Chapter 190 - Hera's Protective Brother

Hunter's two large purple eyes held Felicity's whole world in them. Seeing them wet with tears squeezed her heart painfully. She admired her son's strong will as the boy kept blinking to stop the tears from spilling out. He successfully held them back and swallowed his sobs. 

"Grow up soon, little witch. I'll marry you when I come back," he promised and placed an orange candy bar next to Hera's small pillow. Suddenly, Hera turned to her side, and her tiny fist closed around the sweet. She giggled at Hunter merrily. The latter scowled in response while the former kicked her legs with all her strength. 

"Huh, you're so shameless," he stated in disapproval, and Hera shook her head, blowing raspberries at him. He grimaced in disgust, looking at the excess saliva pooling around her lips. "Stop drooling. No manners at all," he scolded.. He couldn't understand why her giggles would get louder every time he spoke to her. 

For reasons unknown to him, Hera would always become excited in his proximity. 

Felicity placed her hand on Hunter's shoulders, putting an end to his thoughts. Surprised by the sudden touch, Hunter gasped and turned around to face his mother. One look at his mother's worried eyes, and he understood it was time to leave. 

Felicity had stopped speaking to him for a day as a punishment, but the adamant boy didn't give up. Instead, he stopped responding to either of his parents. He was angry that they were sending him away, all the more reason for him to blame Hera. 

The angrier he became, the more persistent he was to defy his parents. 

He glanced over his shoulder, peering at Hera for one last time.

'I will marry you for sure.' 

With that vow made, Hunter left Hera behind for the time being. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Felicity closed the album cover and collected all the stuff from the bed. She neatly arranged the photo albums filled with memories of Hera in the last cabinet of her wardrobe and locked it. 

Alexander held out his palm for her to take, a warm, tender smile playing on his lips. Felicity returned his smile and placed her hand in his without any hesitation when she reached the bed. Letting him tuck her to his side, Felicity made herself comfortable in his arms. She placed a soft on his heart before leaning against his chest. 

Alexander had one of his arms around her middle. His grip was soft yet protective. His other hand found hers to interlace their fingers. 

"I never thanked you for sending Junior away that day. Thank you, angel, for not listening to me that day. Had you not sent him away, we would have lost him too," Alexander confessed. "Thank you for keeping our boy safe," he offered his gratitude. His voice broke as he became overwhelmed with thankfulness. 

He was grateful that his angel was there to kiss away all his burdens. 

Felicity kissed him until he sighed in bliss. 

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Alexander. I'll always be there for you to share your smiles as well as your tears. It's my right," she stated. Alexander sealed her lips with his again and kissed her passionately, conveying how grateful he felt to have her in his life. 

Felicity didn't mind the dampness his tears left behind on his cheeks. Cupping his face in her palms, she kissed the traces of every wet line on his cheeks. Her heart sighed in content when Alexander smiled, all the grief erased from his eyes. 

"I love you so much, Alexander," she admitted with pride. 

"More than you love your little trouble maker?" Alexander asked, a playful grin teasing her. She laughed and winked at him. "Yes, I love you the most," she whispered in his ear and placed a finger on her lips, gesturing to him to keep it a secret. Alexander's eyes went wide at her admission. 

"Damn, I should've recorded it to prove to your son that you love me the most and that you always lied to him about loving him the most," he said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Felicity glared at him in return. "What? It's not fair that you keep giving us both the same answer. I want to know whom you're lying to," he demanded. 

"Do you want to die today?" Felicity asked. 

Alexander let out a silent laugh and pecked her lips. 

"Do you think Junior would've still held onto his obsession if things didn't go wrong and had Hera stayed with us?" Alexander asked while tucking her hair behind her ear. Felicity scowled at her husband. 

"Don't be ridiculous, Alexander. He was a kid and didn't know what he was demanding. With time, my smart boy would have learnt the truth and accepted that he and Hera are siblings on legal terms. If not, we have Thomas to convince him. He's good at handling his godson, after all," she said sarcastically. Alexander laughed at that.

"Would Junior and Hera have become bickering and fighting siblings or the possessive and protective type of siblings? What do you think?" Alexander asked, a faraway look clouding his eyes as he envisioned them together. Felicity hummed and smiled. She seemed thoughtful for a few seconds before she replied. 

"Judging by the way our boy used to glare at Hera every time she giggled, I think they would be bickering siblings. Don't you remember how Hera used to get excited whenever he scolded her? She used to annoy him so much without even doing anything," Felicity said, her tone full of admiration as she remembered her babies' time together. 

Alexander chuckled and shook his head. 

They were their happiest memories and what he would give to relive those moments. 

"I would go for the latter option. Junior is rather protective and possessive of his loved ones. He would've kept her safe and fought all the boys who dared to befriend her. I would relax and sleep peacefully, knowing that my boy would protect my girl. Hera would've been so happy to have such a protective brother and father in her life," Alexander said more to himself. 

Felicity scoffed and brought him back from his little reverie. He shifted his attention back to her and frowned. 

"What?" He questioned. 

Felicity shook her head in disagreement. 

"Or maybe Hera would've been so annoyed. Imagine an over-possessive father and overprotective brother dancing over her head all the time and not letting the teenage girl have a boyfriend. She would be so pissed at you both," Felicity said, eyeing her husband with disapproval. Alexander let go of her hand and sat upright on the bed. He seemed upset at what she said.

"Hey, no one's talking about a boyfriend here. I would smash every boy's skull if he even dared to look at my baby girl," Alexander announced, the anger evident in his tone. Felicity scoffed and shook her head in pity. 

"I'm right. Both of you would piss Hera off," she decided. "And who knows, Hera may already have a boyfriend. She may be secretly celebrating her birthday with him right now, blowing candles and cutting the cake at midnight," Felicity guessed, much to Alexander's displeasure. 

"I hope not," Alexander muttered under his breath, and Felicity laughed at her husband's misery. "Oh, come on, Alexander, let the girl live her best life. She's a big girl," she said. 

"How would you know she's living her best life? We haven't even met the boy yet," Alexander complained, his handsome face wrinkling in a displeased scowl. Felicity wanted to say something, but he held up his hand, stopping her. 

"You don't understand what a father's heart goes through worrying about his little princess. What if some unworthy or undeserving boy grabbed my girl's attention? Teenage boys these days are so dangerous," Alexander voiced out his fears. Felicity bit her lip and looked at her husband. He seemed so worried. 

She pulled him into her arms and embraced him tightly. 

'If only we could experience all these moments for real in this life, Alexander.'

Her eyes watered, and she closed them, willing to keep her tears at bay. They had cried enough for the day. 

'I wish, Alexander, you get a chance to live all these moments with Hera.'

She pulled away from the hug and ruffled Alexander's hair as she would do with her beloved son. 

"Let me distract you and keep you busy. I know a few tricks that work just fine," Felicity said and pulled him for a kiss. It sure did work. She let him change their position, and he pulled her under him. 

On the other side of their world, Alastair read the message in his inbox for the ninth time. 

Happy birthday, Your Highness. I wish you to live a long, healthy life with your loved ones. I hope you're happy without us. 

Alastair knew it was Alexander's message. The taunt in the way Alexander had addressed him and the mockery in the last sentence felt like a slap to Alastair's cheek. 

"I do deserve it, though," he muttered into the empty balcony and brought the glass to his mouth, gulping the remaining scotch in one go. He had abandoned his own birthday party and stayed in his room for the rest of the night while his wife entertained their guests. 

He knew he would have to face his father's wrath in the morning for not hosting his guests. It was his princely duties, after all. But he didn't care anymore, at least not today. 

His birthday was the only day when he could let himself reconnect to his past, relive his memories with his best friends, and reminisce about his happy moments. 

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