Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 227 - Now It Made Sense!

"What? You finally found her?"



He Shen and Zheng Zi were talking inside the office. Zheng Zi immediately came into He Shen's office to inform him about what he had found out.

They had been on a long mission to look for Shu Xian. Ever since she ran away, her information even her enrollment had been blocked by someone powerful.

Since then, they thought that she may be involved with someone or have made friends with someone of an affluent background who is capable to do this.

Zheng Zi, He Shen's secretary, had worked hard since then throughout the years just to get a single clue about Shu Xian's whereabouts.

However, He Shen thought how his secretary had found her.

"Where did you find her? How were you able to do it?"

"It was something I didn't expect, Mr. He Shen," Zheng Zi answered, the facial expression on his face getting serious. "I was walking in the mall in the outskirts of this city and then I saw her."

He Shen arched a brow at his secretary, not expecting the information that was shared to him. He knew that the mall at the outskirts of this city is owned by someone born from a famous and rich family who's even at par with them.

How could Shu Xian be found there? Is she affiliated with those people that is why her personal information had been blocked?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Wait… if she told those people that he is her uncle and what he did to her, then…

'No. She may be lurking there,' He Shen thought, kicking his initial thought at the side.

"I was having dinner when I saw her, using the escalator with a man."

"A man?" He Shen asked, snapping himself out of his thoughts. "What does he look like? Do you know who he is?"

"I think so. But you have to confirm, Mr. He Shen, since I only got a few information about him due to his background."

Zheng Zi then gave him a folder about the man whom Shu Xian was with. Upon seeing the picture, there was a slight surprise appearing on He Shen's face, already knowing who this guy is even though it's only a picture that he looked at.

He had black hair and he looked exceptionally handsome. With Shu Xian indeed beside him and had her hand on his arm, it could imply that both of them are involved with each other.

But what kind of relationship do they have?

"He is the youngest son of the Gu family," He Shen thought, almost clicking his tongue. Zheng Zi who was listening to him widened his eyes, already knowing who he is.

"You mean… this man Shu Xian is with is Gu Pan An? Their family background is almost a mystery—almost blocked and unsearchable even with strong backers and connections! I only heard about him in name and that he owns a few establishments here and there… so this is one of them?"

"Yes," He Shen answered quite snappily, not liking the thought that Shu Xian is seen with him—happy even! "Have you learned more about their connection or involvement with each other? Based on how her hand is on his arm and with how Pan An looks at her… could it mean…"

"I wanted to confirm, Mr. He Shen," Zheng Zi answered even though He Shen did not finish his sentence.

However, He Shen looked up at his secretary and listened to him.

"But I couldn't seem to get nearer. It's amazing that the security of their mall is tight. I was about to walk when I saw men in black everywhere, one of them already eyeing me so I had to retreat with only this picture."


He Shen clicked his tongue once more, not liking that his secretary was forced to retreat. His secretary is someone who could get his job done when needed—even on the spot. He wanted to be angry, but this is the best clue that they could have yet even in years!

"So you weren't able to follow them?"

"I apologize."

That answer alone was already enough indication that Zheng Zi wasn't able to follow them to know more about their whereabouts. With a sigh coming from He Shen, he leaned on the rest of his swivel chair and started to turn it slightly left and right, as if in deep thought.

How are they going to get more information about them? Why is Shu Xian involved with Pan An and how did they ever meet? Since when are they together? And does he know about her background? Does he know about his treatment toward her?

Had Shu Xian told him anything?

If he does, then it can impose against him. Pan An's family is not one to be trifled with and he knew that he had to take a step back in their search for her now that they have a small clue of her getting involved with Pan An!

His plan of using her to get what he wanted… it's slowly slipping away from his hands ever since she had ran away from the house!

And now that they find a clue about her, she is now in the presence of someone powerful?

His dream of getting their family company is now further slipping away from him!

How can this happen when he had been plotting from the start? Had he not plotted from the very beginning? What could have gone wrong?

"That damned Yan Ran!"

He Shen balled his hand into a tight fist then banged it on his office table as he was frustrated upon remembering the event when Shu Xian had ran away from his home.

Every time He Shen called Shu Xian by her real name, Yan Ran, he could no longer contain the anger that was pent up from within him.

Ever since she ran away, he had been agitated and anxious. He was so desperate looking for her and now that they have a clue, they could not further get anything else!

"How the hell are we going to get a clue now!?"

"Y-you don't have to worry, Mr. He Shen," Zheng Zi replied, stammering on his own words. "I-I have found something else, please listen."

He Shen silenced and looked at him with impatient eyes. With his deathly stare on him, Zheng Zi gulped then told him what other things he had learned.

"I did my best to get this information. She is also seen with Shi Lian."

"Shi Lian?" He Shen's eyebrow twitched. "She is the younger sister of the CEO taking care of W & S Corporations, Wang Lei."

"Yes," Zheng Zi answered, nodding at the same time. "I have stumbled upon this information as I was driving around. Other than seeing Shu Xian with Pan An, I have seen her the same day in the university that they have funded under their name."

"Then why—" He Shen stood up, gritting his teeth as he glared at Zheng Zi. "Did you only tell me this now when you claimed that you have seen her this same day, but earlier!?"

"I-I had to confirm, Mr. He Shen," Zheng Zi answered, fearing for his life as he gulped. "It had been years since we saw her and it could be her lookalike. However, when I was in the mall to have dinner as a rest from my search, that is when I chanced upon her—with Pan An this time."

"Now that explains why we haven't been able to look for her. Both of those people came from a powerful family and either of them may have helped her block her personal information so we could not find her."

With him sitting back on his swivel chair, Zheng Zi let out a small sigh of relief, his boss now calming down as he thought to himself right here and then of what to do next.

He Shen thought that Shu Xian might be involved with any of them for a long time. It could possibly be her being friends with Shi Lian for a long time, or being friends with Pan An for a long time.

Either way, both of their families have a great background and backup when it comes to everything so it is possible for one of them to hide Shu Xian's information to make her untraceable.

Now it made sense!

"What we need to do now…" He Shen trailed off in a mumble, but still audible enough for his secretary Zheng Zi to hear. "Is to further confirm what her connection is to those two people and who exactly is helping her and why is she with them."

He Shen then looked at Zheng Zi, standing up from his seat again then fixed his tie.

"Book me a ticket going to Country S, ASAP."

"N-now?" Zheng Zi asked, his eyes opening wide in surprise. "How about your meetings and—"

"Reschedule them," He Shen interrupted, a smirk appearing on his face with what he said next. "I have to pay a visit to someone who may help us since our family is good friends with him."

Without even sparing Zheng Zi one last glance, He Shen then walked away and left him alone in his office.

He then thought about talking to Mr. Chen, the most powerful man in Country S to help him get the information that he wants.

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