Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 237 - Him Being Involved

"What if I told you that you were not like the other women I have interacted with and that our kiss was different? What if I told you that I want to prove myself worthy of you and that I meant it—sworn upon it?"

Wang Lei's words rang in Yu Yan's mind as she helped her mother cook dinner. With her obviously daydreaming, she looked at the knife that she was holding, not even bothering to mince the onions yet for their dumplings. 

It had been an hour since Wang Lei had left the house. It's as if even the CEO was unsure of what he said, immediately leaving Yu Yan alone like he was also surprised with what came out of his mouth. 

Yu Yan didn't know why, but when she heard what Wang Lei had said, her heart raced in her chest. With her not knowing what was meant behind Wang Lei's words, she thought that it could just be him asking her a series of what ifs.

Yu Yan let out a sigh. With her already starting to chop the onions, her mother caught a glimpse of her furrowed brows, setting down the bowl on the counter as she approached her daughter. 

"What's wrong, dear? Is something the matter?"

"Nothing," Yu Yan answered, a small smile appearing on her face as she continued dicing the onions. 

"That doesn't seem nothing to me, dear," her mother said, putting one hand on her waist. "You just sighed, you blankly stared at the onion! You're thinking of something. Is it Wang Lei?"

It's as if her mother had really hit bull's eye. With Yu Yan looking at her now even though she had not said a word, her mother smiled and tapped her shoulder, now preparing the other ingredients that they need for the dumplings. 

"I knew it. Mother knows best."

With Yu Yan letting out another sigh, she put the knife and stopped slicing for a while, telling her mother the story. 

Yu Yan had always been close with her mother. With them together since she was born and since her father died at a very young age, Yu Yan had always confided in her and no one else. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She can easily tell her the woes that she had been facing. She can easily tell her stories and she would always love and appreciate her mother's advice. 

Yu Yan considers her mother as her best friend. Despite her being attacked and having an unwanted pregnancy, her mother guided her all the way and had supported her. 

There was a point in Yu Yan's life that she was depressed but without her mother, she wouldn't have overcome it. 

She even guided her on how to raise Li Jie and had loved him. She never cared that he was the son of a damned man and accepted Li Jie wholeheartedly, saying that he is a complete different person from his father. 

And Yu Yan believed that, too. Li Jie is different and she will always think that. Li Jie will never be a reflection of his father. 

"You're right," Yu Yan said, a small smile appearing on her face as she now continued their food preparation. "It was about Wang Lei."

"Well, what is it about him, dear? You like him?"


Yu Yan blushed as if she was a teenager being talked to about her love life. With her mother giggling, she arched a brow at her with complete interest, asking about it from her daughter. 

"Then what is it about Wang Lei, dear?"

Yu Yan found herself feeling shy about this. With her blushing and with her lips in a line for a while, she answered her mom almost in a whisper even though they are alone in the kitchen. 

"We kissed."

"Oh, did you two now!?"

Her mother felt giddy for her, giving her a hit on the bottom as if she was a naughty girl. 

"You girl! And you never told me if you like him or not~!"

Yu Yan playfully rolled her eyes at her mother. She then let out a soft chuckle, clearing her mother's thoughts so there won't be a misunderstanding. 

"Oh, mama… Wang Lei kissed me because maybe he sees me like the women he always interacted with—no labels."

Her mother arched a brow at her. 

"No labels? He is that type of a man? A playboy—womanizer?"

"He is kind yes, mama," Yu Yan said, letting out a disappointed smile. "But he is a playboy. I was even the one looking for women for him if he wanted me to search more about her."

"Oh!" Her mother blinked her eyes a few times, finding it a bit impossible to accept. "I didn't see Wang Lei as that type of man since he is a gentleman."

"Oh, he is, mama," Yu Yan agreed, rolling her eyes at the same time. "But even he couldn't tell me why he kissed me. So, I told him to forget it."

"Hmm… this is like your very first, real kiss, no?"

"… yes."

"And?" There was a teasing tone in the voice of her mother. "Did you like it?"

"Oh, come on, mama." Yu Yan now felt awkward, elbowing her a little and it made her mother laugh. "Let's not talk about this in detail. This is not what was worrying me," she added, her mother now a bit serious. 

"Then, tell me. What are you thinking of and what is it that's bothering you, dear?"

Yu Yan stayed silent for a while. With Wang Lei's statements now repeating on her mind as if a song on repeat, a soft blush crept on her face. 

'What if I told you that you were not like the other women I have interacted with and that our kiss was different? What if I told you that I want to prove myself worthy of you and that I meant it—sworn upon it?'

Yu Yan leaned on the kitchen counter. With her then telling her mother, she couldn't help but smile, liking what she was hearing from her daughter's mouth. 

"When I told him that I saw him as a playboy and that we should stop because I wouldn't want to develop feelings, he told me what if I'm not like the other women he had interacted with and what if our kiss was different. He also told me what if he wanted to prove himself."


Even a middle-aged woman could swoon like a young lady! With her holding both of her cheeks, Yu Yan couldn't help but laugh at her mother, listening to what she was saying. 

"See! Oh, I tell you, dear… what if you're the one who's going to change him? What if he really meant it?"

With both of her hands on her waist, she continued talking as if making sense to her daughter. 

"And you said you don't want to further develop your feelings towards him. Then that would mean that you're really starting to like him?"

"Oh, mama…" Yu Yan let out a small scoff. "The important information is the latter part but you remember the first part that I said."

"Of course!" Her mother stood tall proudly. "It proves me right again that you do like Wang Lei when I asked you earlier!"

With her mother now getting the bowl of meat from the counter, she started to mix some black pepper and salt before putting in the onions that Yu Yan had sliced. 

As Yu Yan watched her mother, she bit her bottom lip, contemplating whether she would tell her what had bothered her mind. 

However, she still asked her, anyway, in hopes that her mother won't tease her about it. 

"Mama… you think I said the right thing?"

Yu Yan's mom stopped mixing the food in the bowl for a while. With her setting the wooden spoon aside, she smiled at her, listening to her with no judgment. 

"That you should stop so that both of you won't develop your feelings towards each other?"

Yu Yan nodded, further explaining what she felt about this. 

"Other than that, it's because of Li Jie. I have no time for love. I am a mother, and Li Jie needs me."


Yu Yan's mother held her daughter's hand, squeezing it tight as she wanted her message to come across for her to understand. 

"You have never tried falling in love—heck, even having an interest in someone. And now that someone has come, you wouldn't want to allow yourself the liberty of love?"

"Mama…" Yu Yan knitted her brows together as an apologetic smile appeared on her face. "You're a mother. Of course, you'd know why I won't allow myself to be distracted. I have Li Jie."

"I know, dear," Yu Yan's mother said, giving her hand another squeeze. "But you may not know… maybe you being interested in Wang Lei is a sign and maybe him saying those words to you may be an indication that he is willing to change and prove himself—for you and maybe…"

She smiled, tucking some tendril of hair behind Yu Yan's ear. 

"For Li Jie. Maybe him being recently involved in our lives after he has helped you may tell you something."

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