Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 114 There Is No Guidebook For Making A Harem

That's it, Wyatt. Keep it cool!

Keep it cool!!

Face stern. Shoulders up. Then swagger in like a mother fucking badass, while being bathed in raging flames.

Damn! That's cool!!

They didn't spot me until they felt the heat and the bright rays of light brightening up the night sky behind them. Murmurs. I could see it in their eyes, the fear and blatant trepidation they held for me as they staggered backwards, unsure of whether to approach or question the man bathing in a sea of flames in front of them.

And so, I swaggered in. And they departed like Joseph fleeing away from his treacherous wife of Potiphar, afraid of being seared apart by my flames

The closer I got, I more I could see their confidence slowly being stripped away like a virgin unsure of how to unhook the bra in front of him.

I paused in front of them, turned my head around as though I was trying to catch a glimpse of all their faces, shrugged, and then continued forward.

If it were any other time, I wouldn't give a fuck about such an action. But damn, I needed to be a badass. And then, I arrived and examined the 'Damsel' in distress.

Her eyes were closed. Her body lay on the snow motionlessly and waited for the cold blanket of death to romanticise it. I would have gone into more detail, describing the beauty in front of me, if wasn't that my current situation didn't allow for my thoughts to run wild.

And so, not wanting to break away from my character, I turned and gave the group around me a silent glare before turning my head back to gaze at the sleeping beauty….

Goddamn! Her eyes are open!

Say something!

Come, Wyatt! Say something cool!!

Okay. Okay, I got this!

"A damsel" I spoke, making sure that my voice was as calm and stern as I could before I snapped my head slowly to the side, and continued" But why is she in distress?".


Fucking. Christ!!

Did I just shit that out of my fucking ass?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!

Come on, Wyatt! Try again!

You can still recover from that -from that blunder.

Alright! Stay cool, and calm!!

"W-Who are you?"

I don't know who asked those words, but judging from their tone, it was obvious that they were scared, and for a good reason too.

"A pirate" I replied with a demeanour that would make Morgan. F clap in a standing ovation.

Was that cool or badas...

"Are you joki--"

"Shut up" I responded sharply at the man that interrupted my thoughts.

Good! I internally nodded approvingly as everyone stood still and silent.

I raised two fingers and stated their choices with a disinterested expression.

"OR WHAT?! " Without hesitation, I activated my flames and watched the air around me burn.

"Or I roast you to death" I expressed and closed my outstretched hand into a tight grip.

They jerked backwards. And before I could blink, they turned around and ran. It seems that they just remembered that humans are very flammable beings.

"The vial" I spoke loudly, halting the footsteps of the man in question as he turned around frightened. He walked forward and laid the vial gently on the snow in front of me.

"Now scram" And he did.

I switched off my flames and bent down to pick up the bluish fluid in the transparent small cylindrical container before I strolled toward the paralysed woman.

"Thank you" She muttered weakly, but it was loud enough for me to hear her words.

I bent down to her level and replied "You are welcome" I tightened the vial in my grasp and continued "Good thing I passed by here. Perhaps, it might be fate".

If she could, I would say that she tried to shake her head in denial. Still, her words confirmed it "No. I just got lucky".

Tears flowed out of her eyes as she stared at me with an appreciative gaze.

"You shouldn't be thanking me yet" I responded.

I tossed the vial in the air and caught it before I stared at her with a smile and watched as her pupils shrank with concern.

You see, as you already know I had only two purposes for coming here.

Number one - Save the 'damsel' in distress.

Number two - Make her fall in love and recruit her as the first member of my harem.

"W- Why i-is that?" She asked, unsurely.

But completing the number two was impossible because love won't just happen at the snap of my fingers.

And besides, this world was real -as real as my previous world, so if I wanted to gain my first harem member and have her warm up to me afterwards, then I need to go for a more unnerving pragmatic approach.

I heard that you are a Trickster… " Her pupils shrunk to the size of a needle. " And that you are capable of making a contract on terms of rules and conditions".

"Y-Yees" She responded. Her voice sounded flimsier than before.

Good! At least, she is responding. I certainly don't want to feel like I am talking to myself.

"Well, you also have two choices" I raised two fingers in front of her and watched as she attempted to gulp, but failed overwhelmingly.

"You see, I am Prince currently in search of a woman to be my side and I think that you are just the perfect person to become one. So you can either choose option one -which is to become my woman, or you can decide to go for option two -which includes me walking out of here and letting the rest of the group who still hasn't run away but are waiting and stalking close by for an opportunity to complete their task by killing you.... If you widen your senses, you can still hear them trying to stabilize their breath".

"You!!" Her eyes widened and restlessly moved from side to side trying to confirm the authenticity of my words.

Nevertheless, she was still paralyzed, so she gave up soon after.

"Why?" She muttered, and the tears that stopped previously streamed down once more and stained her cheeks.

Although I hated seeing the 'damsel' I saved go from 'Yaaay' to 'Oh god please'. But, if I wanted to build a harem then I have to start somewhere, and this was an opportunity I couldn't reject.

"You have fifteen seconds left" I answered, while I stood up to straighten my coat and feign it to make it look as though I was ready to leave at any moment.

"WAIT!!" For the first time, her voice echoed in the barren alley "I-I w-will do it!"

I smiled calmly. I didn't let the excitement show on my face as I bent and asked "So how about the contract? How do we sign?".

Although I have already heard about the details of every path from Mad John, but, his knowledge was still lacking so there were some things that I still had no idea about.

She pursed her lips. Her eyes were snapped shut briefly before she opened them with a defeated gaze as she stared at me.

"What are your terms?" She questioned.

I shook my head "Nothing much. I just need a faithful, loyal and honest woman by my side. A woman who would not betray me when I give her the world or leave me when there is nothing to give".

She nodded in understanding. Her lips parted and a cloud of frosty breath escaped her mouth. And with a determined look, she closed her eye and spoke "By the authority of my voice…."

A torrent of magical energy separated from her body and enveloped me like a second skin.

"I, Nina Aswyth, henceforth become the woman of…." She paused, opened her eyes, and stared at me.

"Wyatt Brewer" I added.

She closed her eyes and continued "Becomes the woman of Wyatt Brewer. I vow to be faithful, to be honest, and to be loyal to him. To never betray him or depart from his side through better or worst...."

She paused. I watched as she opened her eyes and stared at me again "Is that all?"

I didn't respond.

I didn't answer because it suddenly hit me when she was speaking that this wasn't just some supernatural contract that bound a woman to be my side, but instead, I was getting married.

And the fact that her words sounded like marriage vows only cemented that fact.

"Anything else" She pursed her lips "I can't hold this state forever".

Nonetheless, I couldn't help but wonder why she agreed to such a thing in the first place, apart from threatening and somehow coaxing her of course. But, no matter how I looked at it, it was still a good deal for me.

"And what happens if you break those vows?" I asked.

She smiled wryly and continued "If I were to anyway break these vows, then I will lose my life instantly… Is that all?"

"That is all".

"You need to hold my hand to seal the contract" She added, and stared down at her hands.

I nodded. I stretched my hands forward and held hers.

"By the authority of my voice, I seal the contract" She added.

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