Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 163 - Don't Worry

[This chapter is dedicated to Fe_Roberts for being the top 3 fan of my book for the month of June. Thank you so much for the support!]


"You know… Zhang Ren and I had mutual feelings—he said we should take it slow."


Shu Xian stood up from where she was sitting, surprised with what she heard.

"Why tell me this now?! This started since you guys ran away from me when I was having dinner with Miss Wang Fang and Pan An! Tell me all about it!"

With that, the girls started talking about the forming relationship with Zhang Ren, Shi Lian obviously happy as heard by the tone of her voice.

Shu Xian listened to Shi Lian tell her what happened from her dilemma of almost dating someone because of her mother, to inviting Zhang Ren to dinner to act as her standing boyfriend.

From that part, too, Shi Lian told Shu Xian that Zhang Ren is actually the grandson of the famous Mr. Chen—a powerful man who is known to own most of the businesses in Country S.

Shi Lian trusted Shu Xian enough as well to tell her that Zhang Ren is struggling and that the reason he's here is to recuperate.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hearing this particular part made Shu Xian see Zhang Ren as a powerful person for being able to pick himself up in a place that's far away from his family.

From this point on, Shi Lian told Shu Xian about the talk that she had with Mr. Chen and the phone call that she had afterwards with Zhang Ren.

Shu Xian couldn't help but tease Shi Lian with how they are progressing despite them only getting close recently!

Shi Lian giggled as she narrated what happened next to her best friend. She then told her further about the sudden kiss that happened between them during dinner, too, making Shu Xian swoon as she didn't expect this.

Every time they are talking, it's as if they are following a tangled string, not knowing the direction as they go back and forth in their topic.

However, when Shi Lian now narrated the part of what happened earlier this day of them spending Zhang Ren's break together, Shu Xian couldn't help but squeal in happiness for her best friend when she told her that both of them felt mutual and agreed to do things slow.

"Wow!" Shu Xian exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. "I didn't think that Zhang Ren would be a romantic—you know, saying such words towards you!"

"Me, too," Shi Lian agreed, her smile not leaving her face. "I mean… I thought he would be the type of person who's awkward in relationships despite him knowing how to use pickup lines," she added, Shu Xian, laughing at what she said.

"It's nice of him to want to be better before he pursues you, Shi Lian," Shu Xian commented, genuinely happy for both of her friends. "I mean… you're right, he is a great person! But I like how he said it because it shows how he's serious about you, you know?"

"You're right," Shi Lian agreed, biting her bottom lip as she thought aloud. "I can't help but think that… you know… he may be good at talks like this because he may have experienced falling in love with other women?"

With that said, it also got Shu Xian to think. With her already sitting up and did an Indian seat on her bed, she remembered the conversation that she had with him—about giving tips on how to woo a man.

"Hmm… to be honest, Shi Lian, maybe he could be experienced?"


Shi Lian sighed, thinking how inexperienced she is compared to Zhang Ren.

"Why do you say so?"

"Well," Shu Xian started, scratching the back of her head with her free hand. "I don't know… but there was a time I was surfing the net on how to make a man fall in love with you and—"

"You searched about that?" Shi Lian interrupted her, scoffing. "Why do you need to search that? You have me, Zhang Ren, and my lunkhead brother!"

Rolling her eyes with what she said, Shu Xian pushed what she said aside, returning to the topic.

"Anyway, enough about me—it's already over," she reiterated, going back to what she was about to say earlier. "For all we know, he could be experienced with how much he has given me tips. He debunked what I searched and even searched something for me and told me if it's effective."

"R-really?" Shi Lian asked, stammering on her words as well.

She didn't know why, but she felt nervous that Zhang Ren may be a person who's experienced love many times and it worries her that she's ignorant about it and only knew what love is through what she's watching, reading, or playing through dating games!

"Are you worried about this?" Shu Xian replied, snapping Shi Lian out of her thoughts. "I mean… both of us could ask him since we're friends anyway," she added, Shi Lian, shaking her head as she did not like the idea.

"Maybe not just yet," she replied immediately, sighing at the same time. "To be honest, I don't even know why I'm worrying so much. If he did experience love in the past, then it's all in the past!"

"Well, uh, yeah… I guess," Shu Xian reacted, not knowing what to say as she is foreign to the topic about love as well. "Just follow what you guys decided in the beginning—to take things slow. Besides, it's also the time to further get to know each other, right? You'll know the answers to your questions soon."

"Yeah," Shi Lian nodded, a small smile appearing on her face as she felt better now. "You're right. We can talk about this whenever. Like we both agreed on—we'll take things slow and get to know each other."

"Yeah!" Shu Xian chuckled, "Don't worry. Regardless, obviously, Zhang Ren is a very good guy!"

"True," Shi Lian agreed, teasing Shu Xian, too. "Like me, you're going to get to know Pan An, too, right? There will be more than kisses coming soon?"

"Oh, stop," Shu Xian scoffed, laughing as well. "Good night, Shi Lian. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Mm…" Shi Lian laid her head on her pillow, preparing to turn in for the night as well. "Good night, Shu Xian."

With that, both of them already stopped the call, excited to see each other tomorrow.

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