Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 54 - Blue

Pan An and Shu Xian were already eating. However, it was quiet, the use of their chopsticks only heard as it somehow made them feel conscious if they are ever going to make a noise with it again.

With Shu Xian subtly looking at Pan An and with him looking at her as well, Shu Xian felt immediately shy when their eyes met, the professor, clearing his throat as he got a small piece of his fish and ate it with the fried rice Shu Xian has prepared.

By this time, Wan Wan at the corner of the kitchen also finished eating her fill, already taking a nap as she waited for Shu Xian to give her the potty time that she needed.

Breaking the silence, it was Pan An who spoke first, making Shu Xian listen to him as he remembered the conversation that they had earlier.

"Wang Fang—if you're wondering who she is, she is a great friend of mine since I frequently borrow from the library and I had quite a large amount of overdue fee."


Shu Xian nodded, furrowing her brows as the same time.

"You had a great overdue fee?"


This time, Pan An let out a chuckle, remembering the absurd amount of fees that he had.

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"It amazingly reached to $500."


Shu Xian widened her eyes, astonished.


"You see, I was not aware of the policy," Pan An started, continuing to eat as well as they conversed. "Faculty members are allowed to borrow the book for a month. But since the duration was long, I forgot the due date of when to return it and ended up borrowing it for more than it was needed."

"How long?"

Pan An grinned, further surprising Shu Xian with what he said.

"Eight months."

"Whaaat? That long!?"

"Yes," Pan An nodded, "And the overdue fine is $2 a day—that's why I got $500. She then notified me about the subject book that I borrowed, and then I was so surprised, I wanted to void it."

This time, Shu Xian couldn't help but roll her eyes as she let out a laugh, getting a small piece of fish as well and ate it.

"Why is $500 a big deal to you? You're rich, aren't you?"

"Oh, Shu Xian…"

Pan An scoffed, letting out a small laugh as well.

"I know I grew up from an affluent family, but I wouldn't want to use a single cent from them since I have a work of my own. As much as possible, I would want to use the money I earn," he explained, Shu Xian, nodding as she remembered the car they were in yesterday.

"But the car yesterday—"

"The car is different," Pan An interrupted, "I'm sorta a car enthusiast. Don't judge me."

This time, Shu Xian laughed, the atmosphere between them already lighter. They then continued their conversation, their talk no longer awkward like how it was earlier.

"Speaking of, that $500?"

"Oh, right…"

Pan An remembered, taking a sip of his water before he continued telling the story as he held his bowl of fried rice again.

"Anyway, since it was my first time being given an overdue fine, Wang Fang suggested to only pay half until I did a bargain."

"Oh, you…" Shu Xian shook her head, "You told her that since it's your first time, why not let it slide since it slipped your mind and then the next time you borrow, you're going to make sure you won't forget it?"

Hearing this, Pan An chuckled, nodding as Shu Xian guessed right.

"Very good! And it's what Wang Fang did. Since then, every time I borrowed books, I put an alarm on my phone as a reminder. I wouldn't want to have any more overdues. This is why Wang Fang and I are close."

"I see!"

Shu Xian then recalled the conversation the students had yesterday—saying that Pan An is a new teacher. With that remembered, now Shu Xian is confused about Pan An's stay in the university, asking him about it.

"How long have you been teaching in the university, Pan An? Yesterday, students were gossiping that you were new and with what you said about borrowing the book long, it seemed you're not?"

"Ah, I see!"

Pan An nodded, understanding the confusion.

"Maybe what your classmates meant was I'm new in the College of Teacher Education. I was previously in the College of Arts and Sciences."

"College of Arts and Sciences?" Shu Xian cocked her head to the side, "Why? What were you teaching?"

"Language and Literature. Some humanity subjects, too. But since the College of Teacher Education needed someone who also took a lot of education units since one of the faculty retired, then they got me for their office and then now I teach how to become a teacher."


Shu Xian widened her eyes in astonishment, now liking where their conversation is going.

"It seems that you really like to learn, Pan An! Considering that you can also teach language, literature, and also humanities!"

"Yes, I do say I have a fondness for learning," Pan An said, his lips showing a melancholic smile that made Shu Xian look at him in a different light. "It's why I'm here. I can do whatever I want—not satisfy whatever my parents wanted for me."

With what Pan An said the next, it actually made Shu Xian wonder more about Pan An.

She wanted to ask more about his family, but with the sad or pissed off expressions that he was showing, Shu Xian knew that prying into his private life is something that she should not do especially that she is staying in his home.

It would seem insensitive of her and she wouldn't want Pan An to feel this bad when it was already obvious how he doesn't like to talk about his family.

Shu Xian understands. It's the same for her—the topic about her family irks her, too.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, she then gave him a smile, remembering that she is to shop with Shi Lian tomorrow for Pan An's gift.

"By the way, Pan An, what's your favorite color?" she asked, surprising the professor for a moment with the unexpected small talk and question.

"Whatever for?" he asked, Shu Xian, shrugging her shoulders as they continued eating.

"Nothing. Just curious," she reasoned, Pan An, just raising a brow at her as they continued the conversation, after telling her his favorite color in a poetic manner, making Shu Xian smile.

"Blue is the ocean, blue is the sky. Blue are the blueberries, I put in my pie."

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