Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 231 - Helping Shu Xian

Shi Lian couldn't believe it that she is now Zhang Ren's girlfriend! She also couldn't believe it that at this very moment, Zhang Ren also became hers.

It all so happened just because Wang Lei caught them kissing in the neighborhood. Because of this, Shi Lian thought what if Wang Lei didn't catch them kissing?

Will they not become a couple on the spot if Wang Lei had not caught them?

If that were the case… what will then happen for them to become a couple?

Would they both take it slow? Will they both agree upon it after they had kissed? Would they have further talked about it—about their plans?

Who knows!

The three of them then decided to stay in the living room. With their mother already asleep this late at night, the three of them just lounged in the living room with their house helper serving them with whatever she could.

They were served a slice of cheesecake each, along with tea. Even though it was late at night, Wang Lei insisted to eat sweets.

Shi Lian couldn't help but look at Zhang Ren. With him catching her looking at him, Zhang Ren smiled at her from time to time, Wang Lei shaking his head as he showed them a lopsided smile.

"Now aren't you two going to keep flirting with your eyes while I'm still present? Don't be rude… I might force you two to end your relationship right here and then."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zhang Ren just chuckled as he knew that it was meant as a joke. Whilst for Shi Lian, she rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her tongue.

"Whatever, brother. You're just jealous because right now, you don't have anyone to talk to."

Pushing what she has said aside, Zhang Ren started a topic, thinking about Shu Xian since he didn't know much about her.

"I'm sorry to be asking you this right now, Shi Lian, big brother Wang Lei. But… can you tell me more about Shu Xian?"

The siblings looked at each other before they looked back at Zhang Ren.

With both of them curious as to why he suddenly asked about Shu Xian, they couldn't help but wonder why he suddenly brought her up when they were here because of their unexpected escalation of their relationship.

"If it's alright to ask…" Wang Lei started, slightly narrowing his eyes at Zhang Ren. "Why are you suddenly curious about Shu Xian?"

Shi Lian didn't mind her older brother's suspicion. With her cocking her head to the side, she arched a brow at Zhang Ren at the same time as well as she asked him a question.

"Yeah, why? Is something wrong?"

"Well, I just couldn't help but think," Zhang Ren answered, scratching the back of his head. "You know, Shu Xian, I can deduce as much that she doesn't have a family with her to be living with Professor Pan An. Does she know her family?"

Wang Lei and Shi Lian didn't know how to answer. With them falling silent for a while, both of their lips fell into a tight line, Zhang Ren already guessing that they may have not been saying anything because it is also for Shu Xian's safety.

Whatever that reason is, it may probably mean that they're protecting Shu Xian from someone and that they rarely tell this information unless they trust him or her.

But the question in Zhang Ren's mind is: why, and who could they be hiding from?

"I think you're keeping Shu Xian's whereabouts a secret. The reason, I know it's something complicated. But if you need help, you know that I can, right?"

Wang Lei, especially Shi Lian, had an expectant and hopeful glint pass through their eye. With Shi Lian looking at Zhang Ren eagerly, her lips parted slightly as if to say something but then she was suddenly hesitant.

Of course, she respected her best friend's privacy. She didn't want and will never want to tell her best friend's secret without her permission. Heck, she would prefer if Shu Xian would tell others so that she wouldn't have to tell for her!

That's how much Shi Lian respected Shu Xian and she knows how this is such a big deal.

"I'm sorry, Zhang Ren," Shi Lian said, letting out a sigh at the same time. "I want to tell you and we know we could trust you… it's just that I'm not the right person to tell you everything about Shu Xian even though your intentions are clear and genuine."

"I figured as much," Zhang Ren agreed, nodding at the same time. "But don't worry. I'm not offended in anyway. It's just that I can't help but think about her from time to time especially now that we're getting closer as friends. I worry for her, too."

Wang Lei showed Zhang Ren a small smile. With him reaching out to Zhang Ren to his left, he patted his shoulder, acknowledging and complimenting him at the same time.

"I admire your worry and your respect towards my sister and her best friend. Even though we want to tell you what Shu Xian's background is, do understand that like what Shi Lian said, we can't tell you everything."

Zhang Ren nodded. With him looking at the siblings, he let out a small sigh, telling them his opinions.

"It may be sorta snobbish of me to say so, but you know my mysterious and powerful background—being connected to my grandfather."

Wang Lei and Shi Lian know that Zhang Ren is referring to Mr. Chen, the most powerful man in Country S. As they both listened to him, Zhang Ren continued voicing out his thoughts.

"I can ask him to search for Shu Xian's parents if she wishes to. If her information is anyway blocked and Shu Xian is left with no single clue, we can pave the way for her to look for something that she always wanted to."

Wang Lei and Shi Lian widened their eyes in surprise. Indeed, Zhang Ren is a smart and sharp man for being able to notice this without them saying even a single word! With them looking at each other, Zhang Ren took this opportunity to speak.

"I will have to talk to Shu Xian about this, of course. I just want you guys to know that as her friend, you guys being one of those people who are dear to her, that I am willing to help with what I can."

Zhang Ren smiled at them, his heart in his chest feeling warm with how expressive he is which is something that he didn't expect.

Ever since his depression came, he had always had the difficulty to express himself. He could only open up to his grandfather and he thought that it would mostly be that way, but turns out, he could trust other people.

He didn't know that moving out from the country where he grew up can be this liberating. He found himself amazed that in just a short span of time, these people came into his life and that he would like to involve himself with them and make memories with them.

Most importantly, he is willing to help them unconditionally. With him remembering that he was in a desperate and sad circumstance years ago, it's as if he couldn't believe himself now that he is capable to be happy.

He is indeed blessed and he does deserve the joy—and it's because of these people that it was possible.

"I'm glad I came here," Zhang Ren said, his voice almost breaking as he tried his best to hold back his tears. "If I continued moping… if I continued locking myself up and not wanting to get out of that wretched country… where could I have met everyone?"

Wang Lei and Shi Lian didn't know how to say. However, Shi Lian stood up from her seat then sat beside Zhang Ren, holding his hand as her thumb caressed the back of his palm.

"Oh, Zhang Ren… you were really in a bad hole, huh?"

"I was," Zhang Ren answered, not even hesitating for even a second. "But I'm grateful that I was able to leave the place and I was rewarded with friendship and of course…"

He then held Shi Lian's hand and kissed the back of her palm, making her heart flutter with what he said next.

"I was given such a blessing of love as well."

Shi Lian smiled, Wang Lei shuddering for a while before he drank his tea and made a comment.

"Geez… you guys talk as if you're forgetting I'm here."

Zhang Ren and Shi Lian embarrassingly chuckled, Wang Lei leaning on the rest of the couch and continued talking.

"We were talking about Shu Xian at first, then to friendship and struggles… why talk something cringey about love now?"

Shi Lian rolled her eyes at her older brother, getting the pillow behind her then throwing it at him.

"Oh, shut up. Just leave if you don't want to hear such mushy words, you womanizer."

Wang Lei arched a brow at her. "And leave you alone with a man? No."

And with that, the three of them laughed as they talked about something else, the thought of helping Shu Xian look for her family still lingering in their mind.

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