Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 121 - Never Mind...

Shu Xian and Zhang Ren were already in their workstations, doing their tasks in their afternoon duty hours.

"Time is so slooow…"

For some reason, time in the library today seemed like it froze—the hands on the clock unmoving.

With them not doing anything this afternoon since the morning duty people did most of it, leaving only a few for them, there was nothing for them to do other than watch the station.

"With the other colleges scheduling their freshmen event per degree, then we have no choice but to have inactivity for a while from patrons this week."

"Whaaaat? Being in afternoon duty is a bummer, then."

"True," Zhang Ren said, scratching the back of his head. "But I wouldn't like to work in the morning, too, since I don't want to take up early."

Zhang Ren then got his backpack. With him getting his notebook, Shu Xian narrowed her eyes at him, already knowing what he's going to do.

"Wait… don't tell me that you're going to do your homework during duty hours?"

"Yes," Zhang Ren said, smiling proudly. "Chill, Shu Xian. We're doing nothing but watch the station. With only having a few patrons coming and going, why not?"

"We know we're not allowed to do that during work," Shu Xian scolded, Zhang Ren, patting her back.

"Aaah… newbie spirit. Don't worry. Once you get the hang of it, you'll do the same. You can also surf the net if you want. As long as people don't catch you doing it."

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With that said, Shu Xian couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, Zhang Ren, already opening the browser to search for his homework and do it in his notebook to take down notes.

"Besides, this is going to save up time. Imagine… take this opportunity to do your homework while it's still lax, later when you get home, you won't do anything but rest or cook."


With that suggestion, Shu Xian's eyes lit up, smiling as well.

"Now that you completely convinced me… okay, I'll do it, then."

Zhang Ren smiled, saying a comment that made Shu Xian laugh.

"I'm sorry for being a bad influence."

"Just learning from you since you seem so experienced."

Both of them then started doing their homework. Since both of them have two classes that they are taking together, they started doing the homework they had in common first, before doing their specific homework in their own major subjects.

As Shu Xian was taking down notes, the topic that she had with Wang Lei popped in her mind, making her put down her pen for a while.

'Is his suggestions really helpful?'

Shu Xian tapped her fingers on the table. With her cocking her head to the side, she was pulled in her thoughts, already thinking about what to do if Cai Li is really hoping for Pan An to like her.

'Hmm… shall I take into consideration what Wang Lei said, or search something from the net?'

With the latter part getting her attention, Shu Xian bit her bottom lip. As Zhang Ren was focused on doing his homework, Shu Xian took this opportunity to search in her own workstation, putting on the search engine the question:

How to make a man fall in love with you?

The moment she hit enter, the first thing that came were 16 suggestions, making her blush the moment she read all of them.

1.      Always Be Super Nice to Him

2.      Don't Be Overly Accommodating

3.      Always Look Your Best

4.      Always Listen to Him

5.      Come Up With Surprises

6.      Laugh a Lot When You're Around Him

7.      Make Him Realize How Similar You Are

8.      Let Him Know What Makes You Special

9.      Be a Little Different Than Other Women

10.    Show Him He Can Trust You

11.    Do Things for Him That Won't Benefit You

12.    Compliment Him Whenever You Can

13.    Be Patient

14.    Never Try to Change Him

15.    Make Sure You Have Intelligent Conversations with Him

16.    Choose Small Ways to Show Him You're Thinking About Him

She was blushing by the thought that she was asking the internet for some suggestions! Furthermore, what she first read was something so generic—so general—making her ask why and how.

She was surfing the net to look for answers. But it turns out that it made her more confused, not knowing what to do.

However, what caught her specific attention was no. 16, stating that a woman could choose small ways to show him that she's thinking about him.

"Little things mean a lot in a relationship. Send him texts occasionally to let him know you're thinking about him, or send him a surprise greeting card in the mail so he can have tangible proof that you're thinking of him. Leave a sweet note under his windshield wipers, or put a post-it note on his work desk. There are numerous ways to let him know you're thinking about him, and they won't go to waste."

Shu Xian kept circling this paragraph from the article. However, little did she know that someone was actually reading along with her, Zhang Ren suddenly talking surprising Shu Xian.

"You know, that's somehow over the top with other men."

Shu Xian jumped in her seat. With her body turning to look at him after she exited the browser, she hit him on the shoulder, making Zhang Ren laugh.

"Y-you were reading what I was searching this whole time!?"

"Yes," Zhang Ren honestly answered, "Seriously, Shu Xian… this is something that's worrying you? What you saw—most of them are too much."

"Too much?"

Shu Xian furrowed her brows, not understanding what Zhang Ren is saying since she is indeed foreign to the topic of love and relationships.



Zhang Ren trailed off, swiveling his chair to face Shu Xian.

"You see, some men don't like women who are giving themselves too much to him because you would seem like an easy girl—always there for them. It's easier for men to leave and take for granted ladies like that."


Shu Xian slowly nodded, already understanding what he meant. With Zhang Ren sighing, he propped a hand under his chin, what he said further making Shu Xian blush.

"Want to ask tips from me, too?"


With Shu Xian already shy about what they're talking about, she just shook her head, focusing on her homework instead.

"Never mind… this is too awkward to talk about now."

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