Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 111 Should A Prince Play God? (2)

I closed the bracket.

Alright, I am not asking for much here, but to be able to transform Bones into a mutated beast. Since that half squid-dolphin were also mutated beasts even though they were in the sea and not directly in contact with the Moonlight's ice, then it should easily be possible, right?

And since their bodies were also covered in icy crystals, that should also mean that he would also get a special ability, right?

As though giving me the answers to my questions, the pages flickered, until they stopped. After this, I will look for Annabelle and find a way to grow stronger and then test it again.

I held my breath together, and drew my eyes gently to Bones 'History', wanting to see if this time, it worked. And.. "Hahh!!".

I could almost feel the tension in the air dissipating at the cliche manner in which everything had worked at the last moment.

[ History:

After being birthed and abandoned on a lone Pirate ship, its life has been based on survival, either by instinct or luck. Scavenging for food, living in between the wooden structures of a deteriorating ship, master in hiding itself in plane sight, no ladder is too big or small to climb to make sure that it lives to see the next.

Like every other being that stayed in the Vrymath kingdom, in between the Cryptic Sea, he was supposed to be under the protection of the Miracle queen, guarded against the terrible phenomenon of the Midnight Ice, however, as a common rat who was lucky enough to break and escape its fate after feeding on the living heart of an ascendant, its blessing was now a curse as the Moonlight's ice infected his body with a scourge that could only be felt by a magical beast the moment he was brought out of the 'Temporary storage space', and exposed to its chilly winds.

Which caused his body to go through changes until he unknowingly became a mutated beast, not dying from the Moonlight's ice touch that freezes everything to death

[Edit] ].

"How are you feeling?" I looked down at Bones and inquired.


"Don't worry, give it time. Although I don't know how it will work, I know that it will' I explained, turning my attention back to the 'Fantastic Beasts of Records'.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



The sudden unexpected cries of Bones sent me reeling back. Swiftly, I reached out and grabbed the side of the table with both hands to stop the chair from tumbling over.

Hey ! Bones, are you alright?

I sent my thoughts to him since I figured that he won't hear me with the way his body spasms and cried out in pain.

However, there was no reply. I could only sense the pain coursing through our connection, and with his screams, I could falsely feel the amount of pain he was going through when they both superimposed upon one another.

Damn it!!

I cradled Bones in my palms and rushed to the bed to lay him down, before I paced around him, gritting my teeth in the first raw emotion I could feel since he started screaming.

Honestly, I expected a lot of things to happen from changing his history. But none of them included the possibility of him screaming in pain while his body twitched in agony.

I paused my pacing. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and then realized how unquestionably ridiculous that previous thought was.

I was trying to change his past, so of course, I should have been expecting the unexpected to happen unexpectedly!

I flickered my eyes around his body and then to the 'Fantastic Beasts Of Records', scouring my mind to see if there was anything I could do before I ultimately gave up.

Since I changed his history, the only thing I could do is wait and see if it was all worth it. Maybe, after this, he might become a lot stronger in the future.

"...." And then, his screams seized.

Bones entire body went slack and motionless. His breathing seized also, followed by his heart that abruptly stopped beating, while his body turned cold and stiff as though he had been buried under the snow in a frozen graveyard.

Seeing this, I sighed in relief.

If Bones was not my tamed beast, I would have presumed him dead, however, he wasn't as I could still feel the connection between us standing as strong as ever.

With an expression that emphasized my inability to do anything that would help in Bone's crisis, I sat down on the bed close to him and waited for him to awaken.

The time was now Three o'clock PM, and I have already missed breakfast from exercising with Claire this morning, now it seems that I will be missing both my lunch and dinner.

"Hey boy! If you can hear me, hang in there" I said, and expressed the same words to him through our connection with the same emotion.



Having intentionally distorted history, Wyatt had also distorted the past for the sake of a better future for Bones.

Whatever will happen, has happened, or is meant to happen, has now been altered irreversibly, disrupting the mumble jumble threads of past, present and time to come to a standstill, before it became like a ball of yarn and began slowly and surely unfolding once again.

While, a stone was thrown, shot and targeted at the eyes of those who could see, sense or were directly connected to the changes that have taken place.


Vrymath Kingdom

Somewhere, above the Miracle Mountain

A woman sat on a throne, with an atmosphere of sophistication and elegance enfolding her. Her long painted polished nails tapped on the armrest in a rhythm beat, while her dull eyes stared at the man standing in front of her.

She listened to his reports, observations and detailed analysis with acute concentration before her head snapped to the side, and in a fluid motion, she stood up from her throne and looked around the room with bated breath.

"My Queen, are you all right?" The man asked worriedly before a frown slowly adorned his face.

"Hahh!!" The woman breathed out in relief "I just felt a massive headache suddenly slamming into my head out of nowhere, and thought that maybe someone had tried to attack me".

The man's frown deepened. He turned to look around, examining every corner of the room before placing his attention back on her.

"But no one is here" He expressed.

"Yes, you are right" She nodded, before continuing "As I said before, it might be just a headache. Maybe my work is taking a toll on me".

"I see" The man responded in agreement before he proceeded to fold up the scroll in his hands "I will go and order the maids to prep.....".

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Without warning, the sharp screams of a feminine voice pierced through the walls of the room as she immediately collapsed in shock and held her head tightly, clutching it with both arms while rolling on the ground in agony.

"My Queen!!!" The man cried out.


Somewhere, below the Miracle Mountain

"Are you sure that was what happened in Litile City?" A man with a scruffle beard below his chin sat around a rectangular table filled with numerous elderly and young men as he questioned the figure clad in a white assassin's attire, far different from those of the Sloywoth kingdom.

"Yes, I was keeping track of whoever enters or leaves the kingdom as you commanded. However, when I saw the group of people, possibly pirates being followed by the Sloywoth assassins, I decided to take a step back and watch whatever they were going to do before returning to report" The figure responded.

"But the next day, this afternoon, one of the pirates and the Sloywoth kingdom's assassins engaged in a battle which resulted in destroying a large area of the city. Until they were stopped by Knight Boris -the de factor ruler, before the ascendants of the Auziloth kingdom came to investigate what was going on".

"And you say this pirate -this woman, is a summoner, a mage rank ascendant right?" The man replied.

The figure nodded, and with a firm voice of affirmation replied "Yes".

"Alright, le….." The man uttered before his eyes shot wide open. His fingers scratched against the table, which slowly produced an irritating sound.

And then, "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed before he dropped to the ground unconsciously.


Cryptic Sea

Somewhere near the Frozen Bridge Port

In a broken ship, deep below the lowest level, an aged man tinkered away with his hammer, while he controlled a visible floating green pentagram construct, arranging and placing them in every corner of the wooden walls around him.

'Finally some quietness' He thought.

He extended his magical energy around the ship, fully covering it so that he could easily find out which part needed repairs, while he drew strange letters with his fingers on the air and sent them towards the direction of the damaged region with his mind.

"Hah!!.. This ship was truly fortified by the Tower mages of the Endossa Empire" He breathed out tirelessly. His expression suddenly brightened up as he proceeded to resume his work"Just enough to test my skills".

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