Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 214 - Already Understood


To be honest, I got demotivated writing and decided to give up because of some mean people who just couldn't hold back with their words.

Little do they know that the author is tired, most of the time falling sick, and most of the time stressed because of the busy schedule. Little do they know that despite all these, the author still writes so as to not disappoint the readers.

I already had a breakdown last night because of emotional stress as well and those negative comments already got to me. I know I should push it aside and disregard it so I won't be affected, but I'm human, too, and at some point, I get overwhelmed.

Please don't be surprised when I suddenly stop writing. I will be focusing on my mental and physical health since I need to. Words hurt more than physical pain and I'd like to condition my emotional well-being and confidence. 

Do know that I will be posting updates from time to time. If ever the author's note below is empty, I may no longer have the enthusiasm to leave messages when everyone knows I always do so because I love interacting with my readers. :(

However, I'll update when I know I can. I'll try my best to cope since you readers comfort me as well and motivate me to do better. 

This I'm sure: I will NEVER drop my books as I want to finish it for everyone and for my integrity as a writer, too.

Also, this is a dedication to ms_Aggarwal (and her other two alt accounts) for being one of those people who had made me smile after I cried last night.

You guys are the best. You're the very reason why I work hard other than my passion for writing.

But do know... that there is a difference between constructive criticism and being intentionally mean. ^^

Thank you and I hope you understand. :) See you when I see you (here in WN). Take care always!



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Shu Xian still couldn't believe what she just heard. With her blinking her eyes in disbelief as what Pan An said rung in her mind a few times, even alternatively!

"Do you really want me to point it out that I want you as my girlfriend?"

"I'm also doing this because I want you and I want to get to know you."

"Do you really want me to point it out that I want you as my girlfriend?"

"I'm also doing this because I want you and I want to get to know you."

Geez! It's as if the professor's sultry voice lingered in Shu Xian's mind and stayed with the intention to be stuck on her like a chant or mantra needed to be remembered!

Shu Xian felt her face heating up and all she could do to calm herself down was to fan her face as if it would do her any good!

Pan An already parked his car and chuckled while he did so. With Shu Xian quiet and in a daze on her seat, he knew that she was shocked and didn't know how to process this. 

Pan An didn't leave his seat, however, he unbuckled his seatbelt so he could turn to look at Shu Xian. 

"Shu Xian," he called out to her, the girl slowly turning her head to look at him as her eyes fluttered in disbelief.

"I'm dreaming... aren't I?"

She said it almost in a whisper which made Pan An grin. It was obvious to him that Shu Xian couldn't believe it so he spoke to her patiently, wanting to sincerely convey his message and intentions.

"You're not, Shu Xian. I'm serious."

Pan An inched in closer, leaning his body to the right so he could almost touch her.

"I want to talk to you about this and I want to assure you that my intentions and feelings are true."

"Oh, Pan An..."

Shu Xian's lips trembled as she felt butterflies in her stomach, never having the experience to have a man confess his feelings towards her in such a way like Pan An did. 

She had other guys who liked her before in high school, yes... but not as serious as Pan An's and she often brushed it aside.

Now that she got a heartfelt confession, she knew that it was true and sincere and she felt her heart bursting in affection. 

"I... I don't know what to say. I... but I'm happy."

Pan An smiled, reaching out to her face with his right hand and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"You don't have to say anything," Pan An muttered, only for Shu Xian and him to hear. "Let me prove it to you not only through words... but through loving actions."

And before Shu Xian could even digest the words he told her, she felt his lips land on hers, her eyes instinctively closing upon his touch. 

He stayed and moved his lips for only a few seconds, Shu Xian feeling the affection said in his words through his kiss.

Pan An kissed her briefly as he then parted from the kiss. Even though it was short, Shu Xian's heart was beating hard and fast like a runner joining a marathon!

The moment their eyes locked, Shu Xian felt shy. She then rested her head on his chest, Pan An wrapping her in his arms as his right hand patted her back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice rather breathy as he wanted more from the kiss...

But he knows that he has to wait.

Shu Xian shook her head against his chest. With her voice muffled as she spoke, Pan An rested his chin on top of her head and sighed as he closed his eyes, wanting this moment to last.

"Nothing... I'm overwhelmed, but I'm happy... incredibly happy."

Pan An liked what he heard. With him kissing the top of her head, he remembered how long it was to have held a woman in his arms. He thought that he would remember Ruo Xi right here and then but oddly enough...

He didn't care about her as if she had never been a big part of his life.

All he cares about now is the woman who suddenly came into his life. Remembering the day when she was at the park and was almost attacked, he shuddered at the possibility of him not coming to the rescue.

That very idea angered him. The idea of those men touching her and hurting her in every way unimaginable tormented him even though it didn't happen.

If time would repeat itself, he would still do the same thing as long as it will lead him to save Shu Xian.

As long as it will lead her to him so she could be his.

"Pan An?"


Pan An snapped out of his thoughts when Shu Xian called out to him. When she raised her head to break his embrace, she said something that made the professor laugh.

"I'm hungry."

Pan An smiled as he gave her one last kiss on top of her forehead. He then unbuckled Shu Xian from her seatbelt and left the driver's seat, on his way to open the passenger's seat.

Shu Xian came out with Pan An reaching out his hand to her in which she took gratifyingly. With a sweet smile on her face, the professor then made sure to lock the doors of their car for security.

At the same moment, the guard of Pan An's mall approached him since he immediately noticed their boss' car.

"You'll be having your dinner here tonight, Mr. Pan An?"

"Yes," Pan An replied with a smile, already giving him the keys of his car for security. "Please watch over my baby."

"Of course."

Shu Xian arched a brow at Pan An when she heard how he addressed to his car as his "baby." The moment Pan An held her hand and started to walk, Shu Xian followed, already saying her comment on what he said. 

"Baby? You call your car baby?"

Pan An chuckled, wanting to tease her.

"You jealous?"

"Seriously?" Shu Xian narrowed her eyes at him. "I may be younger than you but I'm not that childish as to be jealous of something that is not alive. It's just a car."

"Woah, woah, woah!"

Pan An stopped in his tracks, playfully arching a brow at her.

"What did you say? Just a car?"

Shu Xian crossed her arms in front of her chest, confidently tipping her head up to show her pride.

"It is! Why? I know your car is important, but not as important as some of the people who are important in your life, right?"

Pan An didn't answer Shu Xian for a while. With a grin on his face, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, now replying to what she said.

"Of course, my love. That's already understood without you even explaining it."

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