Chapter 254 - Everyone Wants Revenge

"What's his name again?" Eric asked, moving closer to Noel. 

Alarmed, Hera quickly reached Noel's side. Eric glanced at her questioningly. Noel's student identity card with his name and photo printed hung around his neck where anyone could see the words written in bold capitals. Yet, Eric didn't bother checking it and instead asked her. Could he be any more arrogant? Hera resisted the urge to roll her eyes and gave him Noel's name anyway. 

Sliding his hands into his pockets, Eric nodded before addressing the other boy. 

"Noel, you survived because," Eric said and paused to point his finger at Hera, "She wanted you to. But it's not over yet. You'll pay for what you did when the time comes," he concluded. 

Letting out a tired sigh, Hera perched on the grass.. Crossing her legs, she watched Eric leave. 

Meanwhile, Clara was hiding behind the building and waiting for Hunter to disappear from her view. As soon as he made it to the new building, she sighed in relief. She came out from her hiding place when Michael and Danny joined Hunter. Holding a water bottle in one hand and a few cubes of ice wrapped in a handkerchief in another, she rushed towards Noel and Hera. 

Eric had his head bent and was lazily walking, kicking the harmless grass in between. He seemed lost in thought when someone crashed into him, making him falter. Scowling in annoyance, he lifted his head to lash out at the culprit. 

In her hurry to reach Noel as soon as possible, Clara couldn't see Eric advancing her way and bumped into him. The collision forced her to lose her balance, and she fell, the water bottle slipping and rolling over on the grass. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Eric frowned in confusion before it registered who had bumped into him. He was about to help the girl to her feet. His hand was in mid-air, pausing its motion when Eric recognised Clara's surprised pale face. He retracted his hand immediately, the frown on his face soon morphing into a disgusted scowl, anger dominating the softness in his blue eyes once again. 

He was surprised to see the girl there out of the blue, and then it clicked when he noticed the water bottle and the littered ice cubes on the ground. Grinding his teeth in anger, he whipped his head around to look at Hera. It didn't take him much time to connect the dots. Noel and Clara were together in this, and Hera's ignorance had paved the way for them to manipulate her. 

Hera sucked in a sharp breath when she met with Eric's glare. She instantly lowered her lashes, breaking eye contact. She cursed Clara for being so careless and adding more to her trouble. Eric shifted his focus back to the girl at his feet. Crawling on the grass, she collected the ice cubes into her handkerchief before grabbing the water bottle. 

Eric took a step closer threateningly when Clara stood from the ground. "What dirty game are you playing this time?" he asked, his sharp tone demanding an answer. Clara took a step back in alarm, but she managed to hide her fear. Forcing a smile on her face, she faced him. "Whatever it is, it can't be as dirty as yours," she countered. Eric's eyebrows rose in surprise at her response. She knew he didn't expect her to talk back, let alone be this daring. 

"Gone are the days when I used to cower in fear. You can't scare or hurt me any more than you already did because I have nothing left to lose this time," Clara admitted, her voice filled with resentment. "And you all will pay for what you did," she swore before she walked past him. Clenching his fists, Eric watched while she covered the distance to reach Hera. 

Hera, however, kept her head down, not daring to see what expression Eric wore on his face. She knew he would be as furious as Hunter. They both hated Clara with all their might. A few seconds later, when Hera lifted her gaze to glance at him, Eric turned away. Kicking the grass using unnecessary force to vent his anger out, he marched towards the new building. 

"What did he say?" Hera asked Clara, who was busy helping Noel remove his blazer. "Doesn't matter," Clara muttered her reply. Her fingers made quick work of undoing the buttons of his shirt. She winced at the bruises forming all over his torso. "You're so badly hurt, Noel. We need to go to the infirmary," she stated. Noel shook his head in refusal. "It's nothing, don't worry," he said in assurance. 

Clara glared at him in disapproval but agreed to his request when he pointed out it would attract more attention, and he would get into more trouble if the news travelled around. Hunter wouldn't be happy if he reported against him. Hera pursed her lips and kept quiet while they both conversed. They were speaking as if she wasn't there. 

