Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 245 - Reading The Other Parts

2. Be careful about teasing. Cute teasing is okay. Something like mimicking how she talks or giving her a funny nickname like "Giggles" is fine and will create a playful relationship between the two of you.

Going over the top, however, and constantly putting her down will just make her angry and she'll probably tell people that you're a jerk. This will result in anger and distrust — not exactly what we're aiming for.

If you accidentally upset a girl when you're teasing her, apologize sincerely. If she accepts your apology, that's a sign that the two of you will be able to deal with conflict in the future.

Even though he had hit the "x" button, Zhong Li actually came back and then opened his web browser once more.

Zhong Li still continued reading the article. With him furrowing his brows as he read the continuation of part two of the article, he wondered if he will be able to woo Shu Xian if ever he'd like to take his chances.

With Zhong Li thinking about further reading, he wondered if he will be able to do it with how unexpressive he is.

3. Be sensitive and caring. Let her cry on your shoulder if she's sad. Make her smile when she's feeling crummy. Listen to her when she talks and support her when she's going through a tough time.

Women look for relationships with someone who can be their pillar of strength when everything else is going wrong, so show her that you really care for her and that you're up to the task.

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Ask her how she's doing and try to notice her moods. If she's sad, comfort her. If she is mad, ask her "What's wrong?" If you think something's wrong, ask her but if she does not want to talk about it then don't press.

If you have little siblings, nieces, or nephews, show her that you really care for them. Play with them, watch over and protect them, show the girl that they look up to you.

Help others in front of her (although you should be helpful anyway). Help the poor and needy to show that how much you care for others. This shows her that you have a good spirit.

Zhong Li found this part difficult. He admitted to himself that he is kind of insensitive to the feelings of others.

What more if it's about the person whom he wanted to woo?

Either way, he wanted to try to see if being attracted to Shu Xian will improve him for a change. With this in thought, a small smile appeared on his face, continuing to read the article.

4. Find something to share and bond over. Having a couple of things that you enjoy in common is really important for the success of a relationship.

Some differences are good and make for excitement and opportunities for personal growth, but you'll need to at least learn to enjoy some of the same things that she does.

Explore one of her hobbies. Even if it seems really girly or not really your thing, you might end up surprising yourself. Lots of "girly" activities are great ways to reduce stress for guys too!

So far, they are bonding over homework and Zhong Li wouldn't want to bond over that forever. For a start, it may be good that it will direct them to becoming friends.

However, if indeed that he wanted to push things with her further, then he would have to be good friends with her before he thinks it's best to step up.

5. Be honest with her. Don't lie to her, even if you think you're doing her a favor.

For example, if she asks you about how she looks in a dress that you hate, give a polite response but don't be rude and tell her that you hate the dress. Just say something like "That's nice but I really liked how you looked in that red dress."

"This is easy," Zhong Li whispered to himself, knowing for a fact that he is indeed honest. "I just have to hold my tongue if I know that I'm not going to say something good."

6. Make her feel like the center of your universe. Girls want to be with someone that they know will be loyal and that they don't have to worry will just leave them for the next hot girl.

This is partially because they want to feel like you really like them, not just how pretty they are or what they might do for you. While being with your girl, make sure your eyes are set on her and only her. It might be hard, but ignore the sexy girl at the next table.

Zhong Li cringed at the last statement wherein it said to ignore the sexy girl at the next table. To him, Zhong Li find these kinds of men despicable if they allow themselves to be distracted when their girl is with them.

'I'd never do this to my woman,' Zhong Li thought, the possibility of Shu Xian being hers surfacing in his mind. 'I won't really do this to her. She doesn't deserve this. No one does.'

7. Respect her. Treat her with respect. Make sure that you are not mean to her, ever. Girls simply do not accept that. You should value her opinion, listen to her, never put her down or insult her, and don't do things that you know are hurtful (like flirting with other girls, even when she's not there).

Don't say rude things about her behind her back. And certainly don't kiss and tell! Behavior like this will get out and you'll not only scare her away, you'll send other girls a message that you're bad dating material too, hurting your future chances.

"A man would be stupid if he disrespects a woman. If you are really sincere about her, then you'd never think of doing this," he mumbled to himself, shaking his head as he continued reading the article.

He then came across to the part three of the article which talks about creating romance—the very reason why Zhong Li clicked the "x" button in the first place.

Part 3: Creating Romance

1. Be willing to lead or follow. Some girls like a guy who leads the way to romance, some girls like to take hold of the reigns. Most enjoy switching it up every now and again.

You have to be willing to take charge and make the first move if she's not doing it but you also have to be willing to accept her being dominant too. If you can't, then she's not the right girl for you.

Zhong Li blushed at the thought. He couldn't imagine himself doing the first move—the one to lead when it comes to romance.

He had never fallen in love with anyone—heck, he had never had interest in anyone until Shu Xian came!

He didn't expect this himself! He was rude to her at the beginning and now, he found himself getting soft for her.

The only constant in this world is change indeed…

2. Learn to dance. Take some ballroom classes to build your confidence, so you learn to lead a girl through a song. You can even teach yourself using online videos or even wikiHow!

Girls love guys that can dance. You might even want to ask her to take dance classes with you, if you're already close or dating. This is a great bonding experience and will give you lots of reasons to hang out.

"Oh, this is definitely not necessary," Zhong Li thought, shaking his head profusely at this item under part three. "Dancing is too much—no, won't do it."

Get to know her best friend. Best friends are a great resource. If you can get close to her best friend, it can be a gateway to learn things about the girl. 

For example, every girl has talked with her friends about romantic things she wants to happen to her or maybe even a romantic movie that she really likes that you can take ideas from. 

You can use this information to give her something that is more meaningful than all that cheesy standard romance stuff.

Just be up-front with the friend. You don't want the friend to fall for you too! A good friend will be more than happy to vet the guy that's interested in her bestie. If you show her how great you are, she'll even want to help you two get together!

A good review from friends can only help you, while a bad review could put some serious doubts into the girl's head.

Zhong Li cringed at the fact that he would have to get to know Shi Lian. He saw her once when she was visiting the library for Zhang Ren and Shu Xian and he saw how more active and talkative she is compared to the two!

How can he make friends with her and how can he get to know her better when he knows for a fact that this Shi Lian may find him suspicious?

With an exasperated sigh coming from him, he just rolled his eyes as he continued reading the other parts of the article. 

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