permission to court you anyway," Noel stated. 

Hera flinched and moved her head back in reflex when Noel's hand reached out to her lips. His fingers touched the corner of her mouth, and he wiped the crumbs and curd smeared there. Forcing a smile, Hera wiped her mouth clean with the tissue. 

"Your boyfriend cheated on you yet you took him back," he stated and Hera's gaze sharpened. He held his hands up in surrender. 

"I'm not judging you, but I'm definitely judging your boyfriend. Let's see, if you cheat on him, would he forgive you so easily as you did him or not. I know you're not the cheating type but at least use me to test and measure the depth of your boyfriend's feelings. What say, Hera?" He asked. 

His tone held a challenge, daring her, tempting her to accept it. The knowing smile that graced his lips irked Hera more. The smug look plastered on his face said he did not doubt his victory.

She knew, no one and nothing would change her feelings for her Hunter and vice versa. She would never lose and nor would she let her Hunter lose. 

And Hera accepted the challenge. 

Noel smirked. 

'It was easier than I thought. You walked right into the trap, dear Hera.'

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