Unscrewing the lid, Clara offered him water. Noel took the bottle from her hand with a thankful smile and gulped a few mouthfuls of water, easing the soreness in his throat. Hera observed with keen interest while Clara held the ice on his bruises to soothe the pain and tended his wounds by putting band-aids wherever needed. She winced every time Noel hissed in pain. 

Hera was surprised to see the concern etched on her face. She seemed to be hurting as if she could feel the other boy's pain. Her eyes shone with unshed tears before they rolled down her cheeks. They appeared to be too close, too caring and too familiar. She was touching his naked torso without any hesitation or awkwardness as if they were intimately familiar. 

"Who is he to you?" Hera blurted the question before she could second guess. "How do you know him? Why are you so worried about him?" she pressed, demanding clarifications. Clara scoffed before glancing briefly at her. "Not that it's any of your business, but to answer your question, I'm worried and concerned because I'm human," Clara said in a taunting tone. "Unlike your boyfriend, who represents inhumanity," she spat the words out indignantly. 

Hera flinched at the harsh tone. 

"It's in human nature to help the person who is hurting," Clara muttered, going back to tending Noel's bruises. 

"Why do you put up with him, though?" Noel asked Hera. The latter frowned, eyebrows scrunching together as she processed the meaning behind his words. "She's right, you know. He's a monster in the human form," Noel stated, supporting Clara's judgement. Hera chuckled, shaking her head in dissatisfaction, but she didn't say anything in her defence. She let them speak their minds as she wanted to know where their intention would lead. 

Clara wanted to help and save Noel from Hunter. She couldn't live with the guilt that she did nothing to protect her brother. That was why despite being terrified of Hunter, Clara came forward, offering to help the unfortunate boy. Clara pointed out that if she hadn't brought Hera in time, Hunter would've surely hurt Noel beyond repair. 

"Why do you love him so much, Hera? What do you see in that monster?" Clara asked. "Why don't you dump his stupid ass already?" she demanded, sounding too frustrated and desperate. Hera studied her face, trying to understand her point of view. She neither could deny her accusations nor could she blame her for hating Hunter, not after what he did to her brother. Hera was yet to make sure if Nathan really died or not. 

'Why would Clara lie about her brother's death, though?' 

Hera couldn't understand. 

Noel stressed how Hunter and his friends treated Hera. Hunter couldn't stand it when Hera insulted his friends. Noel voiced his concern about how Hera would never be Hunter's priority. "You always put him above everyone and everything. He always comes first in your heart, but what about him, Hera?" Noel questioned. Hera felt her legs numbing, so she stretched her legs. She was sitting in the same position for too long, cutting the blood circulation. 

Hera chose not to answer his question. She knew she was Hunter's priority too. Didn't he prove it a while ago by agreeing to her demand? Hera didn't think much about it. She didn't need to. When it came to each other, both Hera and Hunter knew the depth of their feelings. They knew where they stood in each other's lives. Hera didn't need anyone's approval or character justification certificate. 

"Noel, I came here to help you, but it doesn't mean I'm letting you brainwash me into believing everything you say. I'm not stupid, you know," Hera said much to Noel and Clara's objection. "I warned you many times to stay away from Hunter's friends, but you chose not to listen. And don't think I don't know your true motive, Noel," Hera stated, fixing him with a hard stare. 

She told him how she knew he planned everything with Adelaide to create misunderstandings between her and Hunter. She was aware that Noel had all the intention to break them up. Noel shrugged, not at all denying the accusations. "I never hid anything from you, Hera. You knew from the beginning that I wanted to hurt your boyfriend. I want revenge," he stated without any hesitation. 

"Whatever, Noel," Hera said, "Don't use me for your selfish reasons. If you want revenge, go for it directly instead of playing dirty games. I'm sure you and Hunter can deal with it like adults," she advised. 

However, what Noel said after that, made Hera speechless. 

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