Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 210 - The Soul Eater's Possession

"Devin, do you love me?"

Hearing her question that had snapped him out of his thoughts, the Soul Eater opened his eyes slowly to meet her blue eyes once more. He smiled foolishly as his right hand reached out to her face, his thumb caressing her bottom lip.

"Is that a question you dare ask your husband?"

Angeal pouted like a child.

"Tell me you love me... or I'll cry."

Devin chuckled, making Angeal pout more as she narrowed her eyes at him. When Devin ceased his jovial laughter, he didn't answer her question. Instead, he bent down as he pulled her closer to him, his lips smoothly landing on hers to give her a loving kiss.

'I love you, Angeal. Before I even knew it, my heart yearned for you.'


Zhong Li cringed when he read the story that Shu Xian was reading on her phone. Shu Xian couldn't help but roll her eyes at him playfully when she watched him put back her phone on the table while she sipped her remaining milkshake.

Both of them continued to stay in the lounge and talked about their interests. Zhong Li really wanted to get to know Shu Xian so he asked her what she wanted to do during her free time, Shu Xian telling him first that she loved to read.

Getting his curiosity, Zhong Li wanted to know what kinds of books that she read because he is a reader himself—wanting to know the genres of the story that she likes.

He guessed at first that Shu Xian would like cheesy romance stories such as this, but he didn't expect it to be this cringe-worthy.

"What?" Shu Xian asked, getting her phone as she looked at the synopsis of the Soul Eater's Possession by MysticAmy. With Zhong Li shrugging his shoulders, he answered her question truthfully.

"It's too cheesy for me," he admitted, crossing his arms in front of his chest as a smirk appeared on his face. "I read, but not these kinds of stories. I read science fiction and also, I read system stories like Solo Leveling."

This time, it was Shu Xian who shuddered. With Zhong Li letting out a scoff, he just shook his head, listening to the opinions of Shu Xian.

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"Typical of men who don't like romance stories. Well, I can't blame you guys! It's the same as you boys thinking that we like sappy romances."

Zhong Li grinned, this time, showing his teeth that was unexpectedly perfect. Shu Xian had not actually noticed how nice his teeth was—maybe it's because he rarely smiled.

"If you try to read at least 30 chapters of what I'm reading, then I'll give what you're reading a shot."


Shu Xian blinked her eyes a few times with curiosity, nodding at him in agreement.

"I actually like the suggestion! But first… read the other parts of the synopsis as I'm sure you only read the conversation that Devin and Angeal had."

Zhong Li narrowed his eyes at her.

"You really know that I gave up upon reading the dialogue exchange…"

Shu Xian now laughed, her eyes turning into beautiful crescent moons as she hid her mouth with her hand.

"Come on… it's not actually that bad!"


Zhong Li didn't know what to say so he just harrumphed. With him getting Shu Xian's phone from the table, he then continued to read the other parts of the synopsis provided by the author.


Punished by the Almighty Seraphim, Devin was branded a fallen angel and was given a curse to become a Soul Eater—a being who is hungry for souls and feeds on them for sustenance.

Devin was bound on earth, looking for clues on how to cure his irrevocable curse until a desperate old man saw the Soul Eater and begged him to save his newborn granddaughter's life.

However... it comes with the price of selling both of their souls.

With the old man giving both of their lives to the Soul Eater, what path lies ahead for Angeal as she grows in a house full of magical immortals?


The Almighty Seraphim sighed, shaking herself from her thoughts. She then spoke, planting more curiosity in the mind of the Dominion who was watching over the Soul Eater.

"Continue watching over them. She is his cure, but it will lead her to oblivion."


With the Soul Eater cursed and with them eventually knowing that the sweet innocent girl he saved is the cure, will their relationship be a boon or a bane?

Will they perhaps have sweet love, forbidden love... or maybe even both?

With the given thoughts at hand, will fate bless their lives... or curse them even more?

Let us know the answers to these questions as we unravel the story of Angeal being the Soul Eater's Possession.



Zhong Li continued to read the synopsis. With him already seeing the prompt of R-18 content shown along with the note that the story contained slow burn romance, he couldn't help but arch a brow at Shu Xian and made a comment.

"I think I'm starting to regret asking you to read the that book I like whilst I read yours."


Shu Xian pursed her lips into a pout, slightly taking Zhong Li aback as he didn't expect her to look cute.

With her cheeks slightly puffed as well, along with a soft blush on her face, Zhong Li had the urge to pinch her cheeks.

But he knew that he had to stop himself. It would be awkward for him to do so since they're just getting to know each other.

Heck, he couldn't even do this to Yan Yan, another woman whom he's closer with compared to his blossoming friendship with Shu Xian!

With that in thought, he just clamped his hands together, his fingers interlaced with each other so as to control his urge of wanting to squish cute Shu Xian's cheeks.

"How could you say something and then not want to do it? I was excited, you know," she said almost in a mumble. A light chuckle was then heard from Zhong Li.

"Fine, fine," Zhong Li said, shaking his head as he forced himself to read the description of each volume. "Let me see if the contents of each volume will get my attention.


Volume 1: Nunc Domum

When the Soul Eater, Devin, and his personal servant, Ivar, found no clues about the curse, they finally went home after 18 years. However, when the two arrived in the mansion, Devin's curse suddenly went amok when he met the human girl, Angeal. What could be the girl's involvement in his curse?

Volume 2: Est Ignotum

As the immortals and the mortals spent their days with each other, they are more confused than ever with not only with the feelings they have for a certain person, but also with their background, with their loyalty, and with what lies ahead. To them, there are a lot of things that are unknown...

Volume 3: Actio Culmen Cadentia

The peak of their lives had finally arrived as secrets and revelations, stirring their judgments and what they believe in. As they all go on with their lives, what will they decide for others, and of course, for themselves?

Volume 4: Et Requiem

With all the events that had transpired, each one of them had started to question one's judgment and decisions. Now that these actions had been falling, what will Devin, Angeal, and everyone do to face what's ahead of them?

Volume 5: Insidiamini Torquet

Everyone's lives are now practically caught in series of unexpected twists and turns. As they are to face the challenges that are thrown at them, what would everyone do as everyone is in it for a shocking revelation about their fate? Will they fight for friendship, freedom, or for love?



Shu Xian beamed as she read along with Zhong Li. With her almost resting on his shoulder, Zhong Li looked at her from the corner of his eye, his heart beating in his chest.

It made him think and it made him conscious—hoping that Shu Xian won't hear his heart in the silence of the room.

However, the thought of them alone and the thought of them talking together made him happy and giddy, wanting to savor this precious moment together.

"Well—" Zhong Li trailed off, Shu Xian now backing away as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, expectant of his reply. "—since you're insistent of me reading your book, fine, I'll give it a chance despite it not getting my attention because of how sappy it is."

Shu Xian narrowed her eyes at him. With her nodding once, she replied to what he said as if both of them were challenging each other.

"Fine. I'll read the book that you're also reading so we're even."

With that, the two of them continued to talk to each other, especially about their interests when it comes to reading.

If it were other people, Zhong Li wouldn't bother to read other people's recommendations.

However, if it's Shu Xian, he'd be willing to since it may give them something more to talk about.

If that's what it takes for him to talk to her and be friends with her, then he'd really double his efforts.

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