Chapter 194 - She Found Him

Hunter was busy discussing his security issue with Mathew and his team. Judging by how he frowned and pursed his lips before nodding at whatever Mathew said, it seemed he wasn't happy.

He wanted privacy to celebrate Hera's birthday, but as usual, he had no such luck. He could've managed without his guards if it was only him and his Hera. He didn't need help in keeping his girl safe. Hunter would handle it alone just fine. But the point here was the safety of his friends, and he couldn't put their lives in danger.

Besides, Mathew wouldn't risk it after what happened with Hunter a few days back. He decided that a team of six guards would accompany him and agreed to keep them at a distance on Hunter's insistence.

Hunter was glad that at least Mathew wouldn't drive him around this time. He had to track the bounty hunter that attacked him previously. Alexander wanted the man who sealed the deal and brought money to the bounty hunters.. However, Mathew would be monitoring Hunter's every location for his peace of mind.

"Keep your phone on. I'll be tracking your location through it," Mathew said. Hunter nodded his agreement without any protest when Mathew warned him to call him if anything goes wrong.

Mathew was instructing his team when Hunter saw Hera coming out of the mansion. A smile danced on his lips as they curved in amusement when he noticed she was walking backwards, and it wasn't hard to guess she was bickering with his friends.

Hunter's eyes widened, and his mouth formed an 'O' shape in reflex while Hera bumped into Samantha and was about to lose her balance. He exhaled in relief when Eric caught her.

"Be nice, Sam. It's her birthday," he yelled in warning when he saw Samantha's angry face.

Smiling sweetly, Hera raised her brows at Samantha. The latter only fumed furiously. They both had heard Hunter's voice loud and clear.

"Why don't you stop pining over my boyfriend and find someone else for yourself? I genuinely wish you get someone who pities you enough to like your pathetic self so that you can leave my boyfriend alone," Samantha snapped through her gritted teeth. Hera bit her lip only to keep her grin away. For once, Samantha's words didn't affect her.

Samantha kept glaring while the birthday girl nodded. A thoughtful look crossed the latter's face as if considering the advice of the former.

"Thank you so much for your wish, Samantha," Hera said and turned around to look at Hunter. She could only see his eyes, his forehead and his hair as Mathew and others stood around him.

He had tied a bandana on his forehead to keep his long hair from falling on his eyes.

'Hmm, is it why he's growing his hair long?'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hera turned to face Samantha again, a broad grin stretching on her lips as she did.

"Your wish is so genuine, Samantha, that the universe didn't waste a second and fulfilled it instantly. I found him, someone who loves me so much that he would bring the moon and stars if I ask him to," Hera said, pride adorning her tone. Her smile was so smug that it felt like a punch to Samantha's gut. 

Hera threw her thumb over her shoulders, pointing towards Hunter.

"He's mine, and he would wear the tag of my name on his forehead if I want him to. It's high time, Samantha, please stop hallucinating. He was never yours, to begin with, so stop accusing me that I stole your boyfriend," Hera said, her tone firm with determination. She was not going to let the crazy girl ruin her day.

Samantha glared at Hera, grinding her teeth.

Hera turned her back to Samantha and chose to ignore whatever she muttered in retaliation. Her eyes felt blessed as they landed on Hunter again.

'Oh! What is he so handsome for?'

Hera's heart skipped a beat when he winked at her.

'Fuck, he's so hot.'

'Wait a minute, what the fuck is the devil wearing?'

Hera was having an inner breakdown while Hunter spoke to his drivers, probably sharing the location details. He nodded once in acknowledgement, and Mathew moved out of his way to let him pass.

Hera watched while he paraded, his long legs slowly eating up the distance between them. His hands shoved in his pockets, a smile intact on his lips while his eyes shone brightly under the broad daylight.

In contrast to Hera's white attire, he had dressed in black cargo pants, which had pockets all over, paired with a black V neck full-sleeve T-shirt.

'The fuck? It's our wedding, and he's wearing all black?'

The only thing that matched with hers was the white bandana on his forehead. He had his sleeves rolled up, revealing his sexy forearms. A black wristwatch adorned his left wrist while the multi-layered hand-knit black leather bracelet decorated his right wrist.

