Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 252 - Are You In The Mood

After eating dinner and washing the dishes while Pan An gave Wan Wan a walk, Shu Xian was still not feeling sleepy. With her already preparing the things that she needed for her to move out sometime soon, it was actually just a quick preparation. 

As a sigh came out from her, she laid on her side and got her phone, thinking that she would continue reading the next chapter of "The Soul Eater's Possession."


"Ava's working directly under Nevin, mother. Third brother… he's still alive."

The Almighty Seraphim closed her eyes shut as she pressed the bridge of her nose, still unable to get over the fact that Nevin, her third son and third brother of his children, is actually still alive!

She had been thinking about this in her throne room for days now since Devin and Levin had left, and still, she found her heart pounding in her chest as it grew heavier by the second.

Heraleen remembered the day she cursed her son, Devin. She remembered the day as if it were yesterday even though many years already had passed.

She remembered being so angry upon seeing his hand carrying a sword that has the stain of his brother's blood. She remembered the aghast expression on her face upon seeing the horror of Nevin on the ground, his pool of blood beneath him.

For a moment, she remembered the surprised look on Devin's face—how he was trying his best not to show his mother how his body trembled, his lips shut into a tight line the moment their eyes locked with each other's.

And yet, she didn't hear his side and proceeded to be so angry. She didn't let her speak and she proceeded to lash out her anger towards him all the more as Devin showed his condescension even towards his mother.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Because of his act, she was utterly convinced that Devin had done this on his own volition. But little did she know that he had acted this way just so he could carry the blame and so that the issue of his brother's treacherous ways wouldn't alarm the whole kingdom.

He had been willingly and painfully decided to become the evil one just so everyone could go on with their lives as they see fit.

Heraleen put a curse on him without even hesitating. She hated herself for that—that her judgments had been clouded because of her rage upon Devin killing her third son.

She realized that her favoritism towards Nevin for being the spitting image of their father had grown so much—that she had not even thought of her sons equally.

Heraleen let out a sigh as she felt tears pooling in her eyes. Despite it being closed, some tears streamed down on her cheeks and on to her left hand that was resting on his lap, unable to forget the pain that she had given to her son.

She put on a curse that was irrevocable—a curse that is unbreakable and he had endured that for many years until he had met the only one.

Her heart ached for him and there wasn't a day when she hadn't regretted putting a curse on Devin even before the real secret had been revealed to her.

She opened her eyes and looked out the window as she thought to herself what could she have done for her child if ever the cure had not arrived.

What if Angeal wasn't connected to Lorelei and that her soul was bound to be sold to Devin in the end while he lived with the curse forever?

Then everything would have had a depressing ending—and she will forever live with the regret with a heavy heart.

Heraleen sobbed silently as she now embraced herself. With her rocking back and forth in her throne seat, she hated herself all the more for being able to do this to her son without thinking of the possibilities.

She even started hating her mother—thinking that it was this very personality that she inherited from her and even inflicted it upon one of her sons.

However, she knew she was childish of her to blame her mother, Tatianna. Besides, it was her decision to put a curse on her son and it was her that was overcome with her emotions.

There's no blaming others rather than herself alone. She knew that better.

Heraleen stood up from her seat. With her wiping her tears away with her right hand, she then walked to the window, overlooking her whole kingdom. She leaned her hands on the windowsill and looked out, still thinking to herself as her lips thinned into a straight line.

She was honest to herself that she didn't know what to do upon knowing that her third son was still alive. With his acts revealed to him by her eldest son, Devin, she wondered what she'd do—what she'd say if they ever see him face to face.

Heraleen, being a mother that she is, wondered what her children could possibly be doing. They were obviously brothers but each their own personality as they have their own thoughts—their own opinions, and their own self.

Devin, Levin, and Nevin are half demons, half angels. Devin always tended to be in the middle, Levin always leaned on the good side, but Nevin was always mischievous. The three of them were close as children and as teenagers, but why did everything change when they matured?

Heraleen thought of herself as a bad parent. What if Blanc had been here… could everything be different?


The Almighty Seraphim said his name, almost in a whisper. With the thought of him still holding on despite Zen taking over his body, her hands at her sides balled into tight fists as she thought to herself what could she possibly do to help her husband?

It had been many years since they have last seen each other. Heck, he hadn't even held their babies and hadn't even talked to them!

With things getting serious now as they were close to having a new war brewing under their noses, Heraleen knew that she had to act sooner and that she would have to think properly.

She knew that she would need the help of her sons, Devin and Levin. She let out a sigh as she realized that she wasn't a great queen and a mother after all and that most of the time, she let her emotions consume her.

But now that this is happening and with the possibility of her son and husband going back, she knew that she would have to think and plan carefully for everything to go well.

Heraleen's resolve came too late… but better than never.


"Woah… I think the book is about to reach the end," she commented, suddenly hearing a knock on her door. 

With her already standing up as she knew that it was Pan An, she immediately stood up and walked quickly towards the door, opening it. 

"Yes?" she asked with a smile, Pan An giving her a small smile as well. 

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Yes," Shu Xian answered, cocking her head to the side. "You, too?"


With a nod and a grunt of answer coming from the professor, both of them stood awkwardly before each other, the professor now scratching the back of his head as he wanted to break the silence. 

"Err… I know it's Monday soon and we have to rest but since we couldn't rest… want to at least watch a movie together?"

Shu Xian smiled and nodded. With her liking the idea despite it being a weekday tomorrow, she stepped out of the room, Wan Wan following them to the living room. 

Both of them settled on the couch, Shu Xian folding her legs under her and sat comfortably. With Pan An setting up the movie that they're going to watch, Wan Wan laid comfortably on the rug, now dozing off as she didn't bother her masters. 

Pan An then played a recent movie that was just released a few months ago. With him already sitting beside Shu Xian, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, Shu Xian resting her head on his shoulders as well. 

"This is nice," Shu Xian commented, looking at Pan An as the introduction of the movie played. "Want to eat or order some snacks?"

Pan An thought for a while. With him arching a brow at him, he asked her a question, making Shu Xian smile with what he asked. 

"Are you in the mood for a late-night pizza this time?"

"Why, yes!" Shu Xian answered enthusiastically, telling her what she prefers at the same time. "Can you request for a cheesy pizza with fries on top?"

"I'll arrange for that," Pan An replied, now getting his phone to dial a pizza place to tell them their customized order of pizza. 

As they then waited for their food to arrive, both of them enjoyed each other's company as they watched a movie and of course…

Having make out sessions every now and then until they got a call, telling them that their order had already arrived. 

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