Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 145 - Indeed An Interesting Topic

[Sorry for updating only 1 chapter today. I am not in my best self and I am very tired and drained, but I will make this chapter long so it'd still be worth it. Other than that, there is an announcement below so I hope you have time to read it. Thank you.]



With Shu Xian moaning against his lips when it was only a heated kiss, she ran her hand through his hair, feeling the pleasure.

This, all the more, turned on the switch in Pan An's head. With him now going to the crook of her neck to lick and suck on her skin subtly, it hitched Shu Xian's breath, her grip on the professor's arm tightening.

"M-mm… Pan An… w-wait…"

However, when Pan An felt his phone buzz in his pocket, his body stopped moving.

He suddenly remembered that he put an alarm in his phone of 10 minutes to indicate the end of the talk that he is going to have with his student, making him slowly raise his head from the crook of her neck.

The moment their eyes met, Shu Xian was slightly panting in pleasure, Pan An, giving her a small, but disappointed smile as he said:

"10 minutes are over… we have to get back to class."

With the professor saying this, Shu Xian consciously combed her disheveled hair with her fingers. With Pan An quickly fixing his necktie, he excused himself first, already leaving the classroom so as to not make anything suspicious.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Shu Xian was left alone inside the classroom, she blinked her eyes a few times, still feeling her heart beating crazily inside her chest.

With the heated moment still making her face feel hot, her hand instinctively reached to her chest, her other hand on her lips as her fingertips touched her bottom lip, remembering how Pan An had sucked and licked it just a moment ago.

Shu Xian couldn't believe what had just happened. She didn't know why, but oddly enough, she liked what happened between them, making her wonder why she allowed him to kiss her.

She thought of their kiss for a while. She seemed to enjoy it herself, making her wrap her arms around his neck to further deepen it. With no space left in between them as well, she felt his body warm up, making her bite her bottom lip as she still felt the pleasure on her skin.

Her hand touched her neck. With Shu Xian remembering how delicate and at the same time, full of want his kiss was, she wondered why Pan An had hungrily crashed his lips against hers and proceeded to further get a taste of her skin.

Shu Xian's lips slightly parted as if she was still experiencing the moment. With her now shaking her head as she noticed that she stayed in the room longer than expected, she hit her head subtly, snapping herself out of her thoughts.

'Focus on your academics, Shu Xian,' she thought to herself, 'You have to get this out of your mind!'

Shu Xian then walked back to the classroom. With her suddenly appearing by the door, some of the students looked at her, making her walk quickly back to her desk.

As Zhang Ren and Shi Lian watched her, both of them were obviously curious, wanting to ask her a question the moment she sat down.

"Hey, what's up?"

Shi Lian asked first, her voice in a whisper so people in front of them wouldn't hear her.

"The professor came back earlier. What's up with you coming back later?" she added, making Shu Xian shake her head as she opened her notebook again, wanting to do the activity.

"Don't distract me for now, Shi Lian," she snapped, already writing down on the notebook. "I have to catch up on this activity," she added, Zhang Ren and Shi Lian, looking at each other as both of them heaved another sigh.

"It's as if you ran in a track and field with how red you are," Zhang Ren commented, actually worried and at the same time, curious. "Did he lecture you in the other room and insulted you in any way?"

"No," Shu Xian immediately replied, sighing at the same time. "It's… a bit difficult to tell you guys," she added, Shi Lian, rolling her eyes at her.

"You know you can't stop me and Zhang Ren from asking you," she replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You've been out of it since this morning! You have to tell us… now!"

With Shi Lian now pressuring her, Shu Xian put her pen down. With her sighing at the same time, she stared at both of her friends, her face turning more red.

Shu Xian made sure that Pan An is busy and that he isn't looking at her—or else he'd know that they're talking about him!

With a gulp, Shu Xian looked at both of them with warning eyes, the girl already typing on her phone so she would show it to them instead rather than say it to them even though it is in a whisper.

She's indeed shy to talk about this aloud—even silently—with Shi Lian and Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren and Shi Lian expectantly waited for Shu Xian. With them stopping in doing their written activity for a while, Shu Xian then finished typing, already showing them what she typed in her phone that made Zhang Ren and Shi Lian widen their eyes in surprise.

"Pan An was telling me to focus in class but we ended up making out."

"You… what!?"

With Shi Lian almost shouting on her seat, Shu Xian elbowed her stomach rather harshly, making her wince in pain as she held her belly.

"Y-you… didn't have to hit me so hard," she complained, Shu Xian, narrowing her eyes at her.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you! I know you'd react this way!"

"But I couldn't wait until lunch!"

"Guys, guys!"

With Zhang Ren stopping the girls as their voices were getting slightly louder, both of them silenced, Zhang Ren already shaking his head as he whispered to the girls.

"Now, this is indeed an interesting topic… but we have to focus! If you guys continue on like this, the professor might suspect us of talking about what had happened a while ago. Shu Xian would indeed not like this at all."

As the three of them were already doing the activity on their notebook, Zhang Ren, however, couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, getting the two girls' attention.

"You better tell us more in detail later as we go to the next class. But for now… I have questions. How did it feel? Was it good?"

With these questions thrown at her, Shu Xian couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, ignoring Zhang Ren as they already continued doing their activity.



Kind of a long announcement—but do have the time to read. Since the author's note cannot accommodate this long message, I'd have to put this at the end of the chapter.

I'm sorry to announce, but this is the last week and month (as of this moment) since we are going to stop with the reward + priv system.

Having it for three stories is difficult and what's more is that I'm having difficulties when it comes to writing already with the number of ongoing stories that I have now.

Furthermore, I will be having a rest this July—and what I mean by rest is that the rewards + priv systems will be on hold for a while since writing extra chapters is sometimes taking a toll on my mind.

But don't worry, there will be a monthly event that I will hold (it will be announced at the end of the month or next month along with the mechanics). It is for the top 10 readers of the book who will be getting 100 coins at the end of the month.

It will start on July—and the rewards are not as hectic as the one that we had in the priv reward + priv system.

Also, there might be a change of update schedule in August onwards since I will be teaching in school again soon. Rest assured, however, that my updates will still be frequent. I won't let you down. ^^

I hope you understand my concern and I hope this won't disappoint you too much. I want to unwind a bit starting next month since July is also my birth month. :3 It's like a birthday gift to me—resting from pressuring myself too much in meeting rewards. :D

I'm grateful that you guys are very supportive and that your comments make me smile. It motivates me to continue writing, but writing 3 stories every day and with preparation for upcoming work soon and finalization of thesis is somehow tiring me physically, mentally, and emotionally. :') I have to stop for a moment.

But again, rest assured, I will still update. ^^ I will do my best. Thank you so much for the support and for understanding. So sorry for leaving a very long message.

With love,


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