His T-shirt tucked in only in the front, just enough to reveal the buckle of his belt. The heavy black combat boots coordinated his cargo pants perfectly. Only a bike and a leather jacket were missing. Otherwise, he would perfectly justify the title of a bad boy he owned.

Hera watched transfixed while he threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair, brushing them back.

'Huh, show off.'

Hera rolled her eyes inwardly.

'But he looks so sexy.'

She sighed. It would've been nice if her bridegroom wore something in white. A pair of formal pants or a white shirt would do just fine. He never broke that dress code until now.

'Doesn't his smartass know that black on a wedding day is a big no?'

'But damn, he's one hot, sexy, motherfucker.'

'Yes, he's my hot, sexy, motherfucker.'

Subconsciously Hera returned the smile when Hunter smiled at her.

"You're drooling," Michael whispered in Hera's ear, putting a brake on her inner monologue. "And smiling like a lunatic," Eric added.

Hera stopped smiling and pursed her lips. Composing her thoughts, she straightened her back when she saw Mathew approaching her. He wished her a happy birthday, and so did the other guards. Hera thanked them with a shy smile.

Hunter noticed her dress and lifted an eyebrow at her. His long black trench coat swallowed her form. Hunter shook his head, guessing why she wore it. She didn't want him to see her dress just yet.

He smirked, mouthing, "We match."

Hera scowled and fanned her face with her fingers as she looked away, a gesture to show she was ignoring him.

"Don't you have anything else to wear other than these tacky flip-flops?" Hera heard Bianca mutter beside her in a disapproving tone. "They're comfy," Hera muttered back.

Hunter jerked his head, signalling everyone to get in the car. His eight-seater Land Rover silver SUV was brand new. Twirling the car keys in his hand, he waited for Hera to walk around and reach him, but Bianca beat her to it.

Hunter smiled, and without any objection, he silently opened the door for his best friend. Hera watched while Bianca took her seat in the front passenger seat.

'Oh, so he wants to sit with his sunshine. It's fine. I'm not jealous.'

Masking her disappointment, Hera smiled for Hunter.

Right after Danny sat in the corner of the middle seat, Evelyn joined him. Samantha sat beside Evelyn. Hera went to sit in the back with Eric. Hunter tossed the keys to Michael and hurried to claim his place before Hera could.

Winking, he offered his hand for Hera to help. Hera's eyes went wide in surprise. Biting her lip, she giggled and took his hand. Hunter could see the edges of her white dress inside the coat when she placed a foot in to climb up while he pulled her into the car.

Spreading his legs wide, Hunter gestured to her to sit between his thighs. She followed his request and found herself locked in his arms immediately. Her smile was wide, her eyes gleamed, and her heart sighed in content when he kissed her cheek.

Hera heard Eric groan beside her, but she chose to ignore it.

"Danny, do you mind switching our places?" Eric asked, already sounding annoyed. Danny didn't bother responding.

Hunter could tell Danny was pissed, but he couldn't help it. His best friend was overreacting. It's not like Hera and Hunter were crossing any boundaries.

He had all the right to hug and kiss his girlfriend, right?

Hera was his, and he would do as he pleased. Danny would've to suck it and accept it.

Hunter leaned back comfortably and tightened his arms around Hera's middle as he pulled her more into his chest while Michael climbed behind the wheel and started the car.

"The mascara you're wearing in your eyes, it's pretty. It's enhancing the beauty of your eyes," Hunter whispered, his cheek pressed against Hera's.

Hera grinned from ear to ear.

"You noticed? It's kohl, not mascara," Hera said. "Your eyes are my most favourite. How can I not notice when you do something special with them?" he asked.

Hera shivered when his breath hit the underside of her jaw. Hunter pressed his lips against her cheek, kissing her without making any sound, trying to be as discreet as he could. Hera tilted her head to the side to look at him.

She wanted to turn around and smash her lips on his, but she held back her urge to kiss him and took a deep breath.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"It's a surprise," said her boyfriend.

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