Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 272 - Wanted To Be In Her Lover's Arms

Happily Every After

A few years had passed already, Damon already aged 20, and Annalise, aged 17. They were having a family picnic with everyone in the mansion, meeting with everyone. Arvid and Frey had a son, Vincent, aged 19.

Ivar and Gwen, having Cydrill at age 22, and Theodore at age 17. Levin and Ava had Levrynn and Avarynn, twins at age 18, and Nevin and Dharvey having twins as well, Aidan and Nadia, aged 16.

Everyone commented on how amazed they were that their children were almost the same age, also starting to comment on each other's child on who he or she looks after and who they took after when it comes to their personality.

With seeing how their children are so close with each other, the now previously-people-of-the-mansion realized how the time had passed since the war had ended.

They also felt happy with how their friendship turned out, also wondering how Arlo was now.

With them inviting him after how many years of no communication so they can catch up, they were all surprised to see him with a wife and three children, only one year each apart of each other. Antoine, aged 19, Brianna, aged 18, and Crian, aged 17.

As all of them reunited, their children were also introduced to the others, all of them quickly becoming friends as their parents reminisced on the past and forgot about the issues that they had in the past and formally made amends and rekindled their friendship.



Zhong Li was surprised to see Shu Xian sniffle. With her crying silently as she wiped the corner of her eyes, Zhong Li didn't know how to talk to her—heck… how to even comfort her!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I like this ending! She really thought of this very well!"

With Shu Xian swooning and then hugging Zhong Li's heart to her chest as if it were a person in need of a cuddle, Zhong Li deep down wished that it was him instead that was being hugged by Shu Xian…

"I really wanted a good ending for this! I was so glad that Angeal wasn't going to die like the author had always hinted in the beginning! Goodness… those seeds of uncertainty were planted pretty well!"

With that said, Zhong Li now got a tissue for her to wipe her tears away. As he now propped his hand under his chin, he asked a question, getting her attention as he started the conversation with a good question before he diverted it to his real question.

What is Shu Xian's type?

"Who's your favorite couple in the story?" Zhong Li asked, Shu Xian answering quickly.

"To be honest, it would have to be Levin and Ava. People think that I would like the main couple, Devin and Angeal, but to be honest, Levin and Ava are actually a very good couple!"

"You mean… Levin the virgin and Ava the experienced?"

"Yes," Shu Xian answered, letting out a chuckle as well. "You know, even though they were like that, I love how Levin managed Ava's troubles well and that he never judged her. Levin is so kind and Ava quickly melted for him."

"Well, true," Zhong Li nodded slowly, also telling her what he thinks. "Well, for me, I like Ivar and Gwen as a couple."

Shu Xian grinned. "The wild couple? The ones who love to explore?"

"Yes," Zhong Li answered, chuckling as well. "There friendship and love is one to be admired. Even Arvid and Frey's—from best friend to lovers."

"Oh! I also like Arvid and Frey's relationship!"

With that said, she let out a sigh, now taking a sip of her chocolate drink.

"It's a friendship worth having forever," she added, Zhong Li now having this opportunity to ask her a question.

"Well… Shu Xian," he started, getting her attention. "What is your type of guy?"


With Shu Xian blinking her eyes a few times as she thought for a while, a blush crept her face as she thought of Pan An, Zhong Li's heart racing in his chest as he grew nervous on what Shu Xian's answer is going to be.

He even hoped in his heart that whatever Shu Xian is going to say, it would be possible that he has most of those qualities so he can make her happy.

However, little did the hopeful man knew… that Shu Xian is thinking about someone else.

She thought of the professor—his intellect and his charms. She thought of his kindness and gentleness, the smugness that contradicted it, too. She also remembered his pride for himself—how important his ideals and dreams are compared to what his father wanted him to be.

She remembered the professor's responsibility—his sense of humor. She remembered his willingness to help her, the moment he rescued her when she was in trouble…

She remembered his tender, loving, and seductive kisses. She remembered his touch—his fingers touching her everywhere whilst his lips enjoyed the different parts of her body.

Shu Xian started warming up, squeezing her thighs together as she suddenly remembered the sensation of the professor's weight on top of her. Her lips then parted in want, making Zhong Li wonder what she could have been thinking because right now…

She looked utterly hot and insatiable…

"Shu Xian?"

Zhong Li called for her attention, Shu Xian now snapping herself out of her thoughts as she fanned herself with her hand.

With Shu Xian now getting her drink and drinking it in one go in attempts to calm herself down, she shook her head, faking a smile as Pan An still lingered in her mind.

"N-nothing," Shu Xian said, stammering on her words as well. "I just… thought of your question for a moment and then my mind went elsewhere."

With that said, Zhong Li assumed that she already had the answer to his question, already expectant to know about it.

"Well?" he started, smiling at her. "Care to tell me?"

And as Shu Xian looked at him, she could still imagine Pan An right behind her, his hand everywhere as his lips were on the crook of her neck, making her want to go home immediately as she wanted to be in her lover's arms.